Month: December 2019

Home / Month: December 2019

Alors que le documentaire “Citizenfour” vient de sortir en France, auréolé de son succès aux Oscars, Edward Snowden sera également au coeur du biopic que tourne actuellement Oliver Stone avec Joseph Gordon-Levitt devant la caméra.

Julian Assange, Edward Snowden : même combat. Comme le fondateur de Wikileaks, l’ex-employé de la CIA et de la NSA, célèbre pour avoir révélé l’existence d’un programme d’écoute, n’a pas manqué d’attirer l’attention du cinéma, qui a décidé de retracer son parcours à travers un documentaire et un biopic. Intitulé Citizenfour, d’après le nom de code qu’il avait utilisé pour contacter la réalisatrice Laura Poitras (My Country, My Country), le premier vient de sortir dans nos salles, quelques semaines après son triomphe aux Oscars, et dresse un portrait intimiste de cette figure controversée. En plus d’y faire apparaître Assange.

Citizenfour Bande-annonce VO

 Au même moment, Oliver Stone donnait le premier tour de manivelle de son prochain long métrage. Sobrement appelé Snowden, il réunit Shailene Woodley, Zachary Quinto et Nicolas Cage autour de Joseph Gordon-Levitt, et entend bien revenir sur les différents aspects de l’histoire de l’Américain, comme le prouve l’une des toutes premières photos où le personnage ne s’est pas encore retourné contre son pays.

Attendu le 25 décembre dans les salles américaines, et encore sans date de sortie en France, Snowden devra éviter les écueils rencontrés par Le Cinquième pouvoir, film sur Julian Assange qui a trop laissé un goût d’inachevé pour pleinement convaincre, afin de permettre à Oliver Stone de revenir sur le devant de la scène, après une série d’échecs publics et/ou critiques. Et si peu d’informations sont venues préciser son approche pour le moment, le cinéaste devrait tisser des liens avec Citizenfour, puisque Melissa Leo incarnera Laura Poitras à l’écran. Avec un nouvel Oscar pour cette histoire complexe à la clé ?

Depuis le printemps dernier, elle n’a eu de cesse de l’encourager à vivre cette passion qu’il gardait secrète. Ce 22 janvier, le danseur Pepe Munoz inaugurait sa première exposition de dessins à Paris. Une soirée préparée depuis des mois, avec la complicité de Céline Dion…

L’étroite rue de Montmorency dans le 3e arrondissement de Paris, un tapis rouge déroulé devant la Galerie Sébastien Adrien, un service de sécurité qui checke les invitations, une foule ramassée à l’intérieur, une chorégraphie qui débute… Ce n’était pas une reprise de leurs torrides pas de danse, exécutés sur le morceau Le Ballet de Jean-Jacques Goldman, sur la scène de l’AccorHotels Arena (ex-Bercy), en juin dernier, mais… Pepe Munoz, feutre à la main, qui croquait à la demande, sur les murs, les invités du vernissage de son exposition « R29 : Obsessions. »

Jusqu’au 3 mars,l’ex-danseur de Céline Dion, reconverti dans l’illustration de mode, expose ses esquisses à Paris. Des œuvres vendues entre 300 et 2000 euros, « juste prix à ce stade de sa carrière », selon son galeriste Sébastien Adrien, qui précise que l’Espagnol de 32 ans assurera même des rencontres et la signature d’œuvres numérotées, entre ses murs.

Ce lundi 22 janvier, date de lancement de la Semaine de la Haute Couture, ce sont des amis, des amateurs d’art contemporain et des acteurs de l’industrie de la mode qui tournoyaient autour de Pepe, souriant et volubile, aussi à l’aise dans notre langue qu’en anglais ou en espagnol. Parmi les visages connus, le chorégraphe Stéphane Jarny (The Voice, Miss France…), qui se rappelait avoir hébergé à Paris le héros de la soirée alors que celui-ci n’osait pas encore exploiter son don atavique pour le dessin, ou encore Cyril Cinélu, gagnant de la Star Academy en 2006.

Alors que Pepe dessinait, avec en fond sonore des morceaux rétro du Gai-Paris, une absente se distinguait : Céline Dion, pourtant d’un grand soutienpendant toutes les étapes préparatoires de l’exposition « R29 : Obsessions ».

Libérée de ses concerts à Las Vegas pour deux mois, à partir du 20 janvier, tel que l’annonçait le site officiel du Caesars Palace dès la fin 2017, la diva québécoise – “gentille, tendre, généreuse” selon Pepe – était secrètement attendue. Ses problèmes de santé auraient eu raison de ses meilleures intentions.

« Comme vous le savez, Céline est souffrante, nous a confié Sébastien Adrien. Mais nous ne désespérons pas qu’elle puisse nous rejoindre, pour une visite surprise, dans deux ou trois semaines. Pepe reste en tous cas à Paris jusqu’à la mi-mars. »

A bon(ne) entendeur(euse)…

Crédits photos : Bestimage

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Des militants sud-coréens auraient prévu un lâcher de ballons contenant 10 000 DVD de L’Interview qui tue en Corée du Nord…

Plusieurs mois après sa sortie, L’Interview qui tue avec James Franco et Seth Rogen continue à créer des tensions. Des militants sud-coréens auraient en effet pour projet d’envoyer, dans le courant de la semaine, des ballons transportant 10 000 DVD du film satirique en Corée du Nord, ainsi que 500 000 tracts hostiles au régime. 

La Corée du Nord a prévenu hier qu’elle ouvrirait le feu sur les ballons transportant ces DVD. «Toute la puissance de feu des unités de (l’armée nord-coréenne) placées sur la ligne de front sera engagée sans semonce (…) pour détruire les ballons», a averti l’Armée populaire de Corée, rapporte l’AFP.

Une “provocation politique”

Ces lâchers de ballons seront considérés comme une «provocation politique» et «une déclaration de guerre de facto», a ajouté l’Armée populaire de Corée, dans un message cité par l’agence officielle KCNA. L’armée sud-coréenne a indiqué de son côté qu’elle répliquerait à tout tir sur son territoire. 

Comme le rappelle l’AFP, en octobre 2014, un lâcher de ballons transportant des tracts hostiles avait déclenché un échange de tirs nourris de mitrailleuse de part et d’autre de la frontière terrestre. 

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Avec AFP

Le testament signé par Johnny Hallyday ravive les tensions au sein du clan Hallyday. Le rockeur aurait décidé de priver ses deux aînés d’héritage. Entre David Hallyday et le chanteur les relations ont toujours été faites de hauts et de bas. Pendant une année complète, le père et le fils avaient même cessé de s’adresser la parole.

Après le deuil et une union de façade, la guerre est déclarée entre les aînés de Johnny Hallyday et l’épouse du rockeur Laeticia. Laura Smet et David Hallyday ont exprimé à voix haute leur profonde colère dans les médias. Dans son testament, Johnny Hallyday aurait tout légué à sa dernière femme, rien à ses deux aînés. Une situation inacceptable pour le frère et la sœur qui ont décidé de contester devant la justice le testament laissé par leur père. Entre Johnny Hallyday et ses deux premiers enfants, les relations n’ont jamais été simples. Le rockeur s’était montré très peu présent au cours de leur enfance. David Hallyday vivait loin de son père, résidant à Los Angeles avec sa mère Sylvie Vartan. Quant à Laura Smet, elle partageait son enfance, ballotée entre la maison de sa mère Nathalie Baye dans la Creuse et la luxueuse villa de son père à St-Tropez.

Une fois adultes, les relations ne se sont pas améliorées entre Johnny Hallyday et ses deux aînés. En 2009, une grosse dispute a même éclaté entre le père et le fils, alors que le rockeur était hospitalisé à Los Angeles. “David était furieux de tout le cirque médiatique qui entourait l’hospitalisation de son père, avec des people qui entraient dans sa chambre, explique Éric Le Bourris, biographe du rockeur, dans les colonnes du Point. Il s’en est expliqué fermement avec Læticia, tous deux ont eu des mots, la dispute a été mémorable. Et quand Johnny est sorti du coma, il s’est brouillé avec son fils pendant presque un an » , continue-t-il.

Le jour­na­liste Renaud Revel, co-auteur du livre Johnny : Les 100 jours où tout a basculé rappelait même ce détail ce mardi 13 février sur le plateau de CNews : “Natha­lie Baye s’était vu inter­dite d’accès à l’hôpi­tal à l’époque par Laeti­cia. Lui-même (David) avait eu les pires diffi­cul­tés à appro­cher son père. Il y avait une bataille entre avocats, assu­rances, sur fond de testa­ment qui avait été pré-rédigé ». Entre le père et le fils, les derniers échanges étaient donc particulièrement complexes.

Crédits photos : Abaca

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“Taxi Téhéran”, Ours d’or au Festival de Berlin 2015, file en tête des premières séances parisiennes, devant le film d’animation “En route !” et “En équilibre” avec Albert Dupontel et Cécile de France.

Rang Film Entrées* Nombre de copies* Moyenne par copie*

Taxi Téhéran
1 239
En route !
1 023
En équilibre
Enfant 44
Robin des bois, la véritable histoire
Les Gorilles
Une belle fin
La promesse d’une vie
A bout portant (reprise)
Je suis Annemarie Schwarzenbach
Le Cousin Jules (reprise)
L’Eclipse (reprise)

La Nuit (reprise)
Le rappel des oiseaux

La bande-annonce de Taxi Téhéran, Ours d’Or à la Berlinale 2015 :

Taxi Téhéran Bande-annonce VO


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Avant que la polémique autour de l’héritage de Johnny Hallyday enfle et prenne des proportions démesurées, Laeticia Hallyday semblait faire l’unanimité auprès des proches du rockeur. C’est en tout cas l’information avancée par le Midi Libre.

Le 25 mars 1996, Laeticia Hallyday épousait l’interprète de “Je te promets” à Neuilly-sur-Seine. Commençait alors une longue histoire d’amour entre les tourtereaux, jusqu’à la mort du Taulier à l’âge de 74 ans. Et si aujourd’hui cette idylle est remise en cause en raison de la polémique au sujet de l’héritage de la star décédée en décembre dernier, lors du mariage, personne ne semblait douter de la sincérité de Laeticia Hallyday: “Tout sourire devant la mairie, le producteur Jean-Claude Camus lâche ce commentaire immortalisé par l’Ina : ‘Il a trouvé quelqu’un qui, véritablement, fait l’unanimité‘”.

Mais cette déclaration semble avoir été remise en cause à plusieurs reprises. Au fil de sa carrière, Johnny Hallyday aurait créé des liens avec certains artistes mais mis un terme à plusieurs amitiés. Selon les proches du défunt, Laeticia Hallyday aurait géré les collaborations de son époux jusqu’à évincer certaines personnes : “Madame manage tout. L’amour rend aveugle, tous ceux qui avaient la confiance de Johnny ont sauté”, peut-on lire dans le journal Midi Libre.

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Dépeinte comme manipulatrice et traitée de “garce” par de nombreux internautes, Laeticia Hallyday a tenu à donner sa version des faits et ses ressentis au cours d’une longue interview pour Le Point. L’occasion pour elle d’évoquer ses derniers instants auprès de “l’homme de sa vie”, balayant ainsi les rumeurs sur son hypocrisie à l’égard de son époux regretté.

Crédits photos : Sipa Press


Ten months ago, I gave readers of this column an early preview of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Keep an eye on the new faces, I sagely advised: Sens. Kamala Harris of California, Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Sherrod Brown of Ohio, plus former Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas.

Sorry about that. Despite a fawning cover story in Vanity Fair, O’Rourke flamed out fast. Harris staged an impressive launch, but then fell to earth. Brown never entered the race. Only Booker is still running, and his campaign is on life support.

Next time I recommend a hot technology stock or a soon-to-be-famous restaurant, ignore the tip.

At the end of each year, I look back at my columns to see what I got wrong — and what, if anything, I got right.

It’s a humbling exercise but a useful one. Unlike politicians, journalists are duty-bound to admit their errors in public — not just the small ones, like misspelled names, but big ones, too. You can’t learn from mistakes if you don’t acknowledge them.

And there’s one easy way to get things wrong in a presidential campaign: by trying to forecast the outcome.

It’s almost impossible to resist the temptation. Answering “beats me” never impresses anyone, even though it’s often the most accurate response.

We surround our forecasts with caveats — “the race is wide open,” “early polls don’t mean much” — and give the customers what they want: not predictions, exactly, but our best guesses as to where the campaign is going.

But primary campaigns are notoriously unpredictable. At this point in the 2008 campaign, Rudolph W. Giuliani led polls for the Republican nomination. Four years later, Newt Gingrich led the GOP polls. Neither won.

In early 2019, to my conventional-wisdom-addicted brain, Joe Biden appeared to be a commanding candidate if he survived controversies over his past positions on school desegregation, crime laws and the invasion of Iraq.

But Biden’s real problem wasn’t his historical baggage; it was his tendency to sound like a 20th century candidate lost in a 21st century debate.

I recently wrote that Biden still tops national polls because so many Democrats think he’s the most electable of their candidates.

But this time I hedged, noting that the perception could change overnight if Biden is shellacked in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first caucus and primary states.

I didn’t see Pete Buttigieg coming. The 37-year-old gay mayor of a small city? Inconceivable, I thought. Iowa voters may shortly prove me wrong.

I did see Elizabeth Warren coming. Her focus on plans to make the economy work better for the middle class was effective, I wrote.

Then Warren stumbled on healthcare. When she belatedly offered a plan, it proposed a government-run health insurance system, but only after a long transition period.

That seemed smart, I wrote. It’s not clear that voters agree.

To be fair, I did get some things right.

I figured out that the controversies over Biden’s verbal gaffes were really a polite proxy for questions about his age. He’ll be 78 on Inauguration Day; is he up to the job?

I noted that most Democratic voters aren’t Bernie Sanders-style socialists, and that the progressive “litmus tests” that dominated early months of the campaign — “Medicare for all,” the Green New Deal, and abolishing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency — weren’t a sure path to winning primaries.

And I got some things right on the other big political story of the year: the impeachment of President Trump.

I wrote last February that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) and her Democrats were heading in that direction.

“Call this phase ‘pre-impeachment,’” I wrote. “Pelosi and her committee chairs, all Democrats, are doing what they need to do to make impeaching Trump possible.”

They were mostly just waiting for an impeachable offense to come along. Once it did, in the form of Trump’s self-incriminating telephone call with the president of Ukraine, readers should not have been surprised that the Democrats moved as quickly as they did.

It’s easy to forecast the likely verdict of an impeachment trial in the Senate. With 53 Republicans on the jury, Trump is in little danger of conviction.

The tougher question is what impact impeachment will have on the presidential election. Trump says he thinks it will help him. I wrote that it could help the Democrats instead.

David Axelrod, President Obama’s former advisor, thinks it won’t have much impact at all — that by November, voters will have largely forgotten a trial that happened in January. He’s probably right.

Campaign reporting is at its best when we investigate the candidates, their histories and their proposals, and when we talk to voters to learn what they think. We’re at our worst when we make forecasts without warning how fallible we are.

In 2020, I hope you’ll return to this column for the reporting, the analysis and the occasional insight. Just don’t ask me who’s going to win.

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The Lakers opened December with a double-digit loss to Dallas, and because of that the Lakers knew not to take the Mavericks lightly.

That’s why they were able to close December with a double-digit win over them.

With both teams playing on the second night of a back-to-back, the Lakers’ defense dominated the Mavericks on the way to a 108-95 win Sunday at Staples Center. After a four-game losing streak, the Lakers have put together back-to-back wins.

“We just had to find ourselves again,” forward Anthony Davis said. “It started with the defensive end. We were able to get back to what we do defensively, and when we do that, we’re able to beat any team and feel good about ourselves. We were able to do that the last two games against two really great offensive teams. When we’re doing what we’re supposed to on the defensive end, and we’re playing with a lot of pace, sharing the basketball, getting in passing lanes for deflections and steals, we’re a tough team to beat.”

Davis led all scorers with 23 points, and the Lakers (26-7) received critical contributions off the bench from Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, who scored 19, making four of five three-pointers, and Dwight Howard, who scored all 15 of his points in the second quarter. Mavericks star Luka Doncic, who was averaging 29 points against the Lakers this season, scored 19 on five-for-14 shooting with seven assists and two steals, but six turnovers.

On the eve of his 35th birthday, LeBron James finished with 13 points, 13 assists and six rebounds. He became the ninth player to reach 9,000 assists, and his assist-to-turnover ratio in the Lakers’ two games this weekend was 29 to three.

“It’s a hell of a two-game stretch: 29 assists, [three] turnovers,” Coach Frank Vogel said. “His pace the last two nights has been outstanding. Just in the open court, but also in the halfcourt. Not looking to settle.”

“We’re just so much of a force when we’re moving that fast,” guard Danny Green said.

Highlights from the Lakers’ win over the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday.

As the Lakers expected, Dallas (21-11) kept it close despite shooting 36%.

In the first quarter, the best the Lakers could do was a seven-point lead, and Dallas even took the lead with a 5-0 run late in the period.

Howard dominated the second quarter with six dunks. He also made three of four free throws, blocked a shot and got a steal.

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The Lakers held the Mavericks to 30.4% shooting in the first half, and Doncic to two for seven from the field with zero three-pointers. Dallas went nearly three minutes in the second quarter without scoring.

As a result, the Lakers led by 11 at halftime. But they’d also led at halftime of their Dec. 1 loss here to the Mavericks.

“We knew at halftime even though we had a lead, they’re still very dangerous,” Green said. “And we were in a dangerous position. We wanted to continue to come out in that third quarter, not let them get us in the third quarter, and keep our foot on the gas and play even better.”

They could see too that Dallas was tired from its game the night before, when the Mavericks scored 141 points at Golden State. That fatigue, many Lakers said, impacted the Mavericks’ shooting Sunday.

The Lakers were able to take advantage of that in the third quarter as they shot 60% and led by as many as 17.

Still, the Mavericks would not let the Lakers blow them out. Not until a minute and a half remained did the Lakers feel comfortable enough to sit James.

“We know not only the season Luka’s having, but they’re being successful because of their bench as well,” James said. “Their bench gives them so much of a push when Luka comes out and KP [Kristaps Porzingis] comes out and those starters come out, their bench always kind of rises to the occasion. So we keyed in on those guys, we executed our defensive plan and it was ingredients for us in the win.”

LeBron James will celebrate his 35th birthday Monday with a party he will pay for himself. He pretended to grumble about having to pick up the tab for his own bash, but he doesn’t mind in the least. To him it’s a momentous occasion for reasons that go well beyond athletic longevity.

“The milestone of it is when you grow up in the inner city, around a lot of things you don’t want your kids to see, to be able to get to this point in age where the statistics are stacked up against you because of obvious reasons, that’s a blessing,” James, a native of Akron, Ohio, said Sunday in a reflective moment. “And it’s more of a blessing for me to be able to do what I love every day and be able to let my family reap the benefits of that and they allow me to be an inspiration to them.”

The fourth of his 13 assists in the Lakers’ 108-95 victory over Dallas on Sunday was the 9,000th assist of his career, making him the only player in NBA history to dish out 9,000 assists and pull down 9,000 rebounds. He’s only the ninth NBA player to earn that many assists, a level he reached in an impressive push this weekend by collecting 29 assists (with only three turnovers) in back-to-back victories at Portland and over the Mavericks at Staples Center.

“Hell of a two-game stretch,” coach Frank Vogel said. “His pace the last two nights has just been outstanding. In the open court but also in the half court, and not looking to settle.”

James has no intention of settling. “My teammates and the coaching staff trust me to play the point and run the show. It’s my job to take care of the ball and just try to put guys in position to be successful, put the ball on time and on target for threes, for lobs, for dunks, for transition. Whatever the case may be,” he said. “Use my ability, my vision that I’ve had all my life, I just try to see the floor. And I’ve been able to do that the last few games.”

James scolded well-wishers after Sunday’s game, saying he wasn’t 35 yet because he was born in the Midwest and, since he now lives in Los Angeles, had three extra hours before his birthday arrived. He can’t stop the clock, but he’s doing what he can to suspend time and push for the championship he came here to win, the one that’s in sight now as the Lakers continue to develop a supporting cast that can relieve some of the offensive burden he and sore-shouldered Anthony Davis have carried.

James scored only 13 points Sunday, but Davis scored 23 and Kentavious Caldwell-Pope had 19 of the 46 points contributed by the bench, another strong outing for the reserves. The Lakers, with tenacity and smart defensive schemes, held Dallas to its lowest field-goal percentage this season (36 percent) and held the Mavericks under 100 points for only the second time in 32 games.

If there’s one concession James makes to age, it’s that he must more carefully tend to his body. He has been bothered lately by a ribcage injury and a sore groin, and he had ice bags strapped to his right elbow and knee and had his right foot immersed in a bucket of ice as he spoke to the media Sunday night.

Highlights from the Lakers’ win over the Dallas Mavericks on Sunday.

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But he’s emotionally engaged on a level this season that he didn’t reach last season, especially after the groin injury that turned a promising start into a deflating mess. He’s leaving load management to others, playing an average of 38.5 minutes per game and having missed only one game.

“I just try to work on my mind, work on my body, work on my game. I’m just trying to stay as fresh and as positive as possible throughout this marathon and don’t take it for granted,” he said. “If we’re playing a lot of games, I’m working on my mind. Or if I’m banged up, I work on my body. Or if I feel my game needs to be tuned up a little bit, I work on the court. That’s what it boils down to, being able to put that type of work in, whether it’s your mind, your body or your craft. It’s been instrumental to me being able to do the things I’ve been able to do at this point in my career.”

He got this far, to 9,000 assists, thanks to the encouragement of a youth coach named Frank Walker.

“It’s something that was instilled in me when I first picked up a basketball,” James said. “[Walker] always talked about it’s the greatest part of basketball, to be able to see the ball move from side to side, to be able to attract the defense and get your teammates open shots. I was a little kid and I was somewhat better than some of my teammates. He was like, ‘It’s much greater reward in seeing some of your teammates that can’t dribble or can’t score for themselves, for you to get them open looks.’ And that was instilled in me when I was 9 years old and I first started playing. We won the championship the first year, we won it the second year, I started winning and winning and winning. I just knew it was the way I want to play, so it’s been a part of my game.”

Davis, sitting a few feet away, was told by reporters that Monday is James’ birthday. “I’m not getting him no gift,” Davis said, before calling over to his teammate. “’Bron, you want a gift?” Davis said. James smiled. “Yeah, for you to get the hell out of my face,” James said, playfully.

Every year is a milestone for James, who said he doesn’t plan to have a blowout celebration Monday. “The biggest one I had was when I turned 21, so far in my life. This one is going to be very mild,” he said. “Forty will be gigantic.”

There could be a championship celebration thrown in this year too.

Racing! Stewards’ rulings are back

December 30, 2019 | News | No Comments

Hello, my name is John Cherwa and welcome back to our horse racing newsletter as we wish all of you a Happy New Year and to all the horses, a happy birthday.

Sunday was the last card of the year. Santa Anita has a little bit of an odd schedule this coming week. There will be racing on Wednesday, New Year’s Day, but no racing on Thursday. Things pick back up again with the usual Friday through Sunday racing.

Stewards’ rulings

Let’s finish up the stewards’ rulings from Los Alamitos.

–Jockey Christian Aragon was fined $100 for striking his mount, Kenny Benny, more than three times in succession without giving the horse a chance to respond in the fourth race on Dec. 6. Kenny Benny finished third.

–Groom Melvin Quinteros was suspended when he failed to appear for a hearing for allegedly driving intoxicated in the stable area. During the suspension he is denied access to all parts of the track.

–Jockey Christian Aragon was suspended three days (Dec. 26, 27, 28) for careless riding based on an incident aboard Listen Linda in the ninth race on Dec. 8. According to the stewards, Aragon allowed Listen Linda to handle down causing three horses to check, one of which clipped heels. Aragon said he was trying to keep his horse straight. The stewards disagreed. Listen Linda finished seventh.

–Veterinarian Jocelyn Lorbiecki was fined $400 for submitting a Veterinarian Confidential Report that was inaccurate. It resulted in a scratch in the third race on Oct. 3 at Santa Anita. The stewards minutes did not identify the horse. A Dime for Me was a stewards’ scratch in that race. Lorbiecki took responsibility for the error.

–Jockey Heriberto Figueroa was fined $300 for striking his mount, Stick Up, more than three times in succession without giving the horse a chance to respond in the second race on Dec. 13. Stick Up finished fourth. Even though Figueroa did not have a whip infraction since March the stewards increased the amount of the penalty for his excessive use. Normally, the penalty would be $100.

–Jockey Heriberto Figueroa was fined $200 for showing up four minutes late to the paddock to ride Princess Mo in the fourth race on Dec. 14. Figueroa said he thought his next mount was in the fifth race and not the fourth. The horses had broken the post parade when he mounted the horse. Princess Mo finished second.

–Jockey Alex Cruz was fined $300 for using his riding crop on his mount, Into a Hot Spot, after the horse was out of contention in the first race on Dec. 14. Cruz used his crop twice on way to a fifth-place finish, 22 lengths behind the fourth-place finisher. Steward Kim Sawyer voted for a warning.

–Trainer Felimon Alvarado was fined $400 for a late declaration that his horse, It’s All On Slew, was running with Lasix in the second race on Dec. 15. It’s All On Slew finished fifth in the six-horse race.

–Trainer Reed Saldana was fined $400 to failing to have Panshir on the grounds 24 hours before his race, the third on Dec. 15. The horse was not on an approved CHRB facility or auxiliary training facility. Panshir had been running at Turf Paradise. The horse was scratched.

Technical difficulties

Several of you have alerted us that our hyperlinks to stories haven’t been working. This problem has been fixed moving forward.

Santa Anita review

We went from seven stakes on Saturday to two on Sunday, which isn’t such a bad thing. Let’s go to them. I wrote about the Eddie Logan for the web and print. Just click here.

$75,000 Eddie Logan Stakes: The one-mile turf race for 2-year-olds set up perfectly for Encoder, who watched from third as Goliad and Smooth Like Strait went head-to-head. By the stretch both were tiring and it was Encoder’s race to lose, which he didn’t. The winning margin was half-a-length

Encoder paid $19.40, $9.80 and $5.60. Hariboux was second followed by Liar Liar, Smooth Like Strait, Royal Act, Kanderel, The Stiff, Goliad and Air Force Jet.

Here’s what the winning connections had to say.

John Sadler (winning trainer): “He’s been a little unlucky. In the Breeders’ Cup [Juvenile Turf Sprint, where he finished sixth] he had to check on the backside, he got beat a couple of lengths. Turf racing can go like that. Last time Johnny Velazquez said he didn’t have any room in the stretch, it doesn’t show in the chart but he thought [Encoder] was pretty nice, he just didn’t have anywhere to go. If John Velazquez tells you that, you tend not to lose confidence and move forward.”

Joel Rosario (winning jockey): “We had a perfect trip. It looked like those two horses on the lead were running pretty good and I just followed in behind them. John said to let this horse place himself, and that’s what he did. When I asked him, he picked it up really nice.”

$75,000 Norther Stakes: This race had the same conditions as the Eddie Logan but for fillies. It wasn’t much of a race as Laura’s Light broke well, went to the lead and won by 3 ¼ lengths. The filly was trained by Peter Miller. It was jockey Abel Cedillo’s third on the way to four wins on the day.

Laura’s Light paid $7.00, $4.00 and $2.80. Croughavouke was second followed by Blue Sky Baby, Parkour, Guitty, Little Bird, Lighthouse, Overjoyed and Madame Bourbon.

Here’s what the winning connections had to say.

Abel Cedillo (winning jockey): “Pete [Miller] told me to play the break. It looked like there was other speed in there and if they went, he said to let them go and if they didn’t, to go ahead and put her on the lead. So, my plan was to break and go.”

Gary Barber (winning owner): “I think this course is playing pretty quick but I think we slowed it down in race two and we were able to get an easy lead. Abel [Cedillo] did a terrific job of just putting her on the lead and she was very relaxed. At the quarter pole when someone came to her she let out a notch and she was gone.”

Big races review

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A look at graded stakes or races worth $100,000 on Sunday.

Aqueduct (8): $100,000 Bay Ridge Stakes, NY-bred fillies and mares 3 and up, 1 1/8 miles. Winner: Mrs. Orb ($11.00)

Fair Grounds (7): $100,000 Louisiana Futurity, LA-bred fillies 2-years-old, 6 furlongs. Winner: Our Los Love ($8.60)

Fair Grounds (9): $100,000 Louisiana Futurity, LA-bred 2-year-olds, 6 furlongs. Winner: X Clown ($8.20)

Final thought

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Any thoughts, you can reach me at [email protected]. You can also feed my ego by following me on Twitter @jcherwa

Now, here’s the star of the show, Sunday’s results. We’ll see you on Wednesday.

Santa Anita Charts Results for Sunday, December 29.

Copyright 2019 by Equibase Company. Reproduction prohibited. Santa Anita, Santa Anita Park, Arcadia, California. 2nd day of a 60-day meet. Clear & Fast


6 Furlongs. Purse: $20,000. Claiming. 3 year olds and up. Claiming Price $10,000. Time 21.76 45.14 57.89 1:10.94

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ Str Fin Jockey $1

3 Short of Ez 122 3 5 3–1½ 2–1 1–3½ 1–5 Figueroa 5.80
10 Conquest Cobra 124 10 2 9–8 8–5 8–1½ 2–1½ Prat 2.50
4 Two Fifty Coup 122 4 4 2–hd 3–1 2–1½ 3–1½ Bejarano 2.70
6 Boy Howdy 122 6 10 8–½ 7–1 7–hd 4–½ Cedillo 5.70
8 Mo Dinero 122 8 9 10 9–½ 9–4½ 5–nk Fuentes 35.40
7 Burn Me Twice 124 7 3 5–hd 4–hd 3–½ 6–1½ Pereira 5.40
9 Seahawk Wave 124 9 6 6–2½ 6–3 4–hd 7–5¾ Espinoza 10.20
5 San Giorgio 122 5 8 7–hd 10 10 8–2¾ Franco 77.60
2 Ridgefield Rocket 122 2 1 4–hd 5–hd 6–½ 9–2¾ Maldonado 22.80
1 Royal Song 122 1 7 1–hd 1–hd 5–1 10 Aragon 75.20

3 SHORT OF EZ 13.60 5.60 3.40
10 CONQUEST COBRA 3.40 2.80

$1 EXACTA (3-10)  $27.60
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (3-10-4-6)  $30.86
50-CENT TRIFECTA (3-10-4)  $57.00
10-CENT X-5 SUPER HIGH FIVE (3-10-4-6-8)   Carryover $1,110

Winner–Short of Ez Ch.g.5 by Don’tsellmeshort out of Ez Money Honey, by Royal Egyptian. Bred by Roy L. Tyra (CA). Trainer: Anna Meah. Owner: DA Meah Racing. Mutuel Pool $95,780 Exacta Pool $62,043 Superfecta Pool $36,975 Trifecta Pool $46,240 X-5 Super High Five Pool $1,455. Claimed–Two Fifty Coup by Azcarate, Dan and Perry, Sean Michael. Trainer: Daniel Azcarate. Scratched–none.

SHORT OF EZ dueled between horses then stalked into the turn, re-bid outside a rival leaving the turn to gain the lead into the stretch and drew off under urging and steady handling late. CONQUEST COBRA chased off the rail then outside into and on the turn, came five wide into the stretch and picked up the place. TWO FIFTY COUP had speed four wide then dueled three deep, stalked leaving the turn, came a bit wide into the stretch and held third. BOY HOWDY bobbled at the start, settled off the rail then a bit off the fence, swung four wide into the stretch and lacked the needed rally. MO DINERO dropped back off the rail early, angled in leaving the backstretch, found the inside on the turn and improved position in the stretch. BURN ME TWICE bobbled at the start, stalked between horses, came out four wide into the stretch and weakened. SEAHAWK WAVE stalked outside on the backstretch and turn, came five wide into the stretch and also weakened. SAN GIORGIO chased off the inside then between horses leaving the backstretch, dropped back off the inside then outside a rival on the turn and had little left for the drive. RIDGEFIELD ROCKET between horses early, saved ground stalking the pace, came out some in the stretch and weakened. ROYAL SONG had good early speed and dueled inside, inched clear into the turn, battled inside the winner leaving the turn, came a bit off the fence in the stretch and gave way.


5½ Furlongs Turf. Purse: $59,000. Allowance Optional Claiming. 3 year olds and up. Claiming Price $62,500. Time 21.90 44.42 56.22 1:02.41

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ 3/8 Str Fin Jockey $1

3 Ghoul 124 3 6 6–½ 6–1 5–1 1–½ Rosario 4.20
6 What’sontheagenda 122 6 4 2–1 2–1½ 1–1 2–1¼ Prat 2.90
2 Lil Milo 124 2 2 3–hd 4–3½ 4–4 3–hd T Baze 3.00
7 Castle 124 7 1 4–2 3–hd 3–1 4–¾ Cedillo 3.90
8 Seven Scents 120 8 8 8 8 7–2 5–1 Figueroa 36.20
1 Restless Rambler 119 1 7 1–2 1–½ 2–hd 6–1¼ Velez 6.30
4 Alleva 120 4 5 5–3 5–2 6–hd 7–1¼ Bejarano 24.40
5 Accountability 124 5 3 7–2 7–hd 8 8 Delgadillo 10.20

3 GHOUL (BRZ) 10.40 5.20 3.60
2 LIL MILO 2.60

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (3-3)  $85.60
$1 EXACTA (3-6)  $20.90
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (3-6-2-7)  $19.52
$1 SUPER HIGH FIVE (3-6-2-7-8)  $2,500.90
50-CENT TRIFECTA (3-6-2)  $36.30

Winner–Ghoul (BRZ) Ch.g.4 by Put It Back out of Perfect Friday (ARG), by Pure Prize. Bred by Haras Santa Maria de Araras (BRZ). Trainer: Peter Miller. Owner: Wachtel Stable and Barber, Gary. Mutuel Pool $120,675 Daily Double Pool $31,247 Exacta Pool $70,455 Superfecta Pool $28,743 Super High Five Pool $1,823 Trifecta Pool $46,895. Scratched–none.

GHOUL (BRZ) between horses early, saved ground stalking the pace, came out in upper stretch and rallied under some left handed urging while drifting in a bit to collar the runner-up on the line. WHAT’SONTHEAGENDA stalked a bit off the rail, bid outside the pacesetter on the turn to take the lead in upper stretch, inched away in midstretch, kicked clear but was caught nearing the wire. LIL MILO saved ground stalking the pace, was in a bit tight into the turn, continued inside, split horses past the eighth pole then was in tight off heels in thee late stages but edged a rival for the show.. CASTLE three deep early, stalked outside a rival to the stretch, was three wide past midstretch and was edged for third. SEVEN SCENTS settled off the rail then angled in on the backstretch, saved ground on the turn, split horses into the stretch, came out in the drive and found his best stride late. RESTLESS RAMBLER sped to the early lead, inched away and set the pace inside, dueled along the rail on the turn and into the stretch and weakened in the final furlong. ALLEVA between rivals early, chased just off the rail then inside on the turn, came out some in the stretch and lacked a rally. ACCOUNTABILITY settled outside a rival chasing the pace, came three wide into the stretch and did not rally.


6 Furlongs. Purse: $55,000. Maiden Special Weight. Fillies and Mares. 3 year olds and up. Time 21.99 45.14 57.72 1:11.11

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ Str Fin Jockey $1

6 Ava’s Charm 122 6 4 3–1 1–hd 1–1½ 1–3¼ Van Dyke 1.00
3 Sunny Dale 117 3 5 2–hd 2–2 2–3 2–3¼ Velez 1.00
1 Raneem 117 1 3 4–hd 4–1 4–1½ 3–½ Diaz, Jr. 13.60
4 Kelani Kim 122 4 2 1–hd 3–2 3–1 4–½ Maldonado 19.30
2 She’s So Pretty 124 2 6 5–½ 5–1½ 5–2 5–4 Gryder 11.50
5 Full Eclipse 122 5 1 6 6 6 6 Franco 47.60

6 AVA’S CHARM 4.00 2.40 2.10
3 SUNNY DALE 2.20 2.10
1 RANEEM 3.40

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (3-6)  $22.40
$1 EXACTA (6-3)  $3.50
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (6-3-1-4)  $2.62
50-CENT TRIFECTA (6-3-1)  $4.55

Winner–Ava’s Charm B.f.3 by Maclean’s Music out of Elusive Act, by Elusive Quality. Bred by Hunter Valley Farm, Jayne Johnson &John Wade (KY). Trainer: Bob Baffert. Owner: Cheyenne Stables LLC. Mutuel Pool $194,161 Daily Double Pool $15,475 Exacta Pool $99,908 Superfecta Pool $49,088 Trifecta Pool $78,203. Scratched–none.

50-Cent Pick Three (3-3-6) paid $77.10. Pick Three Pool $56,161.

AVA’S CHARM had speed four wide then dueled three deep, battled outside the runner-up and took a short lead leaving the turn, inched away under urging in the stretch and won clear under a hold late. SUNNY DALE between horses early, dueled a bit off the rail then inside, fought back on the turn and into the stretch, could not match the winner in the final furlong but was clearly second best. RANEEM saved ground stalking the pace, continued along the rail on the turn and in the stretch and edged rivals for the show. KELANI KIM dueled between horses then stalked a bit off the rail on the turn, came out a bit into the stretch and was edged for third between foes late. SHE’S SO PRETTY stalked the pace between foes then outside a rival on the turn, came out in the stretch and was edged for a minor award three wide on the line. FULL ECLIPSE close up stalking the pace three deep, fell back some off the rail on the turn, came three wide into the stretch and weakened.


1 Mile Turf. Purse: $55,000. Maiden Special Weight. Fillies. 2 year olds. Time 23.15 47.19 1:11.46 1:23.68 1:35.63

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ ¾ Str Fin Jockey $1

7 Carpe Vinum 122 6 2 2–1 2–1 2–1 1–½ 1–1 Cedillo 9.20
9 Broadbeach 122 8 9 7–hd 7–1½ 5–hd 5–hd 2–1 Rosario 1.90
2 Noble Hearted 122 2 1 3–½ 3–hd 3–hd 3–½ 3–1 Bejarano 10.40
6 Lookintogeteven 122 5 8 10 9–½ 7–1 6–hd 4–½ Espinoza 6.60
1 Predictable Tully 122 1 3 1–2 1–1½ 1–½ 2–1 5–½ Smith 6.90
8 Reducta 122 7 4 4–1 4–1½ 4–1 4–1 6–nk Prat 6.80
4 Danceformunny 122 3 5 5–1½ 5–1½ 6–½ 7–2½ 7–¾ Rispoli 16.40
5 Resarcio 122 4 10 9–½ 10 10 10 8–½ Blanc 37.70
10 Lady Timmy Ho 122 9 7 6–2 6–½ 8–1½ 8–1½ 9–¾ Van Dyke 4.50
11 Honor Hop 122 10 6 8–1½ 8–½ 9–2½ 9–½ 10 Valdivia, Jr. 76.20

7 CARPE VINUM 20.40 7.60 5.00
9 BROADBEACH (IRE) 4.20 3.20

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (6-7)  $40.60
$1 EXACTA (7-9)  $45.90
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (7-9-2-6)  $217.44
50-CENT TRIFECTA (7-9-2)  $192.95
10-CENT X-5 SUPER HIGH FIVE (7-9-2-6-1)   Carryover $2,596

Winner–Carpe Vinum Ch.f.2 by Carpe Diem out of Martita Sangrita, by Johar. Bred by Machmer Hall, Craig Brogden &Carrie Brogden (KY). Trainer: Philip D’Amato. Owner: and Platts, Joey. Mutuel Pool $335,829 Daily Double Pool $33,289 Exacta Pool $181,896 Superfecta Pool $89,990 Trifecta Pool $120,361 X-5 Super High Five Pool $3,402. Scratched–Amalfi Queen, I Give Up, Nu Pi Lambda, Quiet Secretary.

50-Cent Pick Three (3-6-7) paid $96.10. Pick Three Pool $33,126.

CARPE VINUM stalked the pace just off the rail, bid outside the pacesetter in upper stretch to gain the lead, inched away under urging past midstretch and held gamely. BROADBEACH (IRE) angled in and saved ground chasing the pace, came out into the stretch and again in upper stretch and gained the place late. NOBLE HEARTED saved ground stalking the pace, split horses past midstretch and held third. LOOKINTOGETEVEN settled outside a rival chasing the pace, went three deep into and on the second turn and four wide into the stretch and was outfinished. PREDICTABLE TULLY (IRE) sped to the early lead, set the pace inside, fought back into the stretch and past midstretch and weakened some late. REDUCTA (GB) angled in and chased outside a rival, split horses in deep stretch and could not quite summon the necessary late response. DANCEFORMUNNY stalked between horses early then a bit off the rail, came out three wide into the stretch and lacked the needed rally. RESARCIO a bit reluctant to load, was away a step slowly and a bit crowded early, angled in and saved ground off the pace, came out into the stretch and could not offer the necessary late kick. LADY TIMMY HO (IRE) angled in and settled a bit off the rail to the stretch and also lacked the needed response. HONOR HOP angled in and settled outside a rival then briefly between horses a half mile out, found the inside on the second turn, came out some into the stretch, angled in again in the drive and did not rally.


6½ Furlongs. Purse: $18,000. Claiming. 3 year olds and up. Claiming Price $12,500. Time 21.90 45.11 1:10.88 1:17.69

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ Str Fin Jockey $1

8 Saddle Bar 122 8 5 3–1 2–½ 1–1½ 1–2½ Cedillo 2.40
3 Concord Jet 122 3 3 2–½ 1–hd 2–3 2–2¼ Pereira 2.30
1 Rineshaft 117 1 7 8 7–4 3–1 3–1¼ Diaz, Jr. 9.20
4 Brazilian Summer 122 4 1 6–1½ 6–hd 5–1 4–2¼ Valdivia, Jr. 11.80
5 Big Bad Gary 114 5 4 5–1½ 4–½ 4–hd 5–2¾ Mussad 19.50
7 Temple Knights 124 7 6 4–½ 5–2 7–10 6–nk Espinoza 3.00
6 Hoss Cartwright 124 6 2 1–½ 3–2 6–1 7–15 T Baze 9.70
2 Stay Golden 124 2 8 7–hd 8 8 8 Rojas Fernandez 42.60

8 SADDLE BAR 6.80 3.40 3.00
3 CONCORD JET 3.40 2.80

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (7-8)  $66.80
$1 EXACTA (8-3)  $11.90
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (8-3-1-4)  $34.87
$1 SUPER HIGH FIVE (8-3-1-4-5)  $1,129.00
50-CENT TRIFECTA (8-3-1)  $27.00

Winner–Saddle Bar B.g.3 by Tapizar out of Honeycomb Gus, by Is It True. Bred by John Passerello & Bev Passerello (KY). Trainer: Robert B. Hess, Jr.. Owner: The Club Racing LLC, Lambert, Jeffrey, Marchosky, Ernie, Montgomery, Ronald, Rasic, Walter and Under. Mutuel Pool $228,890 Daily Double Pool $25,502 Exacta Pool $136,177 Superfecta Pool $66,323 Super High Five Pool $6,954 Trifecta Pool $94,642. Claimed–Temple Knights by Robert Restaino. Trainer: Andrew Lerner. Scratched–none.

50-Cent Pick Three (6-7-8) paid $44.80. Pick Three Pool $84,567. 50-Cent Pick Four (3-6-7-8) 644 tickets with 4 correct paid $233.45. Pick Four Pool $197,083. 50-Cent Pick Five (3-3-6-7-8) 123 tickets with 5 correct paid $3,350.50. Pick Five Pool $478,190.

SADDLE BAR prompted the pace three deep, took a short lead past midway on the turn, inched away in the stretch, drifted in some and won clear under a couple left handed cracks of the whip and good handling. CONCORD JET went up inside to duel for the lead, gained the advantage on the turn, fought back leaving the turn, came a bit off the rail into the stretch and bested the others. RINESHAFT off a bit slow, chased inside then just off the rail, went outside a rival on the turn and into the stretch and picked up the show. BRAZILIAN SUMMER stalked off the rail then inside, saved ground on the turn and into the stretch and did not rally. BIG BAD GARY between horses early, chased off the inside, came three wide into the stretch and weakened. TEMPLE KNIGHTS stalked three deep then outside a rival, came out four wide into the stretch and also weakened. HOSS CARTWRIGHT sped to the early lead off the rail, dueled between horses, dropped back into the stretch and had little left for the drive. STAY GOLDEN restless in the gate, settled down then hopped, threw his head and was away slowly, settled off the rail then outside a rival leaving the backstretch, angled in and dropped back on the turn and gave way.


1 Mile Turf. Purse: $75,000. ‘Eddie Logan Stakes’. 2 year olds. Time 22.80 45.63 1:09.64 1:21.76 1:34.14

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ ¾ Str Fin Jockey $1

2 Encoder 124 2 4 3–2 3–1½ 3–2 1–1½ 1–½ Rosario 8.70
6 Hariboux 120 6 9 9 9 5–hd 5–1 2–1½ Rispoli 34.40
4 Liar Liar 120 4 2 4–hd 5–1½ 4–1½ 4–½ 3–1¼ Van Dyke 13.10
9 Smooth Like Strait 124 9 1 2–1½ 2–2 2–1 2–1½ 4–¾ Franco 1.30
5 Royal Act 120 5 7 6–1 6–2½ 6–hd 6–1 5–2¼ Bejarano 4.30
8 Kanderel 120 8 6 7–1 7–hd 8–2 7–2 6–¾ Smith 7.60
3 The Stiff 120 3 8 8–½ 8–½ 9 8–2 7–hd Cedillo 65.30
1 Goliad 120 1 3 1–hd 1–½ 1–hd 3–hd 8–7½ Prat 3.70
7 Air Force Jet 120 7 5 5–2 4–½ 7–hd 9 9 Roman 34.50

2 ENCODER 19.40 9.80 5.60
6 HARIBOUX (GB) 27.00 15.00
4 LIAR LIAR (IRE) 7.80

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (8-2)  $83.80
$1 EXACTA (2-6)  $161.70
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (2-6-4-9)  $803.67
50-CENT TRIFECTA (2-6-4)  $738.35
10-CENT X-5 SUPER HIGH FIVE (2-6-4-9-5)   Carryover $2,585

Winner–Encoder B.c.2 by English Channel out of Nono Rose, by Hard Spun. Bred by Peter Lamantia & Greg Ramsby (KY). Trainer: John W. Sadler. Owner: Hronis Racing LLC. Mutuel Pool $279,584 Daily Double Pool $33,052 Exacta Pool $155,671 Superfecta Pool $58,977 Trifecta Pool $98,465 X-5 Super High Five Pool $3,388. Scratched–none.

50-Cent Pick Three (7-8-2) paid $160.10. Pick Three Pool $74,575.

ENCODER between horses early, stalked a bit off the rail, bid three deep into the stretch to gain the lead, inched clear and drifted in from the whip, kicked away and held under some urging and strong handling. HARIBOUX (GB) a bit slow to begin, settled outside a rival or just off the rail, went between horses into and on the second turn, split foes three wide a quarter mile out and into the stretch and finished well late. LIAR LIAR (IRE) angled in on the first turn and stalked inside, came out leaving the second turn and three deep into the stretch, drifted in between horses in the drive and gained the show. SMOOTH LIKE STRAIT had speed three deep then pulled alongside a rival to press the pace, was between horses into the stretch and in upper stretch, was not a match for the winner in the final furlong and weakened some late. ROYAL ACT chased a bit off the rail then inside, went around a rival past midstretch and was outfinished. KANDEREL angled in and chased outside a rival, went three deep into the second turn, continued four wide leaving that turn and into the stretch and lacked the needed rally. THE STIFF between horses early, saved ground off the pace, cut the corner into the stretch, came out some past midstretch, split rivals late but did not rally. GOLIAD had good early speed and dueled inside, fought back leaving the second turn and into the stretch and weakened in the final furlong. AIR FORCE JET (GB) three deep into the first turn, stalked outside a rival, was between horses leaving the second turn and weakened in the drive.


6½ Furlongs. Purse: $55,000. Maiden Special Weight. Fillies. 2 year olds. Time 22.19 45.36 1:09.37 1:15.60

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ Str Fin Jockey $1

8 Venetian Harbor 122 7 1 1–½ 1–½ 1–5 1–10¾ Rosario 1.00
2 Princess Mo 122 2 2 5–1 3–2 2–hd 2–nk Franco 18.60
9 Eyes Open 122 8 3 2–½ 2–1 3–2½ 3–3¼ Cedillo 7.40
6 Bristol Bayou 122 5 7 6–½ 6–hd 4–4 4–2 Smith 7.60
1 Nora’s Joy 122 1 8 8 8 5–2½ 5–5½ Espinoza 2.00
4 Enchanting Moon 122 3 6 7–7 7–4 6–2½ 6–6½ Flores 34.80
5 Agave Queen 117 4 4 3–hd 4–hd 7–2 7–5¾ Velez 36.40
7 Brandons Danger 122 6 5 4–hd 5–1 8 8 Gutierrez 38.80

8 VENETIAN HARBOR 4.00 2.80 2.20
2 PRINCESS MO 8.60 4.40
9 EYES OPEN 4.80

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (2-8)  $46.80
$1 EXACTA (8-2)  $19.10
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (8-2-9-6)  $39.97
$1 SUPER HIGH FIVE (8-2-9-6-1)  $776.90
50-CENT TRIFECTA (8-2-9)  $60.30

Winner–Venetian Harbor B.f.2 by Munnings out of Sounds of the City, by Street Cry (IRE). Bred by Colts Neck Stables LLC (KY). Trainer: Richard Baltas. Owner: Ciaglia Racing LLC, River Oak Farm and Savides, Dominic. Mutuel Pool $309,255 Daily Double Pool $27,933 Exacta Pool $169,514 Superfecta Pool $79,090 Super High Five Pool $12,416 Trifecta Pool $112,664. Scratched–Tale of the Tavern.

50-Cent Pick Three (8-2-8) paid $34.35. Pick Three Pool $67,671.

VENETIAN HARBOR sped to the early lead and angled in, set a pressured pace inside, inched away leaving the turn, kicked clear, was mildly hand ridden for a couple of strides to wide and drew off under a long hold. PRINCESS MO saved ground stalking the pace, continued inside on the turn and in the stretch and edged a rival for the place. EYES OPEN angled in and prompted the pace between horses then outside the winner, was not a match for that one in the stretch and was edged for second. BRISTOL BAYOU broke slowly, chased outside, went up four wide midway on the turn and three deep into the stretch and lacked a rally. NORA’S JOY stumbled badly at the start, dropped back inside, came out on the turn and four wide into the stretch and improved position. ENCHANTING MOON broke slowly, chased a bit off the rail, angled in on the turn, cut the corner into the stretch and weakened. AGAVE QUEEN pressed the pace between horses then stalked off the rail, dropped back between foes leaving the turn and gave way. BRANDONS DANGER prompted the pace four wide then stalked three deep on the turn and into the stretch and had little left for the drive.


1 Mile Turf. Purse: $75,000. ‘Blue Norther Stakes’. Fillies. 2 year olds. Time 23.73 47.54 1:11.72 1:23.32 1:35.18

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ ¾ Str Fin Jockey $1

6 Laura’s Light 120 6 3 1–½ 1–1½ 1–1 1–2 1–3¼ Cedillo 2.50
8 Croughavouke 120 8 7 7–hd 8–5 7–hd 5–1½ 2–½ Rispoli 4.60
7 Blue Sky Baby 120 7 1 2–1 2–1 2–½ 2–½ 3–hd T Baze 21.20
3 Parkour 120 3 2 3–1 4–hd 3–2 3–2 4–½ Prat 5.20
2 Guitty 122 2 8 6–½ 6–½ 5–½ 4–1 5–½ Rosario 4.30
9 Little Bird 120 9 9 9 9 9 7–1½ 6–¾ Franco 21.60
1 Lighthouse 120 1 6 4–½ 5–½ 6–1 6–½ 7–3½ Van Dyke 8.20
5 Overjoyed 120 5 5 8–3½ 7–hd 8–2 8–hd 8–¾ Smith 5.80
4 Madame Bourbon 120 4 4 5–1 3–hd 4–hd 9 9 Talamo 28.10

6 LAURA’S LIGHT 7.00 4.00 2.80
8 CROUGHAVOUKE (IRE) 4.60 3.40

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (8-6)  $14.00
$1 EXACTA (6-8)  $15.30
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (6-8-7-3)  $231.02
50-CENT TRIFECTA (6-8-7)  $106.25
10-CENT X-5 SUPER HIGH FIVE (6-8-7-3-2)   Carryover $2,026

Winner–Laura’s Light B.f.2 by Constitution out of Light of a Star, by Muqtarib. Bred by Golden Pedigree LLC (KY). Trainer: Peter Miller. Owner: Gary Barber. Mutuel Pool $334,799 Daily Double Pool $45,144 Exacta Pool $188,663 Superfecta Pool $77,127 Trifecta Pool $128,390 X-5 Super High Five Pool $2,654. Scratched–none.

50-Cent Pick Three (2-8-6) paid $45.85. Pick Three Pool $69,370.

LAURA’S LIGHT angled in and pulled her way to the front outside a rival then angled in, set the pace inside, inched away on the backstretch and second turn, kicked clear in the stretch and proved best under urging. CROUGHAVOUKE (IRE) chased between horses then inside on the second turn, came out in midstretch and got up for the place three deep on the line. BLUE SKY BABY angled in and pressed the pace outside the winner then stalked just off the rail or outside a rival to the stretch and was edged late between foes for second. PARKOUR broke in a bit, saved ground stalking the pace throughout and was edged for the show. GUITTY (FR) a step slow to begin and squeezed a bit, stalked the pace inside, came out in upper stretch and was outfinished for a minor share. LITTLE BIRD (IRE) a bit slow to begin, angled in and saved ground off the pace, came out into the stretch, angled back inward in upper stretch and could not offer the needed late kick. LIGHTHOUSE pulled along the inside then came out early and stalked between foes to the stretch and did not rally. OVERJOYED three deep on the first turn, chased outside a rival on the backstretch then three wide into and on the second turn and into the stretch and weakened. MADAME BOURBON three deep into the first turn, stalked outside a rival then off the rail on the second turn, came three wide into the stretch and also weakened.


6½ Furlongs. Purse: $57,000. Allowance Optional Claiming. Fillies and Mares. 3 year olds and up. Claiming Price $40,000. Time 22.04 44.64 1:09.94 1:16.78

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ ½ Str Fin Jockey $1

7 Into Chocolate 122 7 8 6–1½ 6–3½ 2–½ 1–½ Cedillo 5.20
8 Eternal Endeavour 117 8 6 7–1½ 7–4 4–hd 2–½ Diaz, Jr. 8.80
9 Rather Nosy 120 9 1 3–hd 3–hd 3–1 3–1 Prat 3.40
4 Miss Stormy D 122 4 5 4–1 1–hd 1–hd 4–3¾ Franco 3.40
6 Shear Class 122 6 7 9 9 6–½ 5–1½ Smith 3.10
5 Claudelle 115 5 2 1–hd 2–1 5–4 6–2¾ Velez 9.90
1 Donut Girl 124 1 9 8–2 8–hd 9 7–3½ Flores 26.00
2 Road Rager 122 2 3 5–2 5–½ 8–1½ 8–4¾ Gryder 10.00
3 Swirling 124 3 4 2–hd 4–1 7–1 9 Roman 74.80

7 INTO CHOCOLATE 12.40 7.00 4.20

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (6-7)  $57.80
$1 EXACTA (7-8)  $47.40
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (7-8-9-4)  $57.99
$1 SUPER HIGH FIVE (7-8-9-4-6)  $1,794.10
50-CENT TRIFECTA (7-8-9)  $81.55

Winner–Into Chocolate B.f.3 by Into Mischief out of Candy Drawer, by Candy Ride (ARG). Bred by Pam & Martin Wygod (KY). Trainer: Clifford W. Sise, Jr.. Owner: Wygod, Pam and Martin. Mutuel Pool $334,963 Daily Double Pool $36,570 Exacta Pool $183,711 Superfecta Pool $92,519 Super High Five Pool $9,102 Trifecta Pool $142,588. Scratched–none.

50-Cent Pick Three (8-6-7) paid $27.65. Pick Three Pool $71,353.

INTO CHOCOLATE chased off the rail then outside leaving the turn, came four wide into the stretch, bid outside foes in midstretch under urging to gain the lead past the eighth pole, inched away and held gamely. ETERNAL ENDEAVOUR (GB) settled off the inside, came three wide into the stretch and finished willingly outside. RATHER NOSY hopped some at the start, pressed the pace four wide then stalked on the turn, came three wide into the stretch, re-bid between horses in the drive and also went on gamely to the end. MISS STORMY D dueled between horses then inside leaving the turn and into the stretch, fought back along the rail in midstretch and was outfinished. SHEAR CLASS unhurried off the rail on the backstretch and outside a rival on the turn and into the stretch, came out some in the drive and bested the others. CLAUDELLE dueled three deep between horses then outside a rival on the turn, was between foes again in upper stretch and weakened in the final furlong. DONUT GIRL bobbled slightly in a slow start, settled inside then a bit off the rail, angled in on the turn, came out some nearing midstretch and lacked a rally. ROAD RAGER stalked inside then a bit off the rail on the turn, was between foes into the stretch and weakened. SWIRLING had speed between horses then dueled inside, stalked on the turn, cut the corner into the stretch and had little left for the drive.


5½ Furlongs Turf. Purse: $57,000. Allowance Optional Claiming. 3 year olds and up. Claiming Price $40,000. Time 22.31 45.03 56.63 1:02.55

Pgm Horse Wt PP St ¼ 3/8 Str Fin Jockey $1

7 Prodigal Son 122 7 3 3–hd 4–2½ 4–1 1–1¼ Gutierrez 10.80
6 Torosay 122 6 2 1–hd 1–hd 1–½ 2–¾ Bejarano 3.90
3 Big Runnuer 124 3 9 4–1½ 3–1 3–1 3–½ Talamo 1.20
4 Mountain Spirit 122 4 6 8–1½ 8–2 7–½ 4–hd Rosario 8.40
2 Battle of Memphis 124 2 7 7–½ 7–1½ 5–2 5–1 Rispoli 15.70
9 Shandling 122 9 4 2–2½ 2–1½ 2–hd 6–nk Franco 6.60
5 Appreciated 122 5 1 6–1 6–½ 8–1½ 7–nk Pereira 13.20
1 Red Island 122 1 5 5–1½ 5–1½ 6–hd 8–nk Van Dyke 22.40
8 Caray 117 8 8 9 9 9 9 Velez 22.70

7 PRODIGAL SON 23.60 10.00 4.60
6 TOROSAY 6.20 3.60

$2 DAILY DOUBLE (7-7)  $118.60
$1 EXACTA (7-6)  $56.10
10-CENT SUPERFECTA (7-6-3-4)  $89.14
$1 SUPER HIGH FIVE (7-6-3-4-2)  $8,824.20
50-CENT TRIFECTA (7-6-3)  $86.55

Winner–Prodigal Son B.g.3 by Square Eddie out of Stretchinthelimits, by In Excess (IRE). Bred by Reddam Racing, LLC (CA). Trainer: Doug F. O’Neill. Owner: Reddam Racing LLC. Mutuel Pool $342,310 Daily Double Pool $119,117 Exacta Pool $198,063 Superfecta Pool $109,508 Super High Five Pool $11,564 Trifecta Pool $152,153. Scratched–Italiano, Noivo (IRE), Portando, Sigalert, Tiger Dad.

50-Cent Pick Three (6-7-7) paid $172.05. Pick Three Pool $146,963. 50-Cent Pick Four (3/8-6-7-7) 2348 tickets with 4 correct paid $268.05. Pick Four Pool $824,678. 50-Cent Pick Five (2-3/8-6-7-7) 80 tickets with 5 correct paid $5,691.15. Pick Five Pool $596,560. 20-Cent Pick Six Jackpot (8-2-3/8-6-7-7) 19 tickets with 6 correct paid $5,185.34. Pick Six Jackpot Pool $184,441. Pick Six Jackpot Carryover $117,616.

PRODIGAL SON had speed between horses then stalked outside a rival or just off the rail, angled in on the turn, came out leaving the turn and three wide into the stretch, rallied under urging to the front in deep stretch and proved best. TOROSAY angled in and dueled inside, fought back just off the fence in the stretch and held second. BIG RUNNUER was a bit slow to begin as the ground broke out behind, went up three deep on the backstretch then stalked outside a rival, came three wide into the stretch, bid three deep in midstretch, fought back in deep stretch and edged rivals for the show. MOUNTAIN SPIRIT between horses early, chased a bit off the rail to the stretch, angled to the inside in the drive and finished willingly. BATTLE OF MEMPHIS (IRE) saved ground chasing the pace, came a bit off the rail in the stretch and also finished with interest. SHANDLING broke in and bumped a rival, had speed three deep then dueled outside the runner-up, battled between horses in midstretch and was outfinished late. APPRECIATED pulled between horses and was in tight off heels midway on the backstretch, chased outside a rival, came out four wide into the stretch and was outkicked in the drive. RED ISLAND (IRE) saved ground stalking the pace, came out leaving the turn and three deep into the stretch and lacked the needed rally. CARAY bumped and squeezed between horses at the start, settled off the rail then a bit off the fence, came out into the stretch and could not quite offer the necessary response.

Attendance Handle
On-Track 9,997 $1,099,346
Inter-Track N/A $1,778,636
Out of State N/A $7,353,830
TOTAL 9,997 $10,231,812