Month: February 2020

Home / Month: February 2020

Marie de Villepin nue en une de Lui

February 14, 2020 | News | No Comments

L’été sera chaud: le magazine Lui donne la température en mettant à la une Marie de Villepin. La sculpturale fille de Dominique de Villepin a posé nue, guitare à la main pour une couverture et une séance de photos qui font le buzz.

Poser dans le plus simple appareil n’entre pas vraiment dans les standards de la communication pour un ancien diplomate, passé par le ministère de l’Intérieur et le secrétariat général de l’Elysée avant de devenir Premier ministre et connu du monde entier pour un célèbre discours devant l’ONU contre la guerre en Irak. On imagine que Dominique de Villepin a dû avoir un coup au coeur lorsqu’il a découvert sa fille Marie nue sur la couverture du nouveau numéro de Lui.

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La jeune femme de 29 ans prend la pose sur les bords de l’Hudson, aux Etats-Unis, avec New York en toile de fond. Sur un bateau ou avec sa guitare à la main, Marie de Villepin n’a peur de rien. Elle offre sa magnifique plastique à l’objectif du photographe Cédric Buchet dans une série de photos sexy, plutôt jolies et sans aucune vulgarité comme cela a pu être la cas dans de précédentes éditions de Lui,avec des actrices françaises par exemple.

Dans la famille Galouzeau de Villepin, Marie aime bien surprendre, sans parler de l’époque où sa proximité avec Amber Heard faisait naître quelques questions. Mannequin, elle pose régulièrement pour des magazines de mode. Givenchy en a fait l’une des ses égéries pour le parfum Ange ou démon. Elle s’est également essayée au métier d’actrice (on a pu la voir dans Yves Saint Laurent, Les rois maudits, Baikonur) et depuis quelques temps fait parler d’elle avec un groupe de rock, PinkMist. D’où le manche de guitare que Marie de Villepin tient fermement sur la couverture du magazine Lui, afin sans doute de faire passer le message qu’elle est désormais musicienne. Pas sûr que ce soit l’information que les lecteurs retiennent en premier.

Crédits photos : jacques

Orelsan au cinéma !

February 14, 2020 | News | No Comments

Click:6m light pole
Le rappeur Orelsan, Vincent Lacoste et Melvil Poupaud entoureront Golshifteh Farahani dans “Faire connaissance avec la France” de Danielle Arbid (“Un homme perdu”).

Ces derniers jours, Orelsan a amusé les cinéphiles en participant à un clip de Flynt rendant hommage aux classiques du 7e art. Il s’apprête à aller plus loin en jouant pour la première fois dans un long métrage, Faire connaissance avec la France de Danielle Arbid, en tournage cet automne dans la capitale.

Comme l’a annoncé le site Cineuropa, Golshifteh Farahani (“A propos d’Elly”, “Syngue Sabour”) jouera le rôle principal du film, celui de Leyla, une jeune immigrée d’origine arabe. “Faire connaissance avec la France” relate sa découverte de notre pays, à travers la rencontre de trois hommes très différents, interprétés par Melvil Poupaud (qui fut le héros d’un précédent film de Danielle Arbid, Un homme perdu), Vincent Lacoste (“Les Beaux gosses”, “Le Skylab”). et, donc Aurélien Cotentin, dit Orelsan. Contactée par AlloCiné, la réalisatrice explique avoir été touchée par le côté “assez mélancolique” de l’artiste, loin de “son image de bad boy“.

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Danielle Arbid connaît décidément la musique, puisqu’elle a par ailleurs fait appel au légendaire Frank Black, leader des Pixies, qui officie aussi en solo. Celui-ci a donné son accord pour donner un concert dans le cadre du tournage du film. Dominique Blanc et Elina Löwensohn font également partie du riche casting de “Faire connaissance avec la France”, produit par David Thion pour Les Films Pelléas (la maison qui s’occupe entre autres actuellement du prochain film de Christophe Honoré).


VIDEO : notre interview avec Danielle Arbid en 2011 à propos de “Beirut Hotel”

Les Guignols perdent leur tête

February 14, 2020 | News | No Comments

Nouveau tremblement de terre pour la célèbre émission satirique de Canal+. Selon des informations du Parisien ce samedi, les auteurs des Guignols de l’info auraient été virés par la nouvelle direction de la chaîne cryptée.

Canal+ va-t-il réussir à y voir clair de nouveau? Alors que la chaîne cryptée doit faire face depuis plusieurs semaines à de multiples bouleversements en interne, un nouveau changement pourrait cette fois porter un coup fatal auxGuignols. Selon leParisien, le mythique programme du groupe Canal ne sera plus dirigé par ses auteurs historiques à la rentrée. En effet, d’après les informations du quotidien, Lionel Dutemple, Julien Hervé, Philippe Mechelen et Benjamin Morgaine, les quatre plumes de l’émission, ont purement et simplement été remerciées par la direction de Canal. «Depuis jeudi, les auteurs des Guignols vivent terrés derrière leur téléphone. Traumatisés. Refusant de répondre au moindre appel» précise le Parisien ce samedi.

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Dans une interview accordée au Figaro cette semaine, Maxime Saada, le nouveau directeur général de Canal+, avait pourtant affirmé le soutien de la direction envers les célèbres marionnettes. «Nous considérons que c’est une pépite et nous voulons donc développer son exposition. Il n’a jamais été question de les faire disparaître» précise ce dernier. Mais en décidant de couper la tête pensante du programme, Canal a-t-il vraiment pris la décision la plus juste pour le futur de l’émission? Le Parisien rappelle au passage que les auteurs des Guignols étaient très grassement payés : 35 000 euros brut par mois pour les plus anciens. Un salaire imposant, qui a peut-être sonné le glas du quatuor. Même si la décision n’a pas encore été confirmée, ni par les principaux intéressés, ni par Canal+, l’annonce risque une nouvelle fois de plonger le groupe Canal dans un climat de tension.

Crédits photos : NO CREDIT

Christophe Lambert rime avec colère

February 14, 2020 | News | No Comments

Christophe Lambert vient de sortir un deuxième roman, un sombre polar où la perversion est une normalité. Un monde imaginaire pas très différent de notre réalité, selon son auteur…

Christophe Lambert est acteur mais également écrivain depuis quelques années. Il vient de publier son deuxième roman,Le Juge, sombre thriller où le héros, mi-justicier mi-criminel, n’en est pas un. Un ouvrage assez glauque où règne la délinquance. Il s’agit d’une simple reproduction de la réalité, explique à Voici l’acteur aux lunettes fumées. “Je vois que le monde est plus violent qu’avant. Ça ne sert à rien de courir derrière les délinquants mineurs sur lesquels on va trouver 20 grammes de drogue. Il faut trouver celui qui en fait passer trois tonnes dans les ports. Vous seriez étonnée par exemple de voir le nombre de pseudo hommes d’affaires, de pédophiles protégés, qu’on connaît, dans la politique, la finance. Les affaires sont très vite étouffées…”

En sait-il plus que nous? Ou est-il tout simplement un peu parano? Il s’en défend. “Les exemples affluent : c’est comme quand on trouve des filles dans des caves à qui on file des gamelles comme à des chiens, qu’on bat, qu’on drogue ; ou la petite qu’on vend aux enchères sur le dark Web, et des sites comme Silk Road (site destiné aux ventes d’objets et de produit illégaux, ndlr) où on peut trouver tout ce qu’on veut et qu’on met souvent des années à fermer !”

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À l’affiche de plusieurs films cette année et attendu dans le prochain long-métrage de Claude Lelouch mais aussi dans celui des frères Coen, sans compter la promotion de son polar à assurer, il n’arrête pas et explique ne pas prendre de vacances cette année. Pourtant, Christophe Lambert a effectivement plus de temps à consacrer à l’écriture depuis sa rupture l’été dernier avec Sophie Marceau. Lui qui s’est mis à écrire « par curiosité » l’avoue, il est toujours célibataire et n’est « pas en recherche ». Mais l’acteur n’a pas besoin de ça et il le dit lui même: « Quand une femme me plaît, je lui parle normalement. Je n’ai jamais dragué ! » Avec un CV mentionnant acteur et écrivain, ça ne doit pas être trop difficile…

Crédits photos : STEPH / VISUAL Press Agency


President Trump on Thursday lashed out against former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly for being disloyal after he came to the defense of a former national security aide who offered key testimony in the impeachment inquiry.

The president’s comments targeting Kelly came after Kelly defended Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who was among administration officials who raised concerns about Trump’s July phone call with Ukraine’s president. That call spurred the president’s impeachment trial, which ended in acquittal last week.

“Like so many X’s, he misses the action & just can’t keep his mouth shut,. which he actually has a military and legal obligation to do,” Trump tweeted about Kelly. “His incredible wife, Karen, who I have a lot of respect for, once pulled me aside & said strongly that ‘John respects you greatly. When we are no longer here, he will only speak well of you.’ Wrong!”

Kelly, speaking at a public forum on Wednesday in Morristown, N.J., said that Vindman did exactly as he was trained in raising concerns to his superiors after hearing “questionable” comments from Trump, according to a report by the Atlantic magazine. Vindman was ousted last week from his position as a Ukraine specialist detailed to the White House National Security Council.

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“He did exactly what we teach them to do from cradle to grave,” said Kelly, a retired Marine general who served as Trump’s chief of staff from the summer of 2017 until early last year. “He went and told his boss what he just heard.”

Vindman was a key witness in Democrats’ impeachment inquiry of Trump.

The Army officer was ousted from his job on the White House National Security Council on Friday, just two days after the Senate acquitted Trump on abuse of power and obstruction of justice charges. He is to be reassigned by the Pentagon. His twin brother, Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, who worked as an ethics lawyer at the NSC, also was ousted from his job and was reassigned to the Army General Counsel’s Office.

Kelly came to Vindman’s defense after Trump suggested this week that the Pentagon should review Vindman’s conduct in the Ukraine episode and potentially consider disciplinary action against him.

Trump has insisted that his call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was “perfect.” During the conversation, Trump asked Zelensky to do him “a favor” and look into former Vice President Joe Biden and his son’s business dealings in Ukraine.

Vindman testified that he raised his concerns inside the White House after concluding that Trump was inappropriately conditioning nearly $400 million in military aid to the country on getting Zelensky’s help digging up dirt on the Republican president’s political rival.

Kelly said at the forum that Vindman’s decision to raise his concerns was valid.

“Through the Obama administration up until that phone call, the policy of the U.S. was militarily to support Ukraine in their defensive fight against … the Russians,” Kelly said. “And so, when the president said that continued support would be based on X, that essentially changed. And that’s what that guy [Vindman] was most interested in.”

Trump initially tapped Kelly after the 2016 election to serve as his secretary of Homeland Security, before Trump asked him to become his chief of staff. Kelly suggested at the forum he had some hesitation about joining the administration but ultimately decided to at the urging of his wife.

“I frankly think he needs you and people like you,” Kelly recalled his wife telling him.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said Thursday that she was “disappointed” by Kelly’s comments. She compared him to former national security advisor John Bolton, another top aide who was critical of Trump’s efforts to pressure Zelensky.

“I thought it was a little disingenuous,” Grisham said in an interview on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends” “It’s interesting that he’s starting to poke his head out a little bit more, just like John Bolton, as we’re getting close to an election.”

Bolton, according to excerpts of a manuscript leaked to the media during the Senate impeachment trial, says Trump told him he was conditioning the release of military aid to Ukraine on whether its government would help investigate the Bidens.

U.S. Atty. Gen. William Barr said President Trump’s tweets and public comments about the Justice Department and ongoing cases make his job “impossible.”

“To have public statements and tweets made about the department, about our people in the department, our men and women here, about cases pending in the department, and about judges before whom we have cases, make it impossible for me to do my job and to assure the courts and the prosecutors in the department that we’re doing our work with integrity,” Barr said in an interview with ABC News on Thursday.

“It’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases,” Barr added, in what amounted to a rare public rebuke of the president by one of his most trusted Cabinet members.

Barr spoke publicly for the first time since his department was thrust into a crisis when it reversed course this week on a recommendation about how long Roger Stone, one of Trump’s longtime associates, should go to prison for witness tampering and lying to Congress.

The move prompted four career prosecutors to quit the case but earned Barr praise from Trump, fueling criticism that the Justice Department has become politicized and is more focused on protecting the president’s political allies than maintaining independence.

“Congratulations to Attorney General Bill Barr for taking charge of a case that was totally out of control and perhaps should not have even been brought,” Trump tweeted after the new recommendation was made.

On Monday, the prosecutors had asked the judge overseeing the case to sentence Stone to seven to nine years in prison. The next day, after the president had tweeted his opposition to the recommendation, the department switched gears and said that Stone should serve three to four years. The department also called on the judge in the case to account for the 67-year-old Stone’s “advanced age, health, personal circumstances, and lack of criminal history.”

The attorney general said he’d already decided to reduce the recommended sentence that was filed by prosecutors on Monday but then had to consider the effect of Trump appearing to dictate to the department.

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‘Disruptive’ Tweets

“Do you go forward with what you think is the right decision or do you pull back because of the tweet? And that just sort of illustrates how disruptive these tweets can be,” he said, ABC reported on its website.

Stone is due to be sentenced on Feb. 20. Barr said he’s “not a fan of Roger Stone, but he’s entitled” to the “careful application of the law to his case.”

The change to the sentencing recommendation was the second politically charged move revealed by Barr’s department this week.

On Monday, Barr said he had created a special channel for Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani to share his “findings” on former Vice President Joe Biden’s connections to Ukraine — an issue that played a central role in Trump’s impeachment and trial.

Separately, the top law enforcement agency is also considering leniency in the sentencing of another former Trump confident, Michael Flynn, who resigned as the president’s first national security adviser after three weeks in the job.


Amy Klobuchar wants to hire you. How soon can you start?

As the senator and presidential hopeful enjoys an image bounce from her surprise third-place finish in the New Hampshire Democratic primary, she is pouring staff and cash into Nevada, where she faces a daunting challenge to replicate her success in the Granite State.

Her success has come so suddenly that her campaign appears to be somewhat unprepared for the next nominating contest in Nevada, if Klobuchar’s unusual public call for new hires on Thursday is any indication.

“We are surging, our campaign is gaining momentum every day, and we want you to join us!” Klobuchar wrote in a tweet Thursday night promoting dozens of paid positions on her campaign — including communications and field organizer jobs in Nevada, which will hold caucuses on Feb. 22.

In her first appearance in front of a Nevada audience since the New Hampshire race, Klobuchar joked about her new environs as a Minnesota senator who had just wintered in Iowa and New Hampshire might.

“I’m very excited to be in Nevada. I’m very excited to be in Las Vegas. I’m very excited to be somewhere where it’s warm,” Klobuchar told a crowd of more than 100 at the University of Southern Nevada during a presidential forum hosted by the League of United Latin American Citizens, known as LULAC, a Latino advocacy group.

When an audience member questioned Klobuchar about her electability in a more diverse state like Nevada, Klobuchar acknowledged that she did not come from a place with many Latinos, and that she had some catching up to do.

“I have to get people to know me,” Klobuchar said, noting that a recent influx of donations had allowed her to start broadcasting ads in Nevada. “I have to get that information out there, [and] I have to get the support and people turning out.” She said that Latina lawmakers from Minnesota who had endorsed her would soon arrive in Nevada to promote her.

Klobuchar also deployed one of her stump-speech staples from the Iowa campaign, saying, “The Midwest is not flyover country. I live there.” The line landed with a thud with the Nevada audience.

In perhaps one of the more obvious signs of Klobuchar’s rising fortunes, fellow candidate Pete Buttigieg took a dig at Klobuchar’s record at the presidential forum.

“I’ve heard some people say that, you know, my experience is not relevant because you have to have Washington experience in order to become a president,” Buttigieg said, referencing Klobuchar’s repeated criticisms of his limited political experience as the former mayor of South Bend, Ind.

Not mentioning Klobuchar by name, Buttigieg nonetheless criticized her 2018 vote to confirm Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, who he criticized for “the horrifying conditions” migrant children faced in camps.

Klobuchar urged the crowd to bring companions to their caucuses next weekend.

Interviews with voters at the events showed that Klobuchar’s notable performance in the New Hampshire debate and her strong finish in the primary have carried over to Nevada and sharpened their interest in her.

“I think Joe Biden was originally my choice; he was going to bring us to the promised land,” said Stuart Rubin, a 62-year-old Las Vegas retiree, as he held a green Klobuchar sign. “Now other people are stepping up around him.”

Of Klobuchar, Rubin said: “Let’s give her a shot. … I’m going to read up more about her.”

Babs Daitch, 76, a Las Vegas tour guide, held her Biewer terrier named Buckette as she listened to Klobuchar speak, and came away impressed.

“I’ve been for Buttigieg, and I’ve been saying my second is Elizabeth Warren,” Daitch said. But after seeing Klobuchar, she said she “would probably vote for her.”

Scott Justes, a 58-year-old Las Vegas independent who works in finance and sales, said he’d been planning to sit out the Democratic primary until he saw Klobuchar’s performance in New Hampshire.

“I liked her before,” Justes said, “but it’s hard to back someone you know is going to lose for sure, but now she’s giving me the impression she’s going to win.”

Donald Trump maintained Friday that he has the legal right to intervene in criminal cases in response to Attorney General William Barr’s criticism that the president’s tweeting has made his job “impossible.”

“This doesn’t mean that I do not have, as President, the legal right to do so, I do, but I have so far chosen not to!” Trump said on Twitter Friday.

For the record:

7:11 AM, Feb. 14, 2020

Trump’s tweet marked his first public response to Barr’s televised interview on Thursday in which he said the president’s tweets about the Justice Department and pending cases make it difficult for him to do his job.

Barr’s department was thrust into a crisis when it reversed course this week on a recommendation about how long Roger Stone, one of Trump’s longtime associates, should go to prison for witness tampering and lying to Congress. The move prompted four career prosecutors to quit the case but earned Barr kudos from the president and fueled criticism that the Justice Department has become politicized.

“It’s time to stop the tweeting about Department of Justice criminal cases,” Barr said in an interview with ABC News.

Trump’s tweet responded directly to Barr’s comment in the interview that the president hasn’t attempted to dictate the Justice Department’s stance in any criminal matter.

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“As I said at my confirmation hearing, I think the essential role of the attorney general is to keep law enforcement, the criminal process sacrosanct to make sure there is no political interference in it,” Barr said. “And I have done that and I will continue to do that. And I am happy to say that, in fact, the president has never asked me to do anything in a criminal case.”

The president’s Friday morning tweet raised questions about whether he took Barr’s remarks with the equanimity suggested earlier by his spokeswoman.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham said in a statement on Thursday that Trump “wasn’t bothered by the comments at all, and he has the right, just like any American citizen, to publicly offer his opinions.”


First round, Thursday

Upland 4, Huntington Beach 0

Cypress 5, Long Beach Wilson 2

Corona Centennial 2, Hart 1

Harvard-Westlake 2, Sunny Hills 0

Santa Margarita 3, Irvine University 0

Edison 4, Trabuco Hills 0

Long Beach Poly 4, Temecula Valley 3

Los Osos 1, Aliso Niguel 1 (Los Osos advances on penalties, 6-5)

Corona del Mar 3, Mater Dei 2 (OT)

Corona Santiago 4, San Clemente 0

Villa Park 2, El Dorado 1

Garden Grove Pacifica 1, Mission Viejo 0

JSerra 4, Millikan 0

Troy 3, Newport Harbor 1

San Juan Hills 2, Vista Murrieta 1

Los Alamitos 1, Northwood 0

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

#1 Upland at Cypress

Harvard-Westlake at Corona Centennial

Santa Margarita at Edison

Los Osos at Long Beach Poly

Corona Santiago at Corona del Mar

Villa Park at Garden Grove Pacifica

Troy at JSerra

San Juan Hills at #2 Los Alamitos


First round, Thursday

Mira Costa 3, West Ranch 0

Culver City 1, Downey 0

Paloma Valley 2, Eastvale Roosevelt 0

Woodbridge 6, Ventura 0

La Mirada 1, Rosary 0

South Hills 3, Saugus 1

Yorba Linda 2, Bishop Amat 1

Rancho Cucamonga 2, Camarillo 0

Claremont 6, Lakewood 0

Warren 2, Redlands East Valley 2 (Warren advances on penalties, 4-1)

Oaks Christian 3, Redondo 2

Oak Hills 3, Moorpark 1

Brea Olinda 2, Anaheim Canyon 1 (OT)

Marina 0, Royal 0 (Marina advances on penalties, 5-4)

Capistrano Valley 2, Mayfair 0

Flintridge Sacred Heart 2, Riverside Poly 0

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

#1 Mira Costa at Culver City

Woodbridge at Paloma Valley

La Mirada at South Hills

Yorba Linda at Rancho Cucamonga

Warren at #3 Claremont

Oaks Christian at Oak Hills

Marina at Brea Olinda

#2 Flintridge Sacred Heart at Capistrano Valley


First round, Thursday

Flintridge Prep 3, Santa Barbara 2

Quartz Hill 7, Windward 0

Alta Loma 2, La Salle 1

South Torrance 1, Sonora 0

La Serna 2, Ayala 1

Buena 5, Marlborough 0

Laguna Beach 1, Citrus Valley 0

Palos Verdes 0, Placentia Valencia 0 (Palos Verdes advances on penalties, 3-0)

Oxnard 1, Knight 0

Apple Valley 3, Yucaipa 0

Santa Monica 3, Thousand Oaks 1

Etiwanda 2, Crescenta Valley 0

Diamond Bar 3, Eastside 0

Oak Park 2, Dos Pueblos 1 (OT)

Chaminade 2, Alemany 1 (OT)

Chaparral 1, St. Margaret’s 1 (Chaparral advances on penalties, 5-4)

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

Quartz Hill at #1 Flintridge Prep

Alta Loma at South Torrance

Buena at La Serna

#4 Palos Verdes at Laguna Beach

#3 Oxnard at Apple Valley

Santa Monica at Etiwanda

Diamond Bar at Oak Park

Chaminade at Chaparral


First round, Thursday

Hemet 2, Valley View 1

Estancia 3, Lakewood St. Joseph 2

Torrance 2, Mayfield 0

Granite Hills 0, Montclair 0 (Granite Hills advances on penalties, 5-4)

Santa Paula 1, Beverly Hills 0

Westminster 1, La Canada 0

Foothill Tech 3, Fillmore 1

Patriot 3, Palm Desert 2

Bloomington 2, Ontario 1

Lompoc 3, La Quinta 1

North Torrance 2, Cerritos 1

Arcadia 2, Viewpoint 2 (Arcadia advances on penalties, 5-4)

Costa Mesa 1, Godinez 1 (Costa Mesa advances on penalties, 4-2)

Hacienda Heights Wilson 4, Burbank Burroughs 1

Ocean View 2, Silverado 1

Sierra Canyon 3, Monrovia 0

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

#1 Hemet at Estancia

Torrance at Granite Hills

Westminster at Santa Paula

Foothill Tech at Patriot

#3 Bloomington at Lompoc

Arcadia at North Torrance

Hacienda Heights Wilson at Costa Mesa

Ocean View at #2 Sierra Canyon


First round, Thursday

South El Monte 4, Katella 1

Beaumont 4, Miller 0

San Dimas 3, Jurupa Valley 1

Gahr 2, Da Vinci 1

Western Christian 3, Colton 1

Rowland 2, Sierra Vista 0

Tahquitz 2, San Gorgonio 0

Archer 3, Louisville 0

Cerritos Valley Christian 2, Santa Ana 1

Brentwood 3, St. Anthony 0

Rialto 5, Sage Hill 3

Temple City 6, Hillcrest 1

Cathedral City 2, Grand Terrace 1

Charter Oak 3, Animo Leadership 0

Garden Grove Santiago 3, Anaheim 2 (OT)

California 1, Montebello 0

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

Beaumont at South El Monte

San Dimas at Gahr

Rowland at Western Christian

#4 Archer at Tahquitz

#3 Cerritos Valley Christian at Brentwood

Temple City at Rialto

Charter Oak at Cathedral City

#2 California at Garden Grove Santiago


First round, Thursday

Gabrielino 7, Heritage Christian 0

Webb 6, Desert Mirage 3

Indian Springs 3, Perris 2

Rancho Verde 8, St. Mary’s Academy 0

El Rancho 1, Nogales 0

Riverside North 4, Vista del Lago 0

Santa Rosa Academy 2, Pomona Catholic 1

Arroyo Valley 2, University Prep 1

Pasadena Marshall 7, Maranatha 3

Malibu 5, Ramona Convent 1

Palmdale Aerospace 1, Schurr 0

Ontario Christian 4, Orange Vista 0

Coachella Valley 1, Riverside Notre Dame 1 (Coachella Valley advances on penalties, 5-3)

Bell Gardens 2, Oxford Academy 0

St. Bonaventure 7, Wildwood 0

Shadow Hills 3, Nuview Bridge 2

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

#1 Gabrielino at Webb

Rancho Verde at Indian Springs

Riverside North at El Rancho

Santa Rosa Academy at Arroyo Valley

#3 Pasadena Marshall at Malibu

Ontario Christian at Palmdale Aerospace

Bell Gardens at Coachella Valley

St. Bonaventure at #2 Shadow Hills


First round, Thursday

Santa Clara 13, Samueli 0

Mary Star 2, Coast Union 0

Santa Clarita Christian 10, Le Lycee 0

Milken 7, Alverno 0

Garey 1, Lennox Academy 0

Buckley 3, Shalhevet 1

Temecula Prep 2, Academy of Careers & Exploration 1

Fairmont Prep 2, Gladstone 1

Linfield Christian 8, Silver Valley 0

CAMS 2, St. Pius X- St. Matthias 1

Cobalt 7, Pilibos 0

Thacher 3, Pomona 1

Ganesha 4, Bishop Conaty-Loretto 0

Vistamar 7, Summit Leadership 0

Dunn 1, Laguna Blanca 0 (OT)

Loara 2, Connelly 0

Second round, Saturday, 3 or 5 p.m.

#1 Santa Clara at Mary Star

Milken at Santa Clarita Christian

Buckley at Garey

#4 Fairmont Prep at Temecula Prep

#3 Linfield Christian at CAMS

Cobalt at Thacher

Vistamar at Ganesha

#2 Loara at Dunn

Notes: Quarterfinals, Wednesday, 3 or 5 p.m.; semifinals, Feb. 22, 3 or 5 p.m. Championships, Feb. 28-29.

Ducks get routed by Flames 6-0

February 14, 2020 | News | No Comments

Mikael Backlund and Mark Jankowski scored two goals apiece, and Cam Talbot made 44 saves for his 21st career shutout in the Flames’ 6-0 victory over the Ducks on Thursday night.

The Ducks gave up four goals in the first period of their first game since since their game against St. Louis was called off Tuesday night when Blues defenseman Jay Bouwmeester collapsed on the Honda Center bench during the first period.

Talbot was superb in his first shutout of the season and his first victory since Jan. 11, making 18 saves in the second period alone.

Elias Lindholm, Oliver Kylington, Backlund and Jankowski all scored for Calgary during that one-sided opening period. Lindholm extended his scoring streak to nine games, one shy of his career high, with his 25th goal.

John Gibson stopped 12 shots in Anaheim’s awful first period before Ryan Miller replaced him to start the second. The Ducks’ season-best streak of five straight games with a point ended with just their second regulation loss in eight games.

Backlund got a short-handed goal in the second period for his 14th career multi-goal game, his first since March 10.

Calgary finished its four-game road trip with three wins in the first of two games between the Pacific Division rivals in five days.

Lindholm opened the scoring moments after a power play expired in the first period, finishing a scramble near the Ducks’ net by stuffing the puck past Gibson’s short side.

Lindholm, who isn’t related to Ducks defenseman Hampus Lindholm, is already approaching the career high of 27 goals last season with Calgary after spending his first five NHL campaigns with Carolina. He scored two goals Wednesday during Calgary’s loss to the last-place Los Angeles Kings.

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Backlund extended his scoring streak to five games by converting a pass from Andrew Mangiapane. Just 1:29 later, Kylington beat Gibson high to the glove side for the 22-year-old Swede’s second goal of the season and fifth of his NHL career.

Jankowski then put an unobstructed shot past Gibson’s glove while skating up the middle during an odd-man rush 55 seconds before the first period ended.

Backlund got his short-handed goal late in the second, and Jankowski added another goal off his own rebound in the third. He has scored five goals in his last seven games after failing to score in his first 38 this season.