Month: February 2020

Home / Month: February 2020

La face cachée de Mike Tyson

February 27, 2020 | News | No Comments

Dans le monde de la boxe, Mike Tyson restera sans doute l’une des plus grandes stars de l’histoire. A 47 ans, l’ancien champion du monde des poids lourds a décidé de raconter sa vie à travers une autobiographie nommée La Vérité et rien d’autre. Dans cet ouvrage, sorti cette semaine en France, Iron Mike livre une autre facette de sa personnalité, beaucoup plus sensible. Il s’explique dans les colonnes de l’Equipe Mag.

Peu nombreux sont ceux qui ont aimé croiser la route de Mike Tyson, que ce soit sur ou en dehors du ring. Véritable dieu vivant de la boxe (58 combats, 50 victoires dont 44 par KO), le plus jeune champion du monde de l’histoire du noble art garde également avec lui une étiquette de voyou. Son mythique combat contre Evander Holyfield en 1997 en est d’ailleurs la preuve la plus marquante. Un tempérament de feu qui ne permet pas de au natif de Brooklyn de s’acheter une autre image. L’alcool, le sexe, la violence et la drogue font partie du quotidien ce beau bébé. Poussé par sa femme, Mike Tyson a donc décidé , à 47 ans, de baisser sa garde et raconter sa vie dans son autobiographie la Vérité et rien d’autre. Tout sauf un moment de plaisir.

«Pour ce livre, j’ai donné de moi-même mais aujourd’hui, j’avoue que j’évite de croiser cet ouvrage. Il représente pour moi tant de honte et de douleur» explique-t-il dans les colonnes de l’Equipe Mag. Il est vrai que Tyson n’a pas vraiment de quoi être fier de certains moments de sa vie. Sa condamnation pour viol en 1992, ses problèmes avec son promoteur Don King, sa tentative de suicide, le boxeur n’élude aucun sujet, même les plus douloureux. «Tout au long de ma vie, j’ai trahi des gens. J’ai trompé mes femmes. En fait, j’ai reçu ce que j’avais semé» reconnait Tyson.

Un constat amer mais mérité selon lui. Aujourd’hui, Mike Tyson souhaite tourner la page jusqu’à oublier ce qui l’a rendu célèbre: «Les gens respectent le combattant, ce que j’ai accompli sur un ring. Mais moi, j’aimerais que ce gars-là soit mort, qu’il n’ait jamais existé» confie-t-il. Celui qui a notamment tourné dans Very Bad Trip entend désormais mener une vie sobre à l’opposé de celle qu’il a connue.

Tyson parvient quand même à nous faire sourire dans son autobiographie grâce à des anecdotes dont lui seul à le secret: «avant des combats, j’ai pris de la coke et j’ai fumé un peu d’herbe. La coke, ce n’était pas un problème parce que ça sort aussitôt de votre organisme, mais, pour l’herbe, qui reste à l’intérieur, j’ai dû, au moment des contrôles, utiliser un faux pénis où on met de l’urine saine de quelqu’un d’autre». Une confession surréaliste mais plutôt logique à la lecture du personnage. Finalement peu importent les circonstances, Mike Tyson aime envoyer du lourd.

The end of Monday night’s episode of Jeopardy! got unexpectedly emotional when one of the contestants during the final round of the show wrote a message saying, “We Love You Alex.”

Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek, who recently revealed that he had resumed chemotherapy for his stage four pancreatic cancer, looked to Final Jeopardy contestant Dhruv Gaur for the answer to the category in “Famous Phrases.”

The clue for that category was the following:

“In the title of a groundbreaking 1890 exposé of poverty in New York City slums, these three words follow ‘How the.’”

“What is, ‘We love you, Alex!’” Gaur responded, including a little drawing of a heart along with his answer.

“That’s very kind. Thank you,” Trebek said, before becoming choked up enough that he struggled to say his next few words. “Cost you $1,995. You’re left with five.”

The audience also responded with an audible “aww” in the background.

Trebek quickly composed himself before going on to the other two contestants, both of whom correctly guessed the answer, “What is, ‘other half lives.’”

After the show ended, “We love you Alex” began trending on social media.

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In August, Trebek announced that he had completed his round of chemotherapy treatments and would resume as Jeopardy! host for the 36th season, which began in September.

But several weeks later, Trebek said he would have to undergo chemotherapy again because doctors said his numbers were “sky high.” Even with the devastating news, Trebek vowed to keep hosting the game show as long as possible and opened up more about his diagnosis.

Former European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso | EPA/Julien Warnand

Juncker orders probe into Barroso’s Goldman Sachs job

Ethics committee will look into the former Commission president’s chairman gig at investment bank.


9/12/16, 8:23 AM CET

Updated 9/12/16, 8:42 PM CET

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has ordered an investigation into whether his predecessor José Manuel Barroso broke EU laws by taking a job at investment bank Goldman Sachs.

Juncker informed European Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly in a letter on Sunday that he had asked Barroso to “provide clarifications on his new responsibilities.”

Juncker assured the ombudsman that from now on, Barroso “will be received in the Commission not as a former president but as an interest representative,” meaning he will have to sign up to the EU’s transparency register.

Barroso, Portugal’s prime minister from 2002 to 2004 and Commission president between 2004 and 2014, was appointed in July as chairman and senior adviser at the international arm of Goldman Sachs. His role will involve advising the bank on the U.K.’s negotiations to leave the EU.

Juncker said Barroso had confirmed “his standing commitment to behave with integrity and discretion.” But because he was a former president of the Commission, an ethics committee that weighs in on activities by former commissioners in the 18-month period after they leave the executive arm of the EU will be consulted.

According to EU rules, former commissioners may lose pension entitlements if they do not act with integrity when taking jobs after leaving the Commission.

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Green Book director Peter Farrelly apologized Wednesday for flashing actress Cameron Diaz with his penis back in 1998. He says it was all an immature joke.

According to contemporaneous news reports, two decades ago, when he and brother Bobby (then 40 and 41) were directing comedy hits like Shallow Hal and There’s Something About Mary, Peter was big on flashing his penis to the unsuspecting.

The Cut found a 1998 Newsweek story about how the brothers would set up their mark — both male and female, including Diaz and Fox chairman Tom Rothman:

A 1998 Observer article offers more details:

Peter admitted to the Observer he had done this “easily 500 times.”

“I don’t like it when they laugh at my penis,” he told the Observer. “But I do like it when they stare.”

From the sound of it, the “joke” was performed for shock value, not for sexual gratification, and in 1998 no one really cared. At the time, flashing a flaccid penis was seen as a more shocking version of mooning someone with your bare butt, not a career-destroying #MeToo moment.

Of course, there is a legitimate flip-side to that argument. At the time, women like Diaz might have felt pressured to go along to get along, to not rock the boat for a hit maker like Farrelly — which is why we have probably not heard the last of this story. We could start to hear from a lot of women, including Diaz, who found it sexual and degrading but were afraid to say anything in 1998.

Farrelly released a statement to the Cut Wednesday apologizing for his 20-year-old behavior.

“True. I was an idiot,” he said. “I did this decades ago and I thought I was being funny and the truth is I’m embarrassed and it makes me cringe now. I’m deeply sorry.”

Also under fire is Green Book screenwriter Nick Vallelonga over a 2015 tweet where he agreed with then-candidate Donald Trump’s claim about Muslims in New Jersey seen cheering 9/11.

Replying to Trump, Vallelonga wrote, “100% correct. Muslims in Jersey City cheering when the towers went down. I saw it, as you did, possibly on local CBS news.”

Vallelonga has now deleted the three-year-old tweet, but he was 100 percent correct about this, including the fact the report was on a CBS affiliate.

On September 16, 2001, CBS reported:

The overall context here is the Oscar race. Green Book just won a Golden Globe for Best Drama, which gives it serious momentum in the Oscar race. This is when the knives come out.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.

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Theresa, meet Angela

February 27, 2020 | News | No Comments

If nothing else, Theresa May’s emergence Monday as the U.K.’s next leader gives Europe much of the clarity it has demanded in the wake of the Brexit referendum.

Just don’t expect anyone in Paris, Brussels or Berlin to break out the champagne.

While many officials regard May, who supported the Remain camp, as the lesser of the various evils that could have emerged from the Tory leadership contest, they see little chance of Brexit being reversed once she takes control.

The incoming prime minister doused whatever remaining hopes there were for such an outcome Monday morning with her declaration that “Brexit means Brexit.”

“There will be no attempts to remain inside the EU. We must leave the European Union and forge a new role for ourselves in the world,” May said in a speech delivered just hours before her remaining rival withdrew from the race, clearing the way for May to become prime minister this week.

Most of the EU’s key leaders had already come to terms with that reality. However, a bigger question on their minds than ‘whether’ is ‘when.’ That is, when will the U.K. invoke Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to set in motion the process of withdrawal?

Brussels, in particular, is eager to press forward in order to settle the issue of the U.K.’s status, uncertainty some worry could paralyze the bloc’s ability to function.

May offered no specifics on timing but the stridency of her remarks suggested she’s not eager to wait.

At the core of the waiting game is the question of what kind of post-Brexit arrangement the U.K. will have with the EU. European leaders have insisted repeatedly in recent weeks that talks over allowing the U.K. access to the EU’s common market can only begin after the two-year divorce procedure has been completed.

Pastors’ daughters

May’s first challenge as prime minister will be to soften the EU’s resistance to a more universal deal. U.K. officials are likely hoping German leader Angela Merkel will help grease those skids.

Media in both countries have focused on the unlikely parallels between the two women.

Roughly the same age, both are daughters of protestant pastors and grew up outside the glare of the big city. They both have impressive academic credentials, are childless and said to enjoy hiking with and cooking for husbands they’ve been wed to for decades.

Behind their austere official persona lies a sharp wit, rarely seen by either the public or the press, for which they share a deep distrust. Each has a reputation for putting pragmatism ahead of ideology.

The most important similarity of all, however, is the most obvious: Both succeeded in climbing to the top of male-dominated conservative institutions in an age when such ascents for women of their generation remain rare.

Still, whatever personal sympathy Merkel may harbor for new British counterpart will be tempered by the necessity of maintaining consensus among Germany’s key EU allies, especially France.

Germany, which sells more cars to the U.K. than to any other country, has no shortage of economic arguments for finding an amicable solution that would keep Britain in the single market.

France’s Socialist leaders are likely to be less accommodating.

French connection

President François Hollande, who is doing his best to rein in Euroskeptic forces at home, warned after Britain’s vote to leave that the country would face consequences for its decision.

For now, there is little need to attack Britain publicly — financial markets and political turmoil are providing all the ammunition French Europhiles need to argue against leaving the EU.

In addition to their desire to make an example of the U.K. for other would-be exiters, French leaders also want to benefit from Brexit by luring City of London bankers to Paris.

Yet Europe’s leaders also realize the risks of backing the U.K. into a corner. If May doesn’t succeed in securing an attractive deal for the U.K., whoever replaces her could be much less to the EU’s liking. Given the deep economic and security ties between the countries, a disorderly Brexit is the last thing anyone wants.

U.S. President Barack Obama raised those concerns with EU leaders at meeting in Warsaw on Friday. Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, who is not known for taking a soft line on the Brexit question, took pains to reassure the American president, saying the talks wouldn’t be “hostile.”

“It’s in our interest and the global interest to keep Britain as a strong ally,” Juncker said at a press conference with Obama after their meeting.

May’s biggest obstacle in dealing with EU leaders is that few know her. As the U.K.’s home secretary, she has had little exposure to key figures such as Hollande and Merkel.

To the degree May is known in France and Germany, it is for being tough on immigration — an area where May’s approach diverges sharply from Merkel’s.

May did get to know French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, having dealt with him when he was interior minister on the issue of migrants heading to Britain from France, where thousands live in makeshift camps in the port city of Calais.

“Valls knows her well,” said a French government official. “They have a lot of respect for each other.”

The response of a Socialist French MP heavily involved in EU affairs was more typical. Asked what he thought about May, he responded: “Nothing. She’s British conservative, I don’t know much more.”

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For the weekend of January 19, Universal’s Glass filled up seats, while Kevin Hart’s Upside remained topside at number two. Meanwhile, action kid’s cartoon Dragon Ball Super: Broly bounced in at third place, and DC’s Aquaman stayed above water at fifth.

The star of the weekend was director M. Night Shyamalan’s third entry in his Unbreakable trilogy starring Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, and James McAvoy. Glass brings all three of Shyamalan’s superheroes together for the first time in a psychological thriller to wrap up the series.

Glass shattered the competition, bringing in just over $40 million for its first three days at the box office, according to Box Office Mojo. The debut was still a bit below the studio’s expectations of a $50 million opening, but at a budget of only $20 million, the opening weekend already went a long way to erase its debts.

The third entry in the series seems on track to earn on par with episode two as 2017’s Split took $40 million on its opening weekend and earned about $138 million during its run at home.

Kevin Hart’s dramady, The Upside, proved to have enough legs to stay in the top five and earned itself the number two slot on its second weekend at theaters. The weekend’s take brings its estimated totals to almost $44 million domestically. The Upside, also starring Bryan Cranston, has earned an additional $4 million overseas, so the film has already earned back its $37.5 million budget.

In third place is FUNimation’s newcomer Dragon Ball Super: Broly, which seems to have brought in about ten million in box office dollars here in the U.S. since its opening on Wednesday.

In fourth place, DC’s Aquaman is still swimming along with the big dogs in the top five, earning another $10.3 million to add to its $304.3 million domestic sales. The superhero flick has earned a massive $1.06 billion worldwide and is only just shy of DC’s previous big seller, The Dark Knight. If the movie continues doing this well at theaters, it will become DC’s top earner ever.

Finally, Sony’s webslinger cartoon, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, clung to the top five, swinging in at fifth place and earning $7.25 million this weekend, which brings its total domestic ticket sales to $160 million.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

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EU unveils new border force

February 27, 2020 | News | No Comments

A Coast Guard boat participates in a mass migration drill | Joe Raedle/Getty Images

EU unveils new border force

New agency will draw on reserve pool of 1,500 border guards.



The European Union on Thursday launched the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, designed to monitor the bloc’s external borders and help EU countries identify security threats, according to a statement.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Junker announced plans to establish the agency, which was built on the foundations of Frontex, in September 2015. It will draw from a rapid reserve pool of at least 1,500 border guards.

The new agency will “help us to get back to Schengen,” Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico said in a statement.

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Netflix has removed an episode of Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj in Saudi Arabia after its government complained about the variety show’s criticism of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, according to reports.

“Now would be a good time to reassess our relationship with Saudi Arabia. And I mean that as a Muslim and as an American,” Minhaj says in the now-banned episode entitled “Saudi Arabia,” before discussing Khashoggi, who, at the behest of the crown prince, was killed in the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul on October 2.

“MBS asked, ‘Why the outrage?’ and frankly, MBS’ confusion is completely understandable. He has been getting away with autocratic shit like for years with almost no blowback from the international community,” Hasan Minhaj continued.

In a statement to the Financial Times, which first reported the episode’s removal, the streaming giant confirmed it was recently taken down “after the country’s Communications and Information Technology Commission made a request to take it down because it allegedly violated the kingdom’s anti-cyber crime law.”

“We strongly support artistic freedom worldwide and only removed this episode in Saudi Arabia after we had received a valid legal request — and to comply with local law,” a press representative for Netflix said.

Citing Article 6 of Saudi Arabia’s anti-cybercrime law, regulators told Netflix that “production, preparation, transmission, or storage of material impinging on public order, religious values, public morals, and privacy, through the information network or computers” is punishable by a five-year prison sentence and an $800,000 fine.

The episode is still available on YouTube in Saudi Arabia.

New Budget and Human Resources head Günther Oettinger | Andreas Gerbert/EPA

European Parliament approves Oettinger’s appointment

The German will be in charge of the budget and human resources portfolio.


1/12/17, 1:35 PM CET

Updated 1/12/17, 7:21 PM CET

MEPs on Thursday gave their blessing to Günther Oettinger becoming European commissioner for budget and human resources, a spokesman for the assembly said.

Martin Schulz, the departing president of the Parliament, will pass on to Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, a letter from several committee chairs saying Oettinger has “the necessary professional experience” for the job.

The Parliament’s decision was anticipated, as the former digital commissioner emerged unscathed from an exchange of views with MEPs on Monday.

Juncker picked Oettinger to succeed Kristalina Georgieva after she left for the World Bank in October, in part so the German might push Berlin for potentially greater financial support for the EU after Brexit.

But the German commissioner was caught in a political firestorm after describing Chinese diplomats as Schlitzaugen (“slant eyes”) and failing to disclose a trip on a private jet belonging to a powerful German lobbyist.

The letter, a copy of which was obtained by POLITICO, was signed by the chairs of the budget, budgetary control and legal affairs committees.

Though it praised Oettinger’s experience and skills, the letter also said that some members of the legal affairs committee were concerned about his “lack of strategic vision as regards gender mainstreaming.”

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Hollywood director and producer Judd Apatow joined the loud Hollywood leftists attacking President Donald Trump and trying to undermine news of the death of one of the world’s worst terrorists, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Apatow jumped to Twitter to scold liberal statistician Nate Silver for taking liberals to task for being so filled with hate for Trump that they can’t even enjoy the end of a vicious terrorist.

“It really amazing how many Libs can’t even permit Trump to have *one good day* (nobody will remember this stuff by Tuesday) after US forces kill perhaps the world’s most wanted terrorist,” Silver tweeted on Monday morning.

Judd Apatow wasn’t having it. No mild praise of Trump will be allowed. Apatow slammed Silver, saying, “It’s not about permitting Trump to have a good day. When he announced it, he acted like such a sniveling lunatic that it reminds us all that we are in danger with him leading our country. It does not feel like he has decreased the danger. He is unhinged and corrupt.”

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The 40-Year-Old Virgin director and producer quickly followed that up with a second tweet continuing to tear into Silver and accusing Trump of making the death of a terrorist a “reality TV show.”

“Do you understand @NateSilver538? He wants more personal praise and attention, so he will make the killing of a terrorist a reality tv show. It’s straight out of Network,” Apatow said.

Judd Apatow is hardly alone in Hollywood, many members of the far-left entertainment community have attacked Trump and mourned the death of a terrorist. Halloween star Jamie Lee Curtis, for instance, attacked Trump instead of celebrating the end of terrorist al-Baghdadi.

Curtis was only one of Hollywood’s denizens who went on the attack against Trump over the death of Baghdadi. Others including actor Jeffry Wright, director Rob Reiner, and Bette Midler also went on the attack.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @WTHuston.