Month: June 2020

Home / Month: June 2020

Downtown Hartford Transformation is Underway

For Saturday’s Eversource Hartford Marathon & Half Marathon

Set-up begins for Bushnell Park and HMF Fitness Expo in XL Center, October 10-11

Photo: One of the fountains in Bushnell Park, staging area for the Eversource Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon. Photo by FitzFoto/NERunner

October 7, 2019 – Glastonbury – Approximately 336 million steps will be taken by the 10,000 runners and walkers expected in Eversource Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon events this Saturday, October 12.  The Hartford Marathon Foundation (HMF) is planning and executing every detail with the help of up to 2,500 volunteers as race week prep is in full swing at Bushnell Park and in the greater Hartford area.

The Foundation also taps the expertise of teams of public safety officials and community members from Hartford, East Hartford, West Hartford, South Windsor and the State of Connecticut to produce the 26.2 mile marathon, 13.1 mile half marathon, 3.1 mile Charity 5K and Team 26.2 relay race.  The starting line for the marathon, half marathon and relay is in front of the Capitol at 8:00 am (wheelchair start at 7:55 am).  The 5K race starts around the corner at the intersection of Washington and Buckingham streets at 8:01 and the HMF FitKids races start on the east side of Bushnell Park by the Pump House at 9:30 am.


Photo: Early am check-in at the Volunteer Tent in Bushnell Park. Photo by Steve McLaughlin


For a full list of events with locations and timing details, please click here. The last opportunity to register or pick up race packets will be at the HMF Fitness Expo (October 10 and 11) at the XL Center, with more than 50 exhibitors providing the latest in running technology, tips and expertise. Race merchandise will also be available, including jackets, shirts, hats and magnets.  There is no race day registration or packet pickup.

“We are enthusiastically finalizing details and putting in motion plans we’ve worked on for nearly a year to deliver this world-class race experience,” said Beth Shluger, CEO of the Hartford Marathon Foundation and Race Director of the Eversource Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon. “This beloved annual event drives positive economic impact, supports local charities and encourages people of all ages and abilities to get moving.”

More than 70 local and national companies are involved in sponsorships at various levels, including Eversource in its sixth year as event title sponsor.  The energy company has committed to continue their generous support of the race through 2022.

“We’re proud to combine our energy with the power of the Hartford Marathon Foundation for the sixth year on one of the region’s signature events,” said Eversource Chairman, CEO and President Jim Judge. “Each year, the Hartford Marathon not only brings thousands of runners to the capital city, it also raises hundreds of thousands of dollars to empower local non-profit organizations and provides a major boost to the Hartford-area economy. This year, more than 280 Eversource employees will be taking on the 5k, half or full marathon and another 100 will be volunteering at the finish line, water stations or cheering on runners along the course.  We are thrilled to be part of it all.”

Details on parking and directions, race week events, spectator information as well as course maps, answers to FAQs and tips for around town are available online.  Road closure information/transit updates and all race details are available at  There is NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION or packet pick-up (children in HMF FitKids races can be registered in advance or on race day).


Thousands of runners commit to fundraise on behalf of causes and Official Charities of the 2019 Eversource Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon.  Walkers are also encouraged to participate in the Charity 5K and join a fundraising team through the Official Charity program or choose a charity of choice to represent on race day.  To date, $7.5 million has been raised for local and national charities through the event.

Please visit, Facebook at HMF Events, Twitter at @RunHMF or Instagram at HMF_Events to learn more.  For media access and credentials, contact Elizabeth Cowles at 860-770-4622 or at 


About the Hartford Marathon Foundation

The Hartford Marathon Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization founded in 1994 to create and manage fitness events that inspire people to be healthy and fit.  Located in Glastonbury, Connecticut, the Hartford Marathon Foundation organizes more than 30 annual athletic races, including the Eversource Hartford Marathon and Half Marathon, and training programs for youth runners.  For more information, visit and on Facebook at HMF Events, Twitter at @RunHMF and Instagram at HMF_Events.

About Eversource

Eversource (NYSE: ES) transmits and delivers electricity to 1.2 million customers in 149 cities and towns, provides natural gas to 232,000 customers in 73 communities, and supplies water to approximately 197,000 customers in 51 communities across Connecticut. Recognized as the top U.S. utility for its energy efficiency programs by the sustainability advocacy organization Ceres, Eversource harnesses the commitment of about 8,000 employees across three states to build a single, united company around the mission of safely delivering reliable energy and water with superior customer service. For more information, please visit our website ( and follow us on Twitter (@EversourceCT) and Facebook ( For more information on our water services, visit


Après près de 200 contrôles dans les établissements spécialisés en santé mentale et de services psychiatriques des hôpitaux, le Contrôleur générale des lieux de privation de liberté (CGLPL), Adeline Hazan, a constaté non seulement une hausse “préoccupante” des admissions sans consentement mais aussi une atteinte à la dignité et aux droits des patients. Pour elle, “une réforme d’ampleur” de la psychiatrie est “nécessaire”.


  1. Hausse “préoccupante” des admissions et entrave à la liberté d’aller et venir
  2. Une liste de 67 recommandations

Dans un rapport paru le mercredi 17 juin1, le Contrôleur générale des lieux de privation de liberté (CGLPL), Adeline Hazan, a visité l’ensemble des établissements spécialisés en santé mentale et une majorité

des services psychiatriques des hôpitaux généraux accueillant des patients admis en soins sans consentement. Près de 200 contrôles d’établissements ont été menés par la CGLPL en 12 ans. “La loi, depuis près de deux siècles, permet d’hospitaliser des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux sans leur consentement”, rappelle le communiqué.  Quelle est la mission du Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté ?Créé en 2007, le CGLPL est chargé de contrôler les conditions de prise en charge et de transfèrement des personnes privées de liberté. Il est indépendant pour s’assurer au mieux du respect de leurs droits fondamentaux. Il peut être saisi par toute personne privée de liberté ou par ses proches. Depuis le 9 juillet 2014, la désignée CGLPL est Adeline Hazan. “Ces visites ont conduit au constat que l’hospitalisation à temps plein s’accompagne d’atteintes plus ou moins graves à la dignité et aux droits des patients et singulièrement à leur liberté d’aller et venir”, peut-on lire dans le rapport. 

Hausse “préoccupante” des admissions et entrave à la liberté d’aller et venirPremier constat : “la part des soins sous contrainte dans les admissions croît de façon préoccupante, atteignant le quart des admissions et représentant 40 % d’entre elles dans certains établissements”. Le CGLPL s’inquiète surtout de l’entrave à la liberté des patients d’aller et venir “au motif de la sécurité” et “du risque de fugue”. Adeline Hazan constate que cette atteinte aux libertés et droits s’explique entre autres par le fait que le médecin et l’établissement se sentent juridiquement responsables des actes du patient. “Pour les patients admis sur décision du représentant de l’État, les psychiatres font valoir que leur responsabilité serait engagée en cas de problème”. Ainsi, “le patient devient dangereux d’abord pour le risque juridique potentiel qu’il fait courir au médecin ou à l’établissement et s’en prémunir peut passer avant le respect des droits du patient.”Une liste de 67 recommandations“Le CGLPL est tout autant convaincu que considérer le patient non plus comme un objet de soins, aussi bienveillants soient-ils, mais comme une personne disposant de droits redonnera un sens au travail collectif comme individuel des professionnels alors même que nombre d’entre eux ont témoigné auprès des contrôleurs de leur malaise de l’avoir perdu.”De ce fait, le CGLPL liste dans ce rapport 67 recommandations pour améliorer la prise en charge des patients hospitalisés tout en préservant leur dignité et leurs droits fondamentaux. Parmi elles, le développement de programmes de soin au sein “des prises en charge ambulatoire étoffées et pluridisciplinaires” pour réduire les périodes d’hospitalisation complète ou encore la déstigmatisation de

la maladie mentale. “Il est indispensable de repenser le soin avec non seulement une prise en compte des nouveaux champs des neurosciences mais aussi en donnant une place prioritaire aux moyens humains qui permettent l’accompagnement, l’apaisement et le soin des troubles psychiatriques.” Enfin, pour le CGLPL, une réforme en profondeur de la psychiatrie est “nécessaire” pour garantir au patient “une prise en charge respectueuse de ses droits, de ses spécificités sociales et familiales, ainsi que de ses choix”.

Formula 1 will take its time to usher fans back into the grandstands this year although Ross Brawn hopes to open the gates to spectators at the sport’s first flyaway races.

Grand Prix racing will launch its season in Austria on July 5, but under strict safety and hygiene measures that will include empty grandstands.

F1 has established an initial eight-race schedule in Europe over the summer, with all events closed to the public.

    Brawn: Drivers could miss a session if team member tests positive

But depending on the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic, globally and locally, the second half of the season could possibly allow for a return of the fans.

“We won’t rush that. I think some of the later European races are optimistic, but I think we would rather not plan on that,” Brawn said in an interview at the FIA eConference.

“I think when we go to the flyaway races, we can start to hope that we will have fans, but even that’s not absolutely guaranteed.

“I think to have the race in a safe and secure environment is critical. We’re going around the world, we can’t have a problem in one country that stops us from going to other countries. We’ll progress slowly on that front.

“The fans for us are critical. We do want to see them as they do add a lot of atmosphere. I think we’ll take that very gradually.

“We don’t want to jump in and then have to jump out again when we find a problem.”

Formula 1’s chiefs have worked tirelessly with the FIA and race promoters to get the 2020 season off the ground. Holding closed events is costly to F1, but Brawn insist it’s also the only viable solution to salvaging the sport’s disrupted season.

“The situation is different throughout the world. I think the fact that we were prepared to accept closed races in the early part of the season gave us more opportunity,” Brawn said.

“That’s not the ideal, it’s not the ideal for any sport, because the fans are such a crucial part of it. But we felt going racing and broadcasting racing and engaging the fans with racing in what ways we could was still much more desirable than doing nothing.

“Approaching closed fans events gave us the bulk of the European season. Of course we can adjust that as we progress and we come to understand where we are with this pandemic.

“Our first half of the season is European-based. We’re still pretty fluid on the second half.

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“I think we’re confident we’re going to finish in Bahrain and Abu Dhabi, but we’re filling in the spaces in-between.”

Gallery: The beautiful wives and girlfriends of F1 drivers

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Max Verstappen and Red Bull Racing will be focused on just one goal when the delayed 2020 season kicks off in Austria next month: the F1 world championship title!

In the past few years, the Milton Keynes-based outfit has typically endured a slow start to its campaigns before it built up strength and fought for race wins at the start of the summer.

But the team’s performance in pre-season testing at Barcelona last winter suggested that it would hit the ground running in Australia.

    Verstappen forks out $1.75 million for Ferrari ride!

Alas, the coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the 2020 F1 season, with the sport’s chiefs forced to rebuild a new schedule that will kick off at the Red Bull Ring on July 5. And Verstappen is raring to go.

“I’m feeling good and I’m feeling ready. You would hope so after such a long break, but it’s really exciting to get started again,” he told F1 veteran David Coulthard in an interview for Dutch website

“As a team, our expectations are to win. We want to go for the championship, that’s our only goal.

“Everybody is very motivated, so I’m looking forward to get started and see where we are.”

Red Bull and Verstappen’s win in Austria last year following an epic battle with Ferrari’s Charles Leclerc bodes well for the pair’s prospects at Spielberg where the mighty Mercedes squad has struggled in the past.

And a double-dose of an all-conquering Max Verstappen in Austria would perhaps set up the 22-year-old to become the sport’s youngest F1 world champion.

“In the end it’s going to be a nice moment when it happens,” he said recently.

“Of course I want to win every year, that hasn’t worked out yet. I learned a lot last year, we worked together even better in pre-season testing in Barcelona. We are definitely extremely motivated.”

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Gallery: The beautiful wives and girlfriends of F1 drivers

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Une équipe de chercheurs de l’Hôpital Mont Sinaï et de l’Université de Toronto s’est penchée sur les données génétiques et l’indice de masse corporelle (IMC) de 5266 enfants au Royaume-Uni afin d’évaluer les effets de l’allaitement maternel exclusif et de la durée de celui-ci sur le poids des enfants de la naissance à l’âge de 18 ans.

Les résultats, publiés dans la revue 

PLOS Genetics, montrent que les garçons les plus génétiquement prédisposés à l’obésité et ayant exclusivement été nourris au sein jusqu’à l’âge de 5 mois témoignent d’un accroissement de l’IMC atténué de 1,14 kg/m2. Chez les filles, le choix de l’allaitement exclusif a entraîné une réduction encore plus importante (1,53 kg/m2).Cependant, l’allaitement maternel exclusif jusqu’à l’âge de 3 mois et l’allaitement mixte (lait maternel et lait maternisé) ne permettent pas de constater le même effet sur l’IMC des enfants ayant un risque élevé d’obésité.

L’allaitement maternel exclusif recommandé dans ce casL’allaitement maternel a déjà été lié à de nombreux avantages pour la santé des mères et des bébés, notamment un risque plus faible d’

accident vasculaire cérébral, de 

cancer ovarien, d’

hypertension et de 

maladies cardiaques pour la mère, un risque moins élevé d’

eczéma, d’allergies alimentaires et de diabète pour l’enfant, ainsi qu’un risque affaibli de prise de poids pour la mère et le bébé. Les chercheurs soulignent cependant que ces bienfaits de l’allaitement maternel n’ont pas encore trouvé d’explications claires.L’

OMS recommande l’allaitement exclusif des enfants pendant les six premiers mois pour un développement optimal. Toutefois, l’équipe affirme que seuls 40% des bébés sont allaités jusqu’à cet âge. Les chercheurs ajoutent que leurs nouveaux résultats les confortent dans l’idée selon laquelle l’allaitement maternel exclusif pendant une plus période plus longue serait avantageuse pour la santé et devrait devenir une priorité pour les enfants ayant un risque élevé d’obésité.“L’obésité est une préoccupation mondiale qui affecte le bien-être et pèse sur nos systèmes de santé”, déclare l’auteur principal de l’étude, le Dr Laurent Briollais. Il ajoute : “Si nos gènes influent sur le risque d’obésité, cette prédisposition n’est pas irréversible. L’allaitement maternel exclusif peut l’altérer”.Click Here: Cheap France Rugby Jersey

FIA President Jean Todt is sticking to his guns, insisting the governing body’s controversial decision to seal a settlement with Ferrari over its 2019 power unit was the proper course of action.

The FIA came under heavy criticism from a majority of F1 teams earlier this year when it was announced that it had signed a confidential settlement with the Scuderia that appeared to absolve the Italian outfit from a possible transgression last year of the technical rules.

Ferrari was suspected to have exploited a clever ploy in the summer of 2019 that potentially allowed its engine to exceed fuel flow limitations.

    Verstappen forks out $1.75 million for Ferrari ride!

But the FIA’s investigation into the potential scheme proved too complex for the governing body’s engineers who could not clearly establish whether the ruse used by Ferrari was legal or not.

The subsequent revolt from the teams, initially led by Mercedes and then by Red Bull after the former pulled out of the debate, forced a rebuttal from Todt who partiality was called into question given his past links with Ferrari and son Nicolas’ management role with Scuderia charger Charles Leclerc.

Three months later, the Frenchman, speaking to Italy’s Corriere dello Sport, hasn’t changed his stance on the matter.

“The talk is inevitable,” he said. “That’s how it works: they last a week and then we move on to something else.

“The truth is that when I accepted this job I knew I had to take the positive and also the negative sides.

“My conscience is clear, for me it is only important to be transparent with the members of the FIA, the ethics. The rest is part of my role, including unpleasant rumors.”

Todt insisted the FIA had conducted its analysis of the case while respecting its due process.

“The case has been handled professionally and transparently following the rules,” he added.

“And then on many things I have to make decisions on the basis of what is suggested to me by those who help give me the information, I do not act completely alone.”

Gallery: The beautiful wives and girlfriends of F1 drivers

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Emmanuel Macron a achevé plus tôt que prévu le déconfinement en annonçant, dimanche, que toute la France, sauf la Guyane et Mayotte, passera au "vert" dès lundi ainsi que la réouverture très attendue des cafés et restaurants en Ile-de-France.

Heureux de cette première victoire contre le virus“, M. Macron a également dit souhaiter tirer “toutes les leçons” de la crise sanitaire, assurant que “nos forces, nous les conforterons, nos faiblesses, nous les corrigerons vite et fort“.”Dès demain, tout le territoire, à l’exception de Mayotte et de la Guyane où le virus circule encore activement, (…) passera dans (…) la zone verte ce qui permettra notamment une reprise plus forte du travail et la réouverture des cafés et restaurants en Ile-de-France“, a déclaré M. Macron lors de sa quatrième allocution solennelle prononcée à l’Elysée depuis le début de la crise du coronavirus.

Les écoles et les collèges, mais pas les lycées, accueilleront tous les élèves à partir du 22 juin, a ajouté le chef de l’Etat. “Dès demain en Hexagone comme en Outre-mer, les crèches, les écoles, les collèges se préparent à accueillir à partir du 22 juin tous les élèves de manière obligatoire et selon les règles de présence normales“, a-t-il déclaré.

Dans les maisons de retraite et les établissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (Ehpad), les visites seront “autorisées” dès lundi.Quant au deuxième tour des élections municipales, il pourra bien “se dérouler dans les communes concernées le 28 juin”, a-t-il annoncé, ajoutant qu’il faudra cependant “éviter au maximum les rassemblements” qui resteront “très encadrés” car “ils sont la principale occasion de propagation du virus”.”Nous pouvons être fiers de ce qui a été fait et de notre pays. Bien sûr cette épreuve a aussi révélé des failles, des fragilités: notre dépendance à d’autres continents pour nous procurer certains produits, nos lourdeurs d’organisation, nos inégalités sociales et territoriales. Je veux que nous tirions toutes les leçons de ce que nous avons vécu“, a déclaré le président de la République.Face à la crise économique brutale qui s’annonce, il a exclu d’augmenter les impôts pour financer les dépenses liées à la crise, mais prévenu qu’il fallait “travailler et produire davantage”.”La reconstruction économique, écologique et solidaire sera la clé de notre indépendance“, a-t-il dit.Le chef de l’Etat a également annoncé un “investissement massif pour l’instruction, la formation et les emplois de la jeunesse“, particulièrement menacée par la crise économique.Au lendemain de manifestations contre les violences policières et le racisme à travers la France, il a promis “de nouvelles décisions fortes pour l’égalité des chances”, en assurant que “nous serons intraitables face au racisme, à l’antisémitisme et aux discriminations“.Policiers et gendarmes “méritent le soutien de la puissance publique et la reconnaissance de la Nation”, a-t-il insisté.”La République n’effacera aucun nom ou aucune trace de son histoire“, a-t-il ajouté au sujet des monuments liés à l’histoire coloniale ou la traite esclavagiste.Click Here: Cheap FIJI Rugby Jersey

Formula 1 pushing for Shanghai double-header!

June 15, 2020 | News | No Comments

Formula 1’s chiefs have offered China Grand Prix organisers an opportunity to host a double-header event at Shanghai later this year.

Shanghai was the first round of the F1 world championship to be called off earlier this year after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic.

But for commercial reasons, China is high on Liberty Media’s priorities in terms of reinstating the race on the sport’s 2020 calendar.

So far, a run of 8 races in Europe from early July to early September has been confirmed, with possibly additional venues joining the Continent’s schedule before F1 hopefully tags on a series of fly-away events.

    F1 officially cancels Azerbaijan, Singapore and Japan!

Shanghai Sports Bureau Director Xu Bin has confirmed China’s interest in keeping its race on F1’s 2020 schedule while also considering a double-header event.

“International sport organisations care a lot about these world-class sport events in China and Shanghai,” Xu Bin told Shanghai People’s Radio.

“Despite a lot of changes of our events due to the pandemic, we have received support from international sport organisations and national associations for some of our events.

“We would be allowed to hold the events in Shanghai at a suitable time in the second half of the year, depending on the situation of the pandemic.”

Xu Bin confirmed F1’s offer for a two-race format but insisted that no decision had yet been reached on that specific plan.

“It’s proposed by FOM,” he said.

“F1 has announced they will resume the opening eight European races, without any round in Asia. The event originally scheduled…has been postponed to the second half of the year.

“During the discussion, FOM asked whether we could host two races in Shanghai. It’s not been decided. It will depend on the situation of pandemic.”

Gallery: The beautiful wives and girlfriends of F1 drivers

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Daniel Ricciardo claims his membership to a limited group of F1 drivers that can take the fight to Lewis Hamilton and win “on any given day”.

Mercedes and Hamilton’s dominance of F1 has been overwhelming in the past two seasons, although a few drivers on the grid have occasionally given the six-time world champion a run for his money.

Ricciardo’s achievements during his first season with Renault fell painfully short of expectations, inciting the Aussie to seek greener pastures at McLaren in 2021.

And the 30-year-old is resolute – like a few other of Hamilton’s rivals – on undermining the latter’s relentless forward march.

    Ecclestone: ‘Golden days’ of €50M contracts over for Hamilton

“There are rarely unicorns in sport,” Ricciardo told Autocar’s Jim Holder. “There’s always a small handful of people who have the talent to win on any given day, and our sport is no different.

“I believe there’s a group of us at the top tier, and I believe I and a handful of others, in the same car, could have given him a run for those titles.”

Indeed, talent alone won’t propel the few members of that exclusive club up and past F1’s mega star.

“I’m in that top group,” Ricciardo insists. “As far as talent or ability to push a car to the limit – the skill set – there are a few of us that can get there.

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“But we need the right car, and then, for this group, the difference is less about speed and more about the ability to nail results race after race.

“On a given day, a few of us could win. Where you have to hand it to Lewis is that he does it time and time again.”

“What separates that little group, beyond the car, is the mental and physical ability to deal with everything this sport throws at you, week in, week out.

“It’s the days when your health isn’t so good, or you’re feeling a bit jet-lagged, or you’ve just had a bad week. If you can still get in the car and deliver on them, then you can be champion.”

Ricciardo is confident that he can spar with Hamilton armed with the right equipment, he’s also full of praise for the Briton’s outstanding ability to deliver the goods every time he’s on track.

“The point with Lewis – the point that makes him special – is that he has done that six times,” says Ricciardo.

“Even if you argue he’s had the best equipment, that achievement is remarkable.

“To stay on himself year after year, to keep pushing himself, to take on the pressure of being the one we’re all hunting: that’s remarkable.

“For all my confidence – and I’m certain I could win a title against him – could I battle and beat him year after year? I don’t know. It’s some achievement, and it warrants respect.”

Gallery: The beautiful wives and girlfriends of F1 drivers

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Nine-time Grand Prix winner Mark Webber believes four-time world champion Sebastian Vettel needs to spend a year on the sidelines to “reinvent” himself before returning to F1 and competing at the front.

After a five-year spell with Ferrari, Vettel will leave the Italian outfit at the end of the 2020 season, hopefully with more wins under his belt, although securing that elusive title with the Scuderia will be a tall order.

The relationship between the German and his team appears consumed, and few predict a happy campaign for the pair in the coming months.

    Mercedes not considering Vettel for 2021 insists Bottas

But Webber, who spent five seasons alongside Vettel at Red Bull Racing, believes Ferrari will eventually miss a driver of the calibre of Vettel.

“Seb, under that [Ferrari] regime, they did what they could, but I think he’s literally just run out of puff there,” said the Aussie in an F1 Nation podcast.

“He’s clearly not getting out of bed motivated to drive a red car.

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“Yes, he’s had some challenging times at Ferrari, no question about it, but I still think they will miss him – short term they’ll miss someone of his experience and vision.”


Vettel’s options for 2020 appear limited, with barriers of entry erected at Red Bull and Mercedes. A seat is available at Renault but many doubt the 32-year-old would resort to taking a step back and racing in the midfield.

A plush retreat seems like Vettel’s most likely alternative, but Webber sees his former teammate jumping back into the fray in 2022, if the right offer comes along.

“I think he’ll have a year off,” he said. “I hope for all of us he can rejuvenate himself and get back into the spirit of wanting to be competing at the front again in Formula 1.

“I think he can reinvent himself, but he’s got to have the atmosphere. I think he really, really, really misses the English way about going racing [as he had at Red Bull]. I think he really enjoyed that.”

Gallery: The beautiful wives and girlfriends of F1 drivers

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