Month: August 2020

Home / Month: August 2020

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The June 27th edition of WWE SmackDown airs live on the USA Network from the Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, California, featuring what will basically be an extension of the Money in the Bank pay-per-view (PPV) that took place just over one week ago.
Advertised for tonight: Part Two of the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, Lana will be challenging Naomi for the Smackdown Women’s Championship, and more!
The show opens up with a video package about the first ever Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match, other matches that will happen tonight and the fallout from the first ever Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

Tom Philips welcomes us to the show and says that tonight one women will win the opportunity of the lifetime when she becomes Ms. Money in the Bank.
Daniel Bryan makes his entrance and says he’s proud of the women’s revolution on SmackDown and talks about the two big matches the women will have tonight, both rematches from Money in the Bank. He begins running down the rules of the Money in the Bank Ladder Match before he gets interrupted by Carmella and James Ellsworth.
She complains that he calls this the land of opportunity but it’s more like the land of injustice, and last week the biggest injustice in WWE history took place when he stripped her of her Money in the Bank contract. She says that she won the ladder match fair and square and that the rulebook states in black and white that the match was no disqualification and had no rules so that means there is no rules to break.
Also, it said that the first woman to gain possession of the contract wins the match. She also said that James isn’t the first guy to get involved in a Money in the Bank Match. She reminded Daniel that neither Seth Rollins or Sheamus were stripped of their contracts. 

She said just because she’s that much more intelligent than everyone else in the locker room, it doesn’t give Daniel the right to take what’s hers, and now the contract is dangling over her head. Bryan says she makes some very valid points; Money in the Bank is no disqualification and other people have interfered before, but never in history has somebody climbed the ladder, grabbed the contract, and handed it to a competitor.
He says he had made his decision but asks the WWE Universe should he just hand the contract back to Carmella or continue with the history making second ever Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match. The crowd cheers for the match to happen tonight.
Ellsworth says Bryan is just as pathetic as the crowd and he used to look up to him as a man, but now he doesn’t see a man, he sees a gutless, spineless coward that has no grapefruits to cut it in the ring anymore so he made up some injury. Daniel stares him down long and hard before turning and laughing and saying he probably should just fire him, but tonight it’s not about him.

Daniel said that it is about the real superstars of SmackDown, and he knows he banned him from ringside last week, but don’t worry, he takes that back. He’s not gonna ban him from ringside, he’s going to ban him from the entire arena. Bryan calls for security as Carmella begs and pleads that her guy didn’t mean it.
Four security guards come down and grabs Ellsworth out of the ring bodily. He slips away from them and makes a break for it but they catch him resume carrying him out. He gets away again and tries to dive into the crowd but gets hung up on the barricade and they succeed in hauling Ellsworth out through the entryway this time.
Daniel Bryan wishes Carmella good luck for tonight and then leaves.
Commentary hypes up the women’s championship rematch tonight as well as Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin for later.
The Hype Bros are shown backstage getting ready to come out to the ring as we go to a commercial break.
Back from commercial, the Hype Bros make their entrance.
The Usos def. The Hype Bros: If The Hype Bros win, they get a shot at The Usos’ tag title. Mojo clotheslines Jey to the outside early on, then tags in Ryder who hits a suicide dive onto both Usos at ringside. On the way back in the ring, Jey boots Ryder in the face to take control of things. We cut to commercial, and when we come back we see Jimmy Uso get the victory with a frog splash off the top rope.
After the match, The New Day make their entrance and Xavier Woods begins by saying that they are so proud of the Usos for winning a match rather than running away in the middle of it. Big E says they want the gold and at Battleground they are coming for The Usos and The Titles.
The Usos says that The New Day does not deserve a shot. The Usos says that why, so that they can get the L again and go back to their playpen or go whine to Shane so they can just fail again. Tonight they are going to take a pass on whipping that ass but at Battleground they accept their challenge, and be careful what they wish for, because it ain’t about New Day no more, it’s about that day one ish.
Woods asks where they’re going and says they got bars, but all New Day does is spit hot fire. Kofi Kingston takes them to school, rapping a few bars about how the Usos are like booty.
Tamina is seen backstage stretching as commentary hypes up our two big women’s matches and a special edition of Fashion Vice is next as we go to a break.
The next episode of The Fashion Vice is next. This episode is entitled Under Pressure. Breeze asks Fandango what their strategy is and he is about the whole good cop, bad cop thing. Ascension say they didn’t do anything and deny that the picture that Fandango drew is of them. He says he believes them and offers Eddie Money tickets to try and get them to come clean.
Viktor goes to take them and consider the tickets but Konnor reminds him they only listen to grind-core and thrash metal. Tyler puts his water guns on the table and turns the heat up, offering them iced tea and a cheese platter. They say they didn’t attack him and were only there because they wanted a match on the card.
There was a clatter at the door and then Breezango steps through their office to the next room to find out that their office has been trashed again. They go back into the interrogation room and says that it couldn’t be The Ascension since they were there the entire time and try to figure it out as Ascension eat the cheese and take the Eddie Money tickets.
Natalya is seen backstage getting ready for the ladder match tonight.
Naomi makes her entrance as we go to a break.
Naomi (c) def. Lana: The Smackdown Women’s Title is on the line in this one. Lana jumps Naomi before the bell, and the ref gives Naomi times to recover before starting the match. The bell sounds and Lana immediately hits her spine-buster finisher on Naomi for a two count. Naomi comes back with a kick to the head and a spit-legged moonsault for the win after a very short match.
After the match, Lana is shown throwing an absolute fit in the ring.
We go backstage where Becky Lynch is being interviewed about her second chance at the briefcase. She says she was inches away from proving that you can walk your own path and still be successful here when Ellsworth ripped that away from her. Thankfully Bryan did the right thing and now she has a fair chance, and that’s all she needs to win the ladder match.
We go back to the ring where Aiden English is about to sing us a song when he gets interrupted by Randy Orton.
Mid-way into his entrance to the ring we go to a commercial break.
Back from commercial and Randy Orton is sitting in English’s chair. We get footage from the commercial break where we see Aiden getting an RKO.
Orton gets into the mic and says that he is not leaving the ring until he gets what he wants. Orton says he wants a rematch for the WWE Title, and he says he deserves it because if he doesn’t get it he’s going to beat the hell out of Jinder Mahal in the locker room, the parking lot, the airport, then all over again next week. 
Orton gets ready to head to the back to look for Jinder, but he’s interrupted by Shane McMahon. Shane steps in the ring and tells Orton that they’re live and they can’t have Orton threatening the safety of the WWE Champion. Orton says he doesn’t care if Shane fires him or ejects him from the building or if he gets arrested or sued because Jinder disrespected his family and he has to pay the consequences. 
Orton asks Shane to make it easy and give him a rematch, instead of taking the hard way. Shane points out that The Singh Brothers crossed the line, but that Orton had used the same tactics in the past against Shane’s own family. Shane says he knows how Orton feels and gives him the rematch at the Battleground pay-per-view. Shane says the stipulation will be chosen by Jinder Mahal. Orton says he doesn’t care what the stipulation is because the WWE Title is coming back to him, which prompts Jinder Mahal to come out to the stage to interrupt. Jinder says Orton is a snake and isn’t worthy of a rematch. Jinder says something in his native language about Orton, which prompts the crowd to chant “USA.” Jinder says the crowd is prejudice, and that for his stipulation he will take inspiration from The Great Khali. Jinder says the their match at Battleground will be a Punjabi Prison match.
After the announcement, we get a quick video clip about the Punjabi Prison as Orton and Mahal stare each other down then we backstage.
Daniel Bryan is backstage on his phone telling someone that there hasn’t been a Punjabi Prison match in ten years. AJ Styles shows up and says he needs to talk about the open challenge thing with Kevin Owens, complaining that he came down first and didn’t get it last week. Owens interrupts and asks what the problem is and says this is typical of what an American does.  
Owens says that he is missing the point of the open challenge, and that they are for people he hasn’t beaten before, and Styles needs to accept that he’s a loser. AJ calls him Ron Burgundy’s definition of San Diego, and they bicker until Bryan cuts them off. He reminds Owens about John Cena’s open challenges and says that gives him an idea that next Tuesday, on the 4th of July.
Daniel Bryan says that they will have an Independence Day Battle Royal for SmackDown next week. The winner will get a shot at Owens’ U.S. Title at Battleground. AJ Styles looks happy as Kevin Owens is upset about the announcement.
We then see Charlotte in another area of the backstage getting ready for the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match tonight.
Maria & Mike Kanellis are out to the stage next. They begin to speak but are immediately cut off by Sami Zayn’s entrance. Zayn apologizes to them and heads down to the ring for his match.
Baron Corbin def. Sami Zayn: Zayn gets in control early on, but when he throws Corbin outside and goes for a suicide dive, Corbin catches him in mid-air then slams him on the fan barricade. Back in the ring, Corbin hits an uppercut and a clothesline, then goes to a bear hug on Zayn. Zayn gets out then dodges a spear and Corbin crashes into the ring post. Zayn follows up with a cross body off the top for a two count. Nakamura is watching on a monitor backstage and we’re told we’ll hear from him after the match. Corbin hits Zayn with a right hand then takes him into the corner for more punishment. Corbin sits Zayn on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Zayn head-butts him off and Corbin crashes down to the mat. Zayn comes flying off but Corbin dodges him then hits the End of Days for the win.
Shinsuke Nakamura is seen backstage watching on a monitor and then he is interviewed about a match with Corbin. He says Baron is dangerous but motivated by fear of what he can do, and perhaps he’s right to be afraid. Nakamura says that Corbin is scared of him.
We then see an ad to hype us for John Cena’s return next week and the Women’s Money in the Bank Match as we go to a break.
Back from commercial, commentary hype us from the match that will happen at Battleground between The New Day and The Usos and that they will have a rap battle next week on Smackdown Live.
The competitors of the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match make their way to the ring as we start the match next.
Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: The winner of this one gets a shot at Naomi’s Women’s Championship. Tamina, Charlotte, Becky and Natalya all brawl out to ringside after the opening bell. Carmella is left alone in the ring to set up a ladder. Carmella starts climbing, but then the other women roll back in the ring and push her off. All of the women start fighting which leads to Becky hitting the T-bone suplex on both Natalya and Charlotte. Becky starts setting up a ladder but Tamina attacks her from behind then hits a Samoan Drop. Tamina goes up top and hits a splash on Becky. Tamina and Carmella start fighting at ringside, which leads to Tamina tossing Carmella over the announce table. Meanwhile in the ring, Charlotte chops Natalya in the chest multiple times then throws her outside. 
Becky grabs Natalya at ringside and hits a T-bone suplex on the floor. Back in the ring, Charlotte and Tamina fight over a folded up ladder. The ladder is upright and Becky runs in and climbs up it while Charlotte and Tamina are holding it. Charlotte and Tamina set the ladder down on the ropes, then Tamina kicks Becky off the ladder. Natalya comes in and takes out Tamina and Charlotte, then sets up a ladder in the ring. Natalya and Charlotte climb the ladder and fight at the top of it. Carmella pushes them both off the ladder, then Becky hits a suplex on Carmella. Natalya sets up a ladder and starts climbing, then Charlotte climbs up behind her. 
Becky and Tamina climb the other side and all four women fight on the same ladder until it falls over. Carmella starts climbing a ladder, but the other four women run in and each grab a leg of the ladder and they move it over next to the ropes. Charlotte and Carmella start going at it on the ladder, but Tamina pushes them both off. Becky and Natalya double-team powerbomb Tamina, then Natalya power-bombs Becky. Natalya puts Carmella in the Sharpshooter but Charlotte breaks it up with the Natural Selection. Charlotte and Natalya brawl out into the crowd, then James Ellsworth jumps the fan barricade and runs in the ring. Ellsworth starts climbing the ladder but then Becky Lynch pushes the ladder over and Ellsworth gets crotched on the top rope. Becky starts climbing but Carmella pulls her off and Becky starts selling a leg injury. Becky fights off Carmella, but Carmella comes back with a steel chair and drops Becky with it. Carmella climbs up and crabs the briefcase for the win. Winner: Carmella
After the match, Carmella is on top of the ladder celebrating her victory with the other competitors looking on as we go off the air. has revealed two more participants for the upcoming Mae Young Classic tournament. It turns out that Rhea Ripley and Sage Beckett will be partaking in the inaugural tournament very soon. Beckett wrestled in TNA and Shine Wrestling as Andrea, while Ripley is a wrestler in Australia who was formerly known as Demi Bennett. The tournament is about to begin tapings in just one week from Full Sail University, and the first round of the tournament is going to be made available on the WWE Network in August. It shouldn’t be too much longer before we learn the remaining names for the women’s tournament that will be taking place next week.
WWE has truly broken ground in women’s wrestling over the fast few years. We have seen the first-sever Iron Woman match, the first ever Steel Cage match, and the first ever Money in the Bank match that have exclusively featured female performers. It looks like we may soon be getting another female-only version of a beloved match. The Wrestling Observer Newsletter claims that WWE has been considering creating a women’s Royal Rumble match for next January. The match is apparently only in very early discussion stages, but it is certainly possible that it could be happening next year. This will likely be joined with the traditional 30-man Royal Rumble match later in the show.
We’ve been learning more and more about what WWE may have in store for fans attending San Diego Comic Con this year recently. For the first time ever, none of the male roster members will be attending the convention. WWE and Mattel will be represented by a panel featuring Sasha Banks, Bayley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, and Nikki Bella. Renee Young is also going to be moderating the panel. The women will be taking questions from fans in attendance, and key Mattel personnel will be revealing the latest action figures as well. The convention lasts from July 19th-July 23rd. The panel will be taking place on July 20th at 1pm PST.

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SmackDown Star Sami Zayn announced via his Twitter account on Tuesday that he’s launching a charity #SamiForSyria.
He wants to use donations to set up a mobile clinic to help Syrian war victims receive care. Here’s the announcement from Zayn with information on how to donate:


Today is a special day. Happy to launch #SamiForSyria!
Let’s set up a mobile clinic in Syria!
Info/to donate:
— Sami Zayn (@iLikeSamiZayn) July 12, 2017

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Zimmerman 35, Litchfield 34

August 1, 2020 | News | No Comments

Zimmerman 35, Litchfield 34
106: Nathan Thompson, Z, pin Jackson Penk
113: Sam Tibbits, L, maj. dec. Mitch Gagne 12-3
120: Nick Brahs, Z, dec. Justin Victoria 9-4
126: Derek Fruetel, L, pin Jacob Waalk
132: Tyler Jones, Z, dec. Trentin Milless 4-2
138: Hunter Smith, Z, tech fall Dylan Penk 21-6
145: Tristan Pettitt, Z, pin Ryan Anderson
152: Connor Hoff, L, dec. Chase Rosby 9-7 OT
160: Cody Klabunde, L, dec. Kaleb Kleiver 11-6
170: Wyatt Kaping, L, pin Justin Hartman
182: Calvin Waterhouse, Z, won by injury default over Joan Silverio
195: Austin May, Z, won by forfeit
220: Billy Johnson, Z, pin Ray Bell
285: Max Kaping, L, pin Ben Jensen

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Benjamin Netanyahu said Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas was inadvertently helping Israel after the Palestinian leader delivered a furious speech denouncing Donald Trump and rejecting the US as a mediator for peace talks. 

Mr Abbas spoke for more than two hours and said Mr Trump’s promise to deliver “the deal of the century” in the form of an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal had turned into “the slap of century” after the US recognised Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. 

“We said no to Trump, we will not accept your project,” Mr Abbas said. “We will not accept for the US as a mediator, after what they did us.” 

US-Palestinian relations have been in tatters since Mr Trump’s Jerusalem announcement in December and worsened further after the US administration threatened to cut aid to the UN agency which supports Palestinian refugees.  

The White House had been expected to unveil a peace proposal in the spring but that plan looks uncertain as the Palestinians said they would refuse to take part in any negotiations brokered by the US and called for international mediation. 

But despite his rhetoric, Mr Abbas announced no new policy steps. He did not cancel security coordination between Israel’s army and the Palestinian security forces nor rescind Palestinian recognition of Israel. 

He also said he considered the 1993 Oslo Accords, which created the Palestinian Authority, to be dead but gave no indication of what he would do differently as a result.  

Much of Mr Abbas’ speech was devoted to a rambling history lecture and Israeli leaders accused him of anti-Semitism he implied that 20th century European Jews preferred to stay in Europe and face the Holocaust rather than move to what is today Israel. 

Jerusalem – Israel

Mr Netanyahu  said Mr Abbas’ comments played into Israel’s narrative of the conflict. “He exposed what we have been saying all the time, that the root of the conflict is the basic refusal to recognise a Jewish state in any borders,” Mr Netanyahu said. 

The Palestinians have recognised Israel since 1988 but reject Jewish settlements in the West Bank and insist on the right of Palestinian refugees from 1948 to return to their homes inside Israel – a demand Israel rejects. 

UN vote to condemn Trump recognising Jerusalem as capital of Israel

Low point in US-Palestinian relations

In the buildup to the Central Council meeting on Sunday and Monday, Palestinian officials had stressed that all options were on the table for responding to Trump, including suspending the PLO’s recognition of Israel.

Abbas did not mention recognition but said the Oslo accords that led to the creation of his Palestinian Authority and envisioned a final resolution to the conflict were in effect finished.

"I am saying that Oslo, there is no Oslo. Israel ended Oslo," he said, referring to persistent Israeli settlement building and other issues seen as eroding the possibility of a two-state solution to the conflict.

The 121-member council will meet Monday to discuss strategy for responding to Trump’s announcement, but Abbas offered few concrete policy proposals.

Profile | Mahmoud Abbas

Hugh Lovatt, Israel and Palestine Project Coordinator at the European Council for Foreign Relations, said while the speech was full of rhetoric, there was little noticeable policy.

"It is safe to say that president Abbas has done little to improve US-Palestinian relations which have now reached their nadir," he told AFP.

"Abbas’s rambling speech was also noteworthy for what was not there – namely, any real vision for moving beyond the failed US-led Oslo paradigm.

"Those hoping for a glimpse of a new Palestinian strategy to end the occupation or a shift towards a one-state solution will have been left disappointed."

While Palestinian leaders have been outraged by Trump’s moves, they also face difficult choices in how to respond as they seek to salvage remaining hopes of a two-state solution to the conflict.

Earlier this month, Palestinian leaders said they will not be "blackmailed" after Trump threatened to cut aid worth more than $300 million annually to force them to negotiate.

Trump says "we refused negotiations. May God demolish your house. When did we refuse?" asked an indignant Abbas.

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Jean-Claude Juncker must take urgent steps to explain his role in the illegal Luxembourg wiretap scandal, a former senior intelligence officer awaiting trial in connection with the scandal has told The Daily Telegraph.

Mr Juncker resigned as Luxembourg prime minister in 2013 in the wake of the scandal in which Luxembourg intelligence chiefs were accused of the unauthorised tapping of phones, bugging politicians and keeping some 13,000 secret files.

The 63-year-old European Commission president has denied any wrongdoing, but has been dragged back into the scandal after fresh evidence emerged suggesting that members of his staff had tampered with crucial evidence.

The new evidence, which led to the postponing of a trial of three senior formers members of Luxembourg’s SREL intelligence service, according to The Times, showed that a key telephone transcript had apparently been doctored.

The secretly recorded conversation between Mr Juncker and his then intelligence chief Marco Mille, made in 2007, shows the two men discussing a telephone interception that Mr Juncker denies ever authorising.

Mr Mille and two colleagues – André Kemmer and Frank Schneider – were awaiting trial for violating privacy laws last month, but the case was postponed on November 21 after Mr Juncker notified the court that he was unable to attend as a witness until a later date.

Profile | Jean-Claude Juncker

Following the emergence of the redactions in the transcript which showed Mr Juncker discussing the wiretapping of a man who had eccentrically claimed the Luxembourg royal family were linked to terror attacks, a fresh criminal investigation was ordered on December 4 into how the transcript came to be changed.

According to The Times Mr Juncker told an investigating magistrate under oath in May 2015 that “there was definitely no permission for a full phone-tapping operation”.

He also denied that the unredacted transcript, in which he discusses the tapping with Mr Mille, showed this was the case, arguing that the words used in the transcript simply created “a great deal of confusion”.

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Frank Schneider, a former operations director of the Luxembourg Intelligence Service, who was present when Mr Mille recorded the conversation, said that Mr Juncker’s decision to delay attending the now postponed trial had denied him a moment of justice.

“Our trial is now postponed pending a criminal investigation, so we may never now get to see Juncker in court,” Mr Schneider said in an interview.

“There’s only two possibilities: either Juncker doesn’t understand the legal process, or he really doesn’t care about state of law in Luxembourg,” he added.

The Kiss of Jean-Claude Juncker, in pictures

Asked why Mr Juncker had failed to find time to attend the now-postponed trial as a witness despite being offered multiple dates, his chief spokesman Margaritis Schinas said that the proposed dates had “clashed with other commitments.”

“The president has on several occasions made it clear he is prepared to participate in this trial as a witness but he is the president of the commission so we need to find a date that suits. I am sure that date will be found without any major difficulty,” he said.

Mr Schneider said that he did not think “for one minute” that Mr Juncker ordered evidence to be tampered with, but said that the tampering of the transcript raised “serious questions” about whether Mr Juncker had, or had not, authorised the bugging.

“Mr Juncker needs to explain why he told an investigating judge that he did not authorise this wiretap, when the full transcript of his conversation with Marco Mille raises serious questions about what he knew,” Mr Schneider concluded.

 Bone-chilling cold gripped much of the central US as 2018 arrived, breaking century-old records, icing over some New Year’s celebrations and leading to at least two deaths attributed to exposure to the elements. 

The National Weather Service issued wind chill advisories covering a vast area from South Texas to Canada and from Montana and Wyoming through New England. Dangerously low temperatures enveloped much of the Midwest, yet didn’t deter hundreds of people from ringing in the new year by jumping into Lake Michigan. 

Despite sub-freezing temperatures and a warning of potential hypothermia from the local fire chief, throngs of people took part in the annual tradition in Milwaukee, warming up later with chili or heat from a beach fire pit. 

A similar event was canceled from the Chicago lakefront, where the temperature dipped below zero as thick white steam rose from the lake Monday morning. Organizers said the arctic blast made jumping into the lake too dangerous. 

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"I’m not happy about it. But I was down by the lake and, gosh, if you were dropped in there, it’d take you 10 minutes to get out," Jeff Coggins, who helped organise the thwarted Chicago event, told WBBM-TV. 

Tourists snap selfie at frozen fountain in Bryant Park in ManhattanCredit:
Getty Images

Instead, would-be Chicago plungers had their pictures taken while jumping on the frozen beach — in their swimsuits. 

Temperatures plunged below zero elsewhere in the Midwest, including in Aberdeen, South Dakota, where the mercury dropped to a record-breaking -36C. The previous New Year’s Day record had stood for 99 years. 

In Nebraska, temperatures hit -26C before midnight Sunday in Omaha, breaking a record low dating to 1884. Omaha officials cited the forecast in postponing the 18th annual New Year’s Eve Fireworks Spectacular that draws around 30,000 people. 

Revellers at the polar bear plunge on Coney Island, New YorkCredit:
Getty Images

It was colder in Des Moines, where city officials closed a downtown outdoor ice skating plaza and said it wouldn’t reopen until the city emerged from sub-zero temperatures. The temperature hit -29C early Monday, with the wind chill dipping to -35C. 

In northeastern Montana, the wind chill readings dipped as low as minus -50C. And in Duluth, Minnesota, a city known for its bitter cold winters, the wind chill dipped to -38C. 

Plunging overnight temperatures in Texas brought rare snow flurries as far south as Austin, and accidents racked up on icy roads across the state. In the central Texas city of Abilene, the local police chief said more than three dozen vehicle crashes were reported in 24 hours. 

It’s even cold in the Deep South, a region more accustomed to brief bursts of arctic air than night after night below zero. Frozen pipes and dead car batteries were concerns from Louisiana to Georgia as overnight temperatures in the teens were predicted across the region by Monday night. 

The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s office said two bodies found Sunday showed signs of hypothermia. They included a man in his 50s found on the ground in an alley and a 34-year-old man. Police believe the cold weather also may have been a factor in the death of a man in Bismarck, North Dakota, whose body was found near a river.

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Racing Point super-sub Nico Hulkenberg says it has been a “crazy and wild” last 24 hours that have led to his shock return to the cockpit in Formula 1.

The German driver who last raced in Abu Dhabi at the end of last season is substituting at Silverstone for Racing Point’s Sergio Perez who tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday.

Hulkenberg acquitted himself remarkably well in Friday’s two practice session, concluding his day P7 in the standings, a little over 0.6s adrift from his teammate and pace-setter Lance Stroll.

“The last 24 hours have been a bit special, crazy and wild,” Hulkenberg acknowledged.

“4.30pm yesterday afternoon I got the call and took the plane here, seat fitted until 2am and got into the simulator at 8am this morning for an hour to do some track work. Bit of prep work, so it was a short night but all worthwhile.

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    Racing Point had ‘no issues’ with Perez trip to Mexico

“A great effort by the team, I want to thank all the night shift guys for doing an amazing job to get me into the car quite comfortably.

“Also want to thank the FIA for turning it around so fast on the super licence. It’s been very special.

“I think there I got to grip pretty quickly with things. It’s just a little bit getting used to the steering wheel and some of the functions. We didn’t have heaps of time because I had to be tested as well.”

In addition to getting acquainted with a new car and the team’s procedures, the Hulk also dealt with the blistering hot conditions that prevailed at Silverstone on Friday and which were likely the cause of many of the off-track excursions experienced by the drivers during the day.

“I’ve really been thrown into the cold water here,” he said. “I think my body will feel that tomorrow and the day after. It’s obviously a huge challenge but I’m not shy of that one.

“The G-Forces are tough to train for because it’s so unique and so special. Even though I am in decent shape, this kind of G-Force around here, one of the fastest high-speed tracks, in 35 degrees…

“I also chose the hottest day in the UK so far, so I got the best of everything.”

And how did Hulkenberg assess his RP20 “pink Mercedes” whose qualities were showcased by Stroll on Friday?

“You can see there’s huge potential, the car is massively fast,” he noted.

“I didn’t exploit the Soft tyre as well, so I think there’s a bit more in the bag and I need to use that tyre better.

“That’s what we are going to work on through the night to try and get the best possible from the weekend.

“I tried to get up to speed with the car today, step-by-step, to understand it. It is quite different to last year and it just takes time to inhale everything and understand how to drive it.

“It’s a process of learning.”

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