Month: January 2022

Home / Month: January 2022

Depuis qu’elle a quitté Touche pas à mon poste (C8) en 2017, Énora Malagré fourmille de projets. En plus d’avoir créé son site féminin engagé WTF (Women Trend Family) avec son amie Justine Fraioli, la belle blonde de 38 ans a tourné une émission pour la chaîne Elle Girl TV baptisée My First Fashion Week et qui sera diffusée le 13 octobre 2018. Ce n’est pas tout, elle officiera également sur France 2 comme l’a révélé Le Parisien du 2 octobre.

La jeune femme sera en effet chroniqueuse de l’émission de Stéphane Bern Bons Baisers d’Europe. L’animateur de 54 ans fera découvrir le Vieux Continent aux téléspectateurs. Un projet que l’ancienne employée de C8 a hâte de commencer. “Quelle rentrée !!! Je suis émue et fière de vous annoncer que je reprends le chemin de la tv au côté du merveilleux Stéphane Bern !! ‘Bon baisers d’Europe’, c’est sa nouvelle émission, sur France 2. Mon bro, le génial Abdel Alaoui et la divine Julia Molkhou et moi-même l’accompagnerons dans ce projet dément ! Nous avons tellement hâte ! Ça démarre à la fin du mois les amis !“, a-t-elle écrit sur Instagram.

Quelle rentree !!! Je suis Emue et fire de vous annoncer que je reprends le chemin de la tv au ct du merveilleux Stphane Bern !! " bon baisers d europe " C est sa nouvelle emission , sur @france2 . Mon Bro , le Genial @abdelalaouiofficiel et la divine @juliamolkhou et moi meme L accompagneront dans ce projet dment ! Nous avons tellement Hate ! Ca dmarre la fin du mois les amis !

Une publication partage par Enora Malagr (@enoramalagre) le

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Véronique Genest a de nouveau flingué Touche pas à mon poste (C8) après les railleries du show médias.

Interrogée par nos confrères de Télé Loisirs sur ses tweets cinglants à l’encontre de Cyril Hanouna et de sa bande à la suite des critiques contre sa tentative infructueuse de mobilisation populaire après la mort de Charles Aznavour, la comédienne de 62 ans a commenté : “J’ai répondu ce que j’avais à répondre parce que je n’ai pas, non plus envie de fermer ma gueule. Si ces gens-là ont envie de se foutre de moi, qu’ils se foutent de moi. Et si les 800 000 personnes qui les regardent aussi, pareil ! Ça ne changera pas ma vie, ni mon humeur, ni ce que je suis… et je les emmerde !” Et de poursuivre sur le même registre : “Je suis quelqu’un qui ne sait pas fermer sa gueule. Et ils ne me la feront pas fermer ! Mais tout ça est très virtuel, ça ne correspond pas du tout à ce que je vis dans la rue.”

Aussi, si elle reconnaît ne pas regarder TPMP, elle a indiqué qu’elle avait eu vent des moqueries dont elle faisait l’objet par le biais de personnes travaillant dans l’émission. “C’est Christine Kelly qui m’a envoyé un petit message tellement elle était embêtée. Moi, je n’ai même pas vu l’émission. Il y a des gens que j’adore, comme Christine, mais aussi Isabelle Morini-Bosc. Je me demande un peu ce qu’elles foutent là. Peut-être avaient-elles un trou dans leur vie, qu’elles avaient besoin de combler quelque chose…

Pour rappel, mercredi 3 octobre 2018, l’équipe de TPMP s’était en effet vivement moquée de l’appel de la star pour un rassemblement à Paris afin de célébrer le mémoire de Charles Aznavour, le pilier de la chanson française disparu. Après cet appel qui n’avait pas convaincu les foules (loin de là…), Benjamin Castaldi avait par exemple qualifié la démarche de Véronique Genest de “ridicule” et Jean-Michel Maire avait taclé la comédienne en pointant du doigt son manque de légitimité. “Jamais je ne serais allé à un rassemblement qu’elle cautionne, je trouve que c’est de sa part, avoir un melon pas possible“, avait ajouté Gilles Verdez dans le show médias. Matthieu Delormeau, quant à lui, avait soupçonné une démarche pour faire oublier ses prises de paroles qui avaient “divisé la France“.

Face à ces commentaires, Véronique Genest avait riposté une première fois sur Twitter. Elle avait écrit : “La plupart sont des gamins. En fait Hanouna et sa bande, c’est la version 2018 de Dorothée, audience en moins et méchanceté en plus. Il correspond malheureusement à ce qu’est devenu notre monde. A nous de choisir ce que nous voulons que nos enfants apprennent.

Cyril Hanouna et la bande de TPMP vont-ils réagir ? Réponse ce 5 octobre sur C8.

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Invitée sur le plateau de L’Heure des pros, sur CNews, Me Sophie Obadia, avocate de Richard Berry, n’a pas caché sa stupéfaction alors que France 3 a déprogrammé un téléfilm dans lequel jouait l’acteur.

Richard Berry, persona non grata sur France 3 ? Tel était l’un des débats de L’Heure des pros, sur CNews, ce mardi 16 février, à la suite de la déprogrammation par France 3 d’un téléfilm dans lequel jouait Richard Berry. Vendredi 12 février, la chaîne du service public n’aurait pas diffusé l’épisode initialement prévu, intitulé “La loi de Damien“, dont le rôle principal est joué par l’acteur de 70 ans. “La loi de Julien“, téléfilm incarné cette fois-ci par Jean-Pierre Darroussin, a finalement occupé la case du prime-time. Cet événement est intervenu dans un contexte où Coline Berry, la fille de Richard Berry, accuse son père de l’avoir abusée sexuellement lorsqu’elle était enfant. Invitée sur le plateau de CNews, l’une des avocates de Richard Berry, Me Sophie Obadia, a dénoncé une “censure très grave“, “un vent américain nauséeux insupportable, gravissime”.

Dans son argumentaire, l’avocate de Richard Berry a invité les responsables, notamment politiques, à prendre la parole et s’indigner devant la décision de France 3. “Je sais que Madame Bachelot est sensible à la présomption d’innocence. Si cette affaire de déprogrammation est vraie, alors je demande effectivement que des voix de démocrates s’élèvent pour dire que ce n’est pas possible“, a-t-elle indiqué, avant d’ajouter : “Si on commence à faire ça, pour n’importe quelles accusations, je vous laisse imaginer vers quel monde on se tourne. C’est insupportable.

France 3 a réagi par un communiqué

Ce mardi 16 février, un communiqué de la chaîne est finalement tombé. Il a été relayé par Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine dans l’émission C à vous sur France 5 : “Afin de ne pas perturber les démarches juridiques dont la presse se fait écho entre Richard Berry et sa fille, et en accord avec les ayants droits, France 3 décale la programmation de La loi de Damien. Une explication qui n’a pas convaincu Me Hervé Temime, autre avocat de Richard Berry, présent en plateau, qui s’est inquiété du non-respect du principe même de présomption d’innocence dans cette décision de la chaîne : “Je vous dis simplement que cette raison qui est avancée, ça signifie donc que plus jamais aucun film où Richard Berry apparaît sera programmé sur le service public”, s’est exprimé l’avocat, rappelant que dans cette affaire la justice ne pourra jamais trancher“, les faits étant a priori prescrits.

Article écrit avec la collaboration de 6Medias.

Crédits photos : Capture d’écran CNews

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Différente de la journée du 8 mars qui célèbre les femmes, depuis 2012, on “fête” également, la Journée internationale de la fille. Le rendez-vous est donné chaque 11 octobre dans le but de promouvoir les droits fondamentaux des filles, mettre en évidence les inégalités de genre qui subsistent entre filles et garçons et faire de l’éducation pour toutes un enjeu majeur. Une journée pour mobiliser, ce que les stars font avec bon coeur.

Cette jeune femme est l’une de ces personnalités qui n’ont pas hésité à aller chercher dans les archives pour retrouver de vieilles photos d’elles, quand elles étaient des filles avant de devenir des femmes. Cette fillette adorable est née en 1996 dans le Pas-de-Calais. Elle se lance dans le chant, sa passion, grâce au soutien de sa nourrice, Monique. En 2009, à tout juste 12 ans, elle se lance dans l’émission L’École des stars, diffusée sur Direct 8.

Mais ce n’est que quatre ans plus tard, dans une autre émission télévisée, que la jeune fille se révèle. Cette émission, c’est The Voice. Après avoir touché le public en interprétant le titre Imagine en hommage à son père décédé juste avant la diffusion du programme, elle se hisse jusqu’en demi-finale, coachée par Louis Bertignac.

Le télé-crochet sera un propulseur de carrière pour la pétillante blonde qui, paradoxalement, va également se tourner vers le cinéma avec La Famille Bélier, où elle laisse entendre son timbre. Sa performance lui permet de décrocher un César du meilleur espoir féminin. Cette fillette n’est autre que Louane Emera, dont le deuxième album, Louane, est sorti en novembre 2017.

Avec @PlanFrance, pour que chaque #FilleAujourdhui devienne une femme libre demain grce l’ducation !

Une publication partage par Louane (@louane) le

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class=”article_teaser__2t5do”>The opening game of Euro 2020 takes place on Friday and Goal is backing an entertaining game between two sides in excellent scoring form this year

Euro 2020 finally gets underway on Friday with Turkey facing Italy at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome and both sides are hoping to get off to a strong start in Group A of the tournament.

Roberto Mancini’s men are on 27-match unbeaten streak and come into the competition having won each of their last eight matches without conceding a goal, whilst Turkey are also unbeaten in 2021.

Turkey vs Italy Latest Odds

The Azzurri’s last defeat came back in September 2018 in the UEFA Nations League at the hands of Portugal and the four-time World Cup winners can be backed at 11/20 (1.55) with bet365 to pick up three points.

Turkey, for their part, are clear outsiders offered at 6/1 (7.00) with the draw available at 14/5 (3.80).

Turkey vs Italy Team News

The Italian squad is a blend of youth and experience, with 22-year-old Gianluigi Donnarumma starting in goal behind veteran defenders Giorgio Chiellini and Leonardo Bonucci.

In midfield, Sassuolo’s 23-year-old Manuel Locatelli looks set to start his first game at a major tournament, while Ciro Immobile will lead the line after another superb domestic season for Lazio.

Turkey are lead by veteran striker Burak Yilmaz, who helped fire Lille to an unlikely Ligue 1 title in France this season, and Trabzonspor’s Ugurcan Cakir is likely to start in goal despite lacking experience at this level.

Turkey vs Italy Preview

Senol Gunes had great success with the Turkish national team in 2002, taking them to the semi-finals of the World Cup, and there are hopes that the manager can work his magic again this year with another talented group.

Turkey have had plenty of joy in the final third over the last nine months, scoring at least twice in five of their last six competitive matches and notably putting four goals past the Netherlands and three past both Russia and Norway.

Italy will prove to be more challenging opponents and their extraordinary defensive record makes opposing a high-scoring game the natural bet, yet there could be some interest in backing both teams to score.

Turkey vs Italy Tips and Predictions

Investing goals at both ends appeals greatly at the price of 5/4 (2.25) which looks to offer plenty of value.

The Italians have netted in 23 of their last 24 matches and should relied upon to do so once more, while backing Turkey’s fine scoring form to continue makes plenty of sense. 

Odds correct at the time of writing. Please gamble responsibly. 

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class=”article_teaser__2t5do”>With both teams looking strong at the back, Al Hain-Cole expects a tight, evenly-matched opening clash between the Dragons and Petkovic's men

Wales and Switzerland will be aiming to get their Euro 2020 campaigns off to a winning start when they meet in Baku on Saturday.

The Dragons have fond recent memories of this tournament, having enjoyed a heroic run to the semi-finals in France at Euro 2016.

Wales vs Switzerland Latest Odds

Having subsequently missed out on qualification for the last World Cup, they are available at 14/5 (3.80) with bet365 to make a triumphant return to the big stage with a win in Azerbaijan.

Vladimir Petkovic’s team comes into this tournament on the back of seven consecutive wins and is priced at 11/10 (2.10) to keep that streak going with another victory.

None of the five previous encounters between this duo have resulted in draws, but you can get odds of 21/10 (3.10) on them cancelling each other out in this one.

Wales vs Switzerland Team News

Daniel James and Harry Wilson are likely to line up alongside star man Gareth Bale in a fluid attack, while Joe Allen will be hoping to start in midfield after being ruled out of the competition last summer due to injury before it was delayed by a year.

Admir Mehmedi, Breel Embolo  and Mario Gavranovic will compete for a place alongside Haris Seferovic up front, with Xherdan Shaqiri pulling the strings from attacking midfield.

Wales vs Switzerland Preview

Whoever lines up in attack for either side is likely to face a difficult job in breaking down stubborn opposition backlines.

Indeed, the Nati qualified for this tournament having conceded just six times in eight group games and have only let in four in their last six in all competitions.

This looks ominous for Rob Page’s men, who have hit the net only 10 times in 13 fixtures and failed to get on target in either of their two warm-up friendlies.

Nevertheless, they can at least rely upon a backline that has conceded 16 times in 21 matches – with nine of those goals arriving in three difficult games against England, Belgium and France.

Wales vs Switzerland Tips and Predictions

With the teams fairly evenly matched and both strong defensively, odds of 8/11 (1.73) look fair enough on either Wales or Switzerland failing to score in a tense game featuring under 2.5 goals.

All odds correct at time of writing. Please gamble responsibly.

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class=”article_teaser__2t5do”>One of the pre-tournament favourites begin Euro 2020 in St Petersburg and Goal is backing Roberto Martinez's men to score at least twice on Saturday

The number one ranked team in the world begin their Euro 2020 campaign on Saturday evening as Belgium face Russia in Group B.

Roberto Martinez’s side are one of the favourites to win the tournament and will be confident of claiming a win against a team they comfortably beat twice in qualifying for the competition.

Belgium vs Russia Latest Odds

The Red Devils were 4-1 winners when they visited Russia in November 2019, while also recording a 3-1 win on home soil in March of that year.

Another success for Belgium is priced at 4/6 (1.66) with bet365 while the Russians can be backed at 15/4 (4.75) and the draw at 3/1 (4.00).

Belgium vs Russia Team News

The Belgians are set to be without Kevin De Bruyne following the facial injury he picked up in the Champions League final and it remains to be seen whether Eden Hazard is fully fit to start after an injury-plagued season for Real Madrid, having been a substitute in both of Belgium’s warm-up friendlies.

Russia will have veteran forward Artem Dzyuba leading the line with the Zenit St Petersburg forward coming off the back off his best scoring season in the Russian Premier League. 

Belgium vs Russia Preview

Following their third-place finish at the 2018 World Cup, Belgium’s golden generation of players will be aiming to go at least one better and reach what would be only the nation’s second ever final at a major tournament.

Martinez’s team certainly have enough firepower to cause any side in the world problems, yet there could be question marks about their ageing back-line who have certainly lost some pace over the years.

Nevertheless, they boast one of the best goalkeepers on the planet n Thibaut Courtois and the Red Devils should be able to see off a Russia side they eased past twice in qualifying. 

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Belgium vs Russia Tips and Predictions 

The Belgians are offered at 5/6 (1.83) to score over 1.5 goals which looks like a strong option, having paid out in five of the last six meetings between these nations.

Russia have conceded twice against Hungary, Sweden and Slovakia, three times against Turkey and five times against Serbia in recent months and look set to struggle against one of the best attacking teams in the world. 

Odds correct at the time of writing. Please gamble responsibly.

class=”article_teaser__2t5do”>With this Euro 2020 clash taking place in Copenhagen, Goal is backing the Danes to hold firm on the way to three points in their opening Group B match

Denmark and Finland are both aiming to start Euro 2020 with a win when they face off at Parken Stadium in Copenhagen on Saturday evening.

The pair face a tough ask to top Group B ahead of Belgium but will both fancy their chances of reaching the knockout stages by finishing second or as one of the best third-place teams.

Denmark vs Finland Latest Odds

Playing on home turf, Denmark are 4/9 (1.44) favourites with bet365 to open their campaign with three points against one of the rank outsiders in the competition.

Finland have lost four and drawn two of their last six games and it is no surprise to see them at 8/1 (9.0) to stun their Nordic rivals.

It was a draw when the sides last met in this stadium back in 2003 and another stalemate is available at 3/1 (4.0) with the online bookmaker.

Denmark vs Finland Team News

Kasper Hjulmand should be able to name his strongest team for this one, with the likes of Kasper Schmeichel, Simon Kjaer, Christian Eriksen and Martin Braithwaite amongst the big names expected to start.

Teemu Pukki played 30 minutes in Finland’s last friendly match, ending fears he may miss this game due to an ankle problem, whilst captain Tim Sparv should return after sitting out that defeat to Estonia.

Denmark vs Finland Preview

Denmark come into Euro 2020 as one of the dark horses and will have aspirations of justifying that tag with a strong run that begins on Saturday.

Hjulmand’s men have been in good form over the last nine months with victories over England and Sweden as well as a creditable draw with Germany last week, and should have more than enough to see off Finland.

Indeed, the Eagle-owls have lost their most recent three friendlies, including against Estonia at home on Friday, whilst draws against Ukraine and Bosnia-Herzegovina in March offer little encouragement.

Denmark vs Finland Tips and Predictions

Denmark have won four of their last five games without conceding, with only Germany managing to score, and another victory to nil is offered at Evens (2.0) by bet365.

Odds correct at the time of writing. Please gamble responsibly.

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class=”article_teaser__2t5do”>Bet Builder allows users to put multiple selections from the same game into a single bet and Goal is backing the Three Lions captain to make his mark

England will be gunning to start Euro 2020 with a win when they play Croatia at Wembley Stadium on Sunday afternoon in a rematch of the 2018 World Cup semi-final.

Zlatko Dalic’s men won that clash 2-1 despite falling behind early, although the Three Lions did exact some revenge in November that year with a victory by the same scoreline in the Nations League.

bet365 make England 4/6 (1.67) favourites to take the points in the first Group D game of the tournament with Croatia out at 9/2 (5.50), and Goal’s tipster has used the Bet Builder tool to come up with a longshot 50/1 (51.0) bet for the game.

Bet Builder allows users to put multiple selections from the same game into a single bet and the 50/1 (51.0) consists of: Harry Kane to score and Kyle Walker & Sime Vrsaljko to be booked.

The form of Kane will be key if England are to realise their potential and win Euro 2020, with the national team captain having scored 34 times for his country in just 54 appearances.

His six goals at the 2018 World Cup meant he took home the Golden Boot and 33 strikes at club level for Tottenham this season will no doubt give him plenty of confidence heading into this tournament. 

As well, Kane will be on penalty duty and his thirst for goals means he certainly represents his country’s best chance of breaching Croatia’s defence.

In terms of bookings, Kyle Walker actually has a strong disciplinary record for Manchester City this season but has picked up eight yellows in 49 starts for England – including two at the 2018 World Cup.

The defender also holds the rare distinction of being just one of 16 Three Lions players who have been sent off in a competitive match – having seen red against Iceland last September.

Finally, Sime Vrsaljko endured a rough campaign for Atletico Madrid after injury ruled him out for the first three months and then he largely played second fiddle behind Kieran Trippier, but he still managed to pick up two bookings in just six starts.

His discipline for Croatia offers similar reading, having started 38 times for the 2018 World Cup runners-up and been yellow carded on nine occasions.

Odds correct at the time of writing. Please gamble responsibly.

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class=”article_teaser__2t5do”>Amsterdam plays host to this Group C clash and Goal is backing plenty of action as both sides look to start Euro 2020 by taking all three points

Netherlands begin their Euro 2020 campaign on home soil on Sunday evening when they face Ukraine at the Johan Cruyff Arena.

Frank De Boer’s side are the favourites to top Group C but their opponents this weekend come into the tournament in strong form, having put together a six-match unbeaten run in 2021. 

Netherlands vs Ukraine Latest Odds

Ukraine have beaten Spain and Switzerland whilst drawn with France in competitive fixtures in the last nine months and Andriy Shevchenko’s side are priced at 5/1 (6.00) with bet365 to claim another high-profile scalp.

The Dutch for their part can be backed at 3/5 (1.60) to claim three points, while the draw is available at 13/5 (3.60).

Netherlands vs Ukraine Team News

Netherlands were dealt a major blow when first choice goalkeeper Jesper Cillessen tested positive for coronavirus last week, meaning Tim Krul and Maarten Stekelenburg will compete to start in his place, whilst Donny Van de Beek is out of the tournament with an injury. 

Ukraine will be captained by Manchester City midfielder Oleksandr Zinchenko, who will keep things moving in the middle of the park alongside Atalanta’s Ruslan Malinovskyi.

Netherlands vs Ukraine Preview

The Dutch come into the tournament boasting an impressive scoring record, having scored at least twice in each of their last seven matches, with Memphis Depay responsible for five of the Netherlands’ last 12 goals. .

Qualifying for Euro 2020 proved to be no issue, with De Boer’s side picking up 19 points from a possible 24 whilst averaging three goals per game. 

Ukraine, for their part, also reached the tournament in impressive fashion – going unbeaten and finishing ahead of holders Portugal.

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They have notched some impressive results against important sides in recent months and having edged Portugal in qualifying, they will certainly feel they can compete.

Netherlands vs Ukraine Tips and Predictions

Both teams to score should be of interest at 6/5 (2.20), while backing Ukraine with a +0.5 goal Asian handicap at 5/4 (2.25) could also appeal. 

Odds correct at the time of writing. Please gamble responsibly.