Month: November 2024

Home / Month: November 2024

Staying Home For The Holidays? Let’s Get Comfy!

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments


Staying home for the holidays? Me too. Let’s get comfy! A few weeks into the pandemic, it became obvious that I didn’t have a robust at-home wardrobe. I am sure you noticed that you can’t wear the same two pajama pants and workout leggings every single week. For those shaking your head and saying, “Yes, you can.” I see you. And no, you can’t my lovely friend. It’s bad for your self-esteem, and you can’t possibly do enough laundry for this to be hygienic.

Home For The Holidays Mindset

Before I get to the comfy clothes and accessories for a luxurious home for the holidays look, I want to talk about how I am making staying home for the holidays work for me emotionally. First off, yes, I am disappointed that I won’t get to attend holiday parties, see my family, and exchange gifts in person. But I am honored to be part of the pandemic solution. And, I gotta tell you, I am loving the lack of stress. No rushing to the airport, no crowds, and I get to sleep in my own bed every night — wow. I had no idea I would enjoy this so much. I feel so present. And for the first time in as long as I can remember, I finally understand the term “holiday spirit.” I really feel it this year. Without the distraction of the personal and professional deadlines that this month usually brings, I have the time and mindset to stay still and feel the winter holiday mood. I really, really like it.

Home For The Holidays Outfits

Okay! Back to fashion. I wouldn’t be channeling such an incredible holiday spirit if it weren’t for my perfect outfits. I am not saying you need the perfect outfit to feel amazing, but I kind of am. I just find it so damn helpful. And you only need three things for the perfect stay-at-home holiday look:

  1. Slipper Socks
  2. Cozy Sweater
  3. Cozy Pants
  4. Bralette (optional)

Get a few variations of these babies and you are set for your stay-at-home holiday lounging. Below you will find all my absolute favorite lounge pieces that I have been putting on my clients, my friends, and myself. They’re all available with two-day shipping or you can order online and pick up in-store.

Honeydew Intimates Comfort Queen Quarter Zip Pullover

Target JoyLab Women’s French Terry Acid Wash Pullover Sweatshirt

BP Comfy Joggers

Spanx Bra-llelujah! Unlined Bralette

This bralette is available at Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s, and Revolve.

BP Comfy Joggers

Muk Luks Women’s 1-Pair Cabin Socks

Socialite Waffle V-Neck Top

Gap Seamless Racerback Bralette

Zella Restore Soft Pocket Lounge Leggings

Ugg Pompom Fleece Lined Socks

These socks are available at Nordstrom, Ugg, Amazon, and Zappos.

Skims Fits Everybody Scoop Neck Bralette

Sweaty Betty Harmonise Luxe Sweatshirt

This sweatshirt is available at Nordstrom and Sweaty Betty.

Heat Holders Women’s Thermal Stripe Socks

Commando Butter Bralette

This bralette is available at Nordstrom, Bloomingdale’s, and Amazon.

Athleta Tugga Sherpa Jacket

Socialite Waffle V-Neck Top

Sweaty Betty Bouclé Funnel Neck Sweatshirt

This sweatshirt is available at Nordstrom and Sweaty Betty.

Baleaf Women’s Cotton Sweatpants Cozy Joggers

These joggers are available at Amazon and Baleaf.


It has been awhile since I have seen my friend Christianna Ablahad, owner of Mog And Rue. Finally, we were able to catch up at the Neiman Marcus trend presentation. She complimented me on my recent post, What is In and What is Out? We went on to discuss the insignifance of trends. "You know, its not like I am going to run out and buy a bunch pink now," she said in reference to pink being Spring's number one trend. I laughed, agreed fully, then decided to stroll the mall instead of my usual client focused stomping. I end up in Charlotte Russe and buy numerous pink garments. I laugh the whole time. I wasn't looking for pink, I was looking for fabulous and I found it… in pink. 

Keyword: Ruby Scott


Personal Stylist Purchase – Charlotte Russe Top

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

I haven't been in Charlotte Russe in ages, but a little frock caught my eye. When I went in to investigate, I was horrified by the fabric and discovered this top instead. I love a loosy goosy, soft cotton top with a length suitable for leggings. Especially one that shows off my rack. I can also tuck it into a high waisted skirt or low riding jeans if I wanted. A steal at $25.

Keyword: Everydrops


What Is Pocket/Deep Milling?

November 29, 2024 | News | No Comments

In the realm of Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining, pocket milling stands as a fundamental operation. It’s a versatile process utilized in various industries, from aerospace engineering to manufacturing intricate parts for consumer electronics. Now, let’s explore more about what pocket milling is, how it works, best practices, and more!

Understanding Pocket Milling

Pocket milling is a machining operation performed using CNC machines to create pockets or cavities in a workpiece. This process involves removing material from the workpiece using a rotating cutting tool such as an end mill or a milling cutter.

CNC pocket milling is commonly used in various industries to produce parts with intricate features such as slots, and creates recesses accurately and efficiently. It offers advantages such as high precision, repeatability, and the ability to produce complex shapes with minimal manual intervention. This guide delves into what pocket milling entails, its applications, techniques, and advantages.

How Does Pocket Milling Work?

The pocket milling process begins with the design of a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model. The CAD model defines the dimensions and geometry of the pocket to be machined. The model is then converted into machine-readable instructions using Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software. To understand what is pocket milling, you must be able to comprehend how to generate the CAM program properly.

Once the CAM program is generated, it is uploaded to the CNC machine. Then, the operator will ensure that the workpiece is securely clamped onto the worktable and the cutting tool is positioned above the material. The CNC machine precisely controls the movement of the cutting tool along the X, Y, and Z axes.

While pocket milling, the cutting tool descends into the material at specified depths and removes material in successive passes, following a predetermined toolpath. The toolpath is designed to efficiently remove material while ensuring optimal surface finish and dimensional accuracy. Now that we know how pocketing milling works, let’s discuss more about milling deep pockets in aluminum, as this is a common material used for pocketing.

Milling Deep Pockets In Aluminum

Milling deep pockets in aluminum can be a tricky task to achieve but is important to understand pocket milling and how it applies to aluminum. First, you need to make sure that you have the correct tooling. Sometimes, it is better to use two different end mills. One that is standard length and another with a long reach. The standard-length tool allows for faster milling, whereas the extended-reach tool allows you to achieve the desired depth. Extended-reach tools have a relieved shank with extra reach to increase the tool strength that would normally have a very long flute cut out of the carbide.

When cutting deep pockets, chip evacuation and coolant are needed to keep the aluminum from melting in the tool flute. Pocket milling causes the chips to collect within the pocket and can cause issues if they are in the way of the toolpath. Recutting chips and blocking chip evacuation from the tool can be eliminated by an air blast or using a high-pressure coolant system.

Aluminum is a popular material choice for machining due to its lightweight nature, excellent machinability, and corrosion resistance. Milling deep pockets in aluminum is achieved using various cutting tools and strategies tailored to the requirements of the job.

Read More: Quick Guide to CNC Aluminum Prototyping

Best Practices

There are a couple different ways to perform pocket milling. Fortunately, we are here to help provide some best practices to achieve the greatest results!

The first method for pocket milling is to feed an end mill into the stock to remove the material from the top down. To achieve this type of milling, you must remove the material from the stock layer by layer. This process is repeated until the cutting tool reaches the final pocket depth desired. It is important to note that by using this method, the step down is smaller with each layer. This means that the value of the step-over will be higher but ≤ to the diameter of the tool. 

The second method is called adaptive milling. This method spirals the tool to the maximum depth allowed by the flute length and then peels away at the material with a finer step-over. This technique uses constant tool engagement while utilizing the entire flute length. Although this isn’t always the fastest way to remove material, it does often result in a longer tool life. The tool life is lengthened because the whole flute is being used, and there is constant engagement removing any excess stress on it. Both processes should be followed by a finish pass to clean the walls and floors of the pocket. 

Starting from the top and milling down gives you the option of performing a morphed spiral pocket routine. Morphed spiral pocketing creates a smoother motion than what you would get from a traditional pocket toolpath. This technique can lead to faster machining times. If you are looking for the most efficient technique, this will be your best option.

Read More: Material Removal CNC Milling Strategy

Let’s Recap!

Now that we have gone over what pocket milling is, it’s time to recap what we learned! Deep milling is a fundamental CNC machining operation that plays a crucial role in the manufacturing industry. Its ability to efficiently create complex cavities and contours makes it indispensable for producing a wide range of components across various sectors. By understanding the best practices of pocket milling and leveraging advanced CNC technology, manufacturers can achieve higher productivity, precision, and cost-effectiveness in their machining operations.

At DATRON Dynamics, we not only offer high-speed CNC machines that make any job a breeze, but also the right tools, too! Our CNC milling tools are German-engineered for expert precision and performance. DATRON tools give you the accuracy and dependability needed to get the job done. While our CNC machines offer the rigidness and high-speed milling that works best for your milling jobs!

Contact us today to learn more about our machining solutions. Our CNC tools will change the game on all of your milling operations!


如何获取 Pixabay API 密钥(分步指南)

November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments

在数字媒体和软件开发领域,获取和使用高质量的图片资源是一项常见需求。Pixabay作为一个提供大量免费图片和视频的平台,其API接口为开发者提供了便捷的访问方式。本文将指导你如何获取Pixabay API密钥,并进行初步的可用性测试,同时探讨在使用过程中需要考虑的其他关键因素,以及可能遇到的常见问题和使用指导。

1. 获取Pixabay API秘钥步骤

获取Pixabay API密钥的过程相对简单,只需几个步骤即可完成:

  1. 访问Pixabay官方网站。
  2. 注册或登录你的Pixabay账户。
  • 导航到开发者区域或API页面。Pixabay Developer API
  • 点击createAPP进入api doc文档页面可以看到API密钥


2. Pixabay API秘钥可用性测试



curl " agent&image_type=photo"





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3. 使用Pixabay API搭建应用的其他关键考虑因素

在使用Pixabay API搭建应用时,除了获取和测试API密钥外,还需考虑以下因素:

1、  请求限制:

默认情况下,您每 60 秒最多可以发出 100 个请求。请求与 API 密钥相关联,而不是与您的 IP 地址相关联。响应标头会告诉您有关当前速率限制状态的所有信息。

为了让 Pixabay API 保持快速,请求必须缓存 24 小时。此外,API 是为真正的人工请求而设计的;请勿发送大量自动查询。不允许系统性批量下载。如果需要,我们可以随时增加此限制 – 只要您已正确实施 API。

2、  热链接:

返回的图片 URL 可用于临时显示搜索结果。但是,不允许对图片进行永久热链接(在您的应用中使用 Pixabay URL)。如果您打算使用这些图片,请先将它们下载到您的服务器。视频可以直接嵌入到您的应用中。但是,我们建议将它们存储在您的服务器上。

3、  错误处理:

如果发生错误,则会返回带有正确 HTTP 错误状态代码的响应。此响应的正文包含问题的纯文本描述。例如,一旦超出速率限制,您将收到 HTTP 错误 429(“请求过多”),并显示消息“超出 API 速率限制”。

4. Pixabay API密钥申请和使用中的常见问题

在申请和使用Pixabay API密钥过程中,你可能会遇到以下常见问题:

  1. 我可以上传多少内容?

新用户每七 (7) 天最多可上传七 (7) 次。

  • 我如何才能避免看到成人内容?

虽然您在 Pixabay 上找不到任何强烈的暴力和/或高度露骨的内容,但我们接受裸体摄影和其他可能被某些用户视为冒犯的视觉内容。为了过滤掉这些搜索结果,您可以使用我们的安全搜索过滤器。

  • 我们如何审核内容?

Pixabay 采用自动化工具和人工审核员相结合的方式,识别和处理违反我们服务条款的内容或行为。这包括媒体、用户评论和论坛讨论。我们团队会审查向我们报告的内容或被我们的自动化系统标记为可能违规的内容。。

5. Pixabay API进阶指引

在获得Pixabay API密钥之后,即可开启API接口对接,本文整理了多篇开发者使用Pixabay API的案例,帮助读者更有效地使用Pixabay API:

  1. Get Images & Videos for free from keywords using Pixabay API
  2. Image Processing Using Pixabay API and Python
  3. Video search through the API!

6.  常见问题

问题1:如何找到Pixabay API

幂简集成是国内领先的API集成管理平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。幂简幂简API平台可以通过以下两种方式找到所需API:通过关键词搜索API(例如,输入’pixabay api‘这类品类词,更容易找到结果)、或者从API hub分类页进入寻找。

问题2:Pixabay API的替代者有哪些?

市场上存在免费、付费两种替代者,例如 VCG,nekos Gif,Shutter Stock,WikiMedia 等,更多竞品可以在Pixabay API开放平台找到。

问题3:Pixabay 图片是否受到版权限制?


Keyword: 增值税验证



November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments

本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用












Keyword: wps下载


本教程适用版本:WPS 365 点击免费使用


<caption attachment_14565" align="aligncenter" width="615"] 给整数抹去十位数为零的方法












Keyword: wps官网下载


Pure By Nicton Mint Extra Strong

November 28, 2024 | News | No Comments


Pure By Nicton Mint Extra Strong has a taste of mint and is free from tobacco. A brand new nicotine pouch from Pure by Nicton.

Weight: 9 grams
Flavour Description: Mint
Nicotine Level: 20 mg/g
Available in: single cans, rolls (10 cans)
Manufacturer: Nicton





Keyword: NBA直播live
