Month: November 2024

Home / Month: November 2024

Quangong T10 Production Line Enters Mali Market

November 22, 2024 | News | No Comments

KAMA  GROUP is a large group company in Mali, which engages in import sales of  natural gas, construction material and real estate ect..
   In 2016, QGM Northwest Africa seller met KAMA GROUP chairman in    African CEO Summit meeting of  Coted'Ivoire.After the Summit meeting,the chairman discussed the production  line of block making machine with our seller actively. The client gave up  considering the block making machine manufacturers from France and Turkey  when they knew our company had acquired Zenith Germany and the condition of  our machinery in northwest Africa. After that, they bought the production  line of T10 automatic block making .The clients asked their purchasing  department to complete purchase works immediately when they had went back to  Mali. The devices were already shipped to Bamako from Xiamen port. Our  clients will start to produce concrete blocks before the end of this year. It  will change the history of producing concrete blocks by adopting manual  operation mold and small size egg layer in Mali, and this will make Mali  enter the mechanical automation era of producing concrete blocks.



Les cheveux sont souvent considérés comme un reflet de notre santé et de notre bien-être. Un cheveu brillant et en bonne santé peut rehausser n’importe quel look, tandis que des cheveux ternes et abîmés peuvent donner une impression de négligence. Pour maintenir leur éclat et leur vitalité, l’utilisation d’un masque capillaire de qualité est essentielle. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer comment choisir et utiliser le masque capillaire parfait pour obtenir des cheveux éblouissants.

Pourquoi utiliser un masque capillaire ?

  • Hydratation : Les masques capillaires nourrissent en profondeur vos cheveux, leur apportant l’hydratation dont ils ont besoin, surtout après des expositions fréquentes à la chaleur ou à des produits chimiques.
  • Réparation : Ils aident à réparer les dommages causés par la chaleur, les produits chimiques, et les agressions extérieures comme le soleil, le vent, et la pollution.
  • Éclat : Un bon masque peut redonner de l’éclat et de la brillance à vos cheveux, les rendant plus vivants et attrayants.
  • Facilité de coiffage : Ils rendent les cheveux plus faciles à coiffer, réduisant les frisottis et améliorant la texture.
  • Prévention des pointes fourchues : L’utilisation régulière d’un masque capillaire peut aider à prévenir les pointes fourchues, prolongeant ainsi la durée de vie de votre coiffure.
  • Amélioration de la santé du cuir chevelu : Certains masques sont formulés pour apaiser et nourrir le cuir chevelu, favorisant ainsi une croissance saine des cheveux.

Comment choisir le bon masque capillaire ?

Choisir le bon masque capillaire peut sembler accablant avec la multitude de produits disponibles sur le marché. Voici quelques conseils pour vous guider :

  • Type de cheveux : Identifiez votre type de cheveux (secs, gras, bouclés, lisses) et choisissez un masque qui lui correspond. Par exemple, les cheveux secs bénéficieront d’un masque riche en huiles, tandis que les cheveux gras auront besoin d’un masque léger.
  • Ingrédients : Recherchez des masques contenant des ingrédients naturels comme l’huile d’argan, le beurre de karité, l’aloe vera, ou encore l’huile de coco. Évitez les produits contenant des ingrédients chimiques agressifs.
  • Objectif : Déterminez ce que vous souhaitez accomplir (hydratation, réparation, renforcement, etc.) et choisissez en conséquence. Si vos cheveux sont abîmés, optez pour un masque réparateur.
  • Évitez les produits chimiques : Optez pour des masques sans sulfates, parabènes et silicones pour limiter les effets néfastes sur vos cheveux. Les produits naturels sont souvent plus doux et bénéfiques.
  • Texture : La texture du masque peut également influencer son efficacité. Les masques crémeux sont idéaux pour les cheveux secs, tandis que les formules légères conviennent mieux aux cheveux fins.
  • Budget : Les masques capillaires varient en prix. Il est possible de trouver d’excellents produits à des prix abordables, mais n’hésitez pas à investir dans un bon masque si cela signifie de meilleurs résultats.

Comment utiliser un masque capillaire ?

Maintenant que vous avez choisi le bon masque, voici comment l’utiliser efficacement :

  1. Préparation : Lavez vos cheveux avec un shampooing doux pour éliminer les impuretés et ouvrir les cuticules des cheveux, permettant ainsi au masque de pénétrer plus profondément.
  2. Application : Appliquez le masque sur cheveux humides, en insistant sur les longueurs et les pointes. Utilisez un peigne à dents larges pour bien répartir le produit.
  3. Temps de pose : Laissez agir le masque pendant 10 à 30 minutes selon les recommandations du produit. Pour un traitement intensif, vous pouvez couvrir vos cheveux avec un bonnet de douche pour créer un effet de chaleur.
  4. Rinçage : Rincez abondamment à l’eau tiède, puis suivez avec un après-shampooing si nécessaire. Assurez-vous que tout le masque est bien éliminé pour éviter des résidus.
  5. Fréquence : Utilisez un masque capillaire une à deux fois par semaine pour des résultats optimaux. Écoutez vos cheveux et ajustez la fréquence si nécessaire.

Les meilleures pratiques pour maximiser l’efficacité de votre masque capillaire

Voici quelques astuces pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre masque capillaire :

  • Chauffez le masque : Pour améliorer la pénétration des ingrédients, vous pouvez chauffer légèrement le masque avant de l’appliquer.
  • Massage du cuir chevelu : Profitez de l’application pour masser doucement votre cuir chevelu. Cela stimule la circulation sanguine et favorise la croissance des cheveux.
  • Évitez l’eau chaude : Lorsque vous rincez le masque, évitez l’eau chaude qui peut assécher vos cheveux. Optez pour de l’eau tiède ou froide.
  • Utilisez un bonnet de douche : Pour un effet intensifié, utilisez un bonnet de douche pendant le temps de pose pour garder la chaleur et favoriser l’absorption des nutriments.
  • Complétez avec un soin sans rinçage : Après le rinçage, appliquez un soin sans rinçage pour sceller l’hydratation et protéger vos cheveux.

Erreurs courantes à éviter lors de l’utilisation d’un masque capillaire

Évitez ces erreurs fréquentes pour garantir l’efficacité de votre masque :

  • Utiliser trop de produit : L’application excessive de masque peut alourdir les cheveux et les rendre gras. Une petite quantité suffit généralement.
  • Ne pas respecter le temps de pose : Un temps de pose trop court ou trop long peut réduire l’efficacité du traitement. Suivez les instructions du produit.
  • Appliquer sur cheveux secs : Les masques sont plus efficaces sur cheveux humides, car ils peuvent mieux pénétrer la fibre capillaire.
  • Rincer à l’eau chaude : Cela peut éliminer l’hydratation que vous venez d’apporter. Privilégiez l’eau tiède ou froide.


Choisir et utiliser le masque capillaire parfait est essentiel pour obtenir des cheveux éblouissants. En tenant compte de votre type de cheveux, de vos besoins spécifiques et en évitant les erreurs courantes, vous pouvez transformer votre routine capillaire. N’oubliez pas que la patience et la régularité sont les clés pour des résultats durables. Offrez à vos cheveux le soin qu’ils méritent et profitez d’une chevelure resplendissante ! En intégrant un masque capillaire dans votre routine, vous ne ferez pas seulement du bien à vos cheveux, mais vous vous offrirez également un moment de détente et de bien-être.


Cosy Mattress – Grey

November 22, 2024 | News | No Comments

The Scruffs® Cosy Collection is produced using a two-tone grey faux suede (micro-fibre) & super-soft plush combination.

The Grey Cosy Dog Mattress is filled with recycled PET fibre to ensure good cushioning, resilience and insulation characteristics. It is finished with an embroidered logo, has a non-slip base.

This is available in multiple colours including this gorgeous grey.

Before ordering please ensure your chosen size is right for your dog. For guidance please see our Size Guide.

  • Suede: 100% polyester
  • Plush 100% polyester
  • Base: 100% polyester
  • Fill: 100% recycled (PET) fibre
Washing Instructions
  • Machine Washable: All products in the Scruffs® Cosy Collection are Machine Washable at 30 degrees. Do not bleach or tumble dry.
Size Information
  • 82 x 58cm / 32″ x 23″

Before ordering please ensure your chosen size is right for your dog. For guidance please see our Size Guide.

Please note: The images should not be used as a specific size representation, please make sure to refer to the size and measurement details to determine which size dog mattress is suitable for your pet.



Do You Know How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Laser Cutting Machine?

Do You Know How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Laser Cutting Machine?

Laser cutting machines have revolutionized the manufacturing and fabrication industries by offering precise and efficient cutting capabilities. They are widely used for various applications such as cutting metals, plastics, and other materials. However, like any advanced machinery, laser cutting machines require proper care and maintenance to ensure they function optimally over time. In this article, we will discuss essential tips on how to extend the lifespan of your laser cutting machine, whether it is a single table laser cutting machine, a semi-automatic laser cutting machine, or the best plate cutting machine for your needs.

Regular Maintenance is Key

One of the most crucial steps to extending the life of any laser cutting machine is performing regular maintenance. This includes inspecting and cleaning all components to avoid the build-up of debris and dirt that can damage the equipment over time. Laser cutting machines have multiple parts, such as lenses, mirrors, and nozzles, which need to be cleaned frequently. Over time, dust and contaminants can affect the machines cutting quality, causing it to work harder and less efficiently. Regularly cleaning and maintaining these components ensures that the machine operates smoothly and efficiently.

Ensure Proper Calibration and Alignment

Another important aspect of maintaining your laser cutting machine is ensuring that it is properly calibrated and aligned. Whether you have a single table laser cutting machine or a more advanced system, calibration ensures that the machine delivers precise cuts every time. Misalignment or incorrect calibration can cause uneven cuts and increase the strain on the system, ultimately shortening its lifespan. Having a professional technician calibrate and align your machine regularly can prevent potential issues and extend its overall service life.

Keep the Machine Well-Lubricated

Many parts of a laser cutting machine, especially moving components, require proper lubrication to ensure smooth operation. Over time, the lubrication in the machine can wear out, leading to friction and increased wear on the moving parts. This can cause parts to break down prematurely, leading to costly repairs or even the need for replacement. By regularly lubricating the moving parts of the machine, you can reduce the risk of wear and tear, ultimately extending the lifespan of your laser cutting system. Be sure to use the recommended lubrication products and follow the manufacturers guidelines to avoid any damage.

Monitor Cooling Systems

Laser cutting machines generate a significant amount of heat during operation, which is why an efficient cooling system is essential. If the cooling system malfunctions, it can cause the machine to overheat, leading to permanent damage to sensitive internal components such as the laser tube and control panels. Regularly check and maintain your cooling system to ensure it is functioning correctly. This includes cleaning filters, replacing cooling fluids, and inspecting the coolant circulation system for any blockages. Proper cooling prevents overheating and ensures that the machine can run at its full potential without any risk of damage.

Regularly Check and Replace Consumables

Consumables, such as laser tubes, nozzles, and lenses, play a critical role in the performance of a laser cutting machine. Over time, these parts degrade and may need to be replaced. Regular inspection of consumables can help you catch any signs of wear before they impact the machines performance. For instance, a worn-out laser tube may produce less powerful laser beams, reducing cutting efficiency and potentially causing damage to the machine. Replacing consumables at the right time not only ensures better performance but also extends the overall lifespan of the machine.

Use the Correct Materials for Cutting

The materials you choose to cut with your laser cutting machine play a significant role in the longevity of the equipment. Using materials that are not suited for laser cutting can lead to unnecessary wear and tear on the machine. Always ensure that you are using the correct materials for your best plate cutting machine. Some materials may produce excessive smoke or residue, which can cause damage to the machine if not properly managed. Additionally, materials that are too thick or too hard for the machine can put a strain on the laser, affecting its performance over time.

Operator Training and Care

A well-trained operator is key to ensuring the longevity of any laser cutting machine. Improper handling, such as operating the machine at too high a speed or using the wrong settings for a particular material, can lead to excessive wear on the machine. Providing proper training for operators ensures that they know how to handle the equipment with care, which helps prevent unnecessary damage. Additionally, operators should be instructed to follow proper procedures for starting and shutting down the machine to avoid any undue strain on the components.

Perform Regular Software Updates

Many modern laser cutting machines, including semi-automatic laser cutting machines, are equipped with advanced software that controls their operation. These systems need to be updated regularly to ensure that the machine continues to perform at its best. Software updates often include bug fixes, new features, and performance improvements that can help optimize the machines functionality. Neglecting to update the software can lead to inefficiencies and potential malfunctions. Stay up to date with the latest software versions to keep your machine running smoothly.

Avoid Overworking the Machine

Like any piece of machinery, laser cutting machines are designed to work within certain limits. Overworking the machine, such as cutting continuously for extended periods without giving it time to cool down, can cause excessive wear and damage. Its important to schedule regular breaks for the machine to ensure it doesnt overheat and that the internal components arent subjected to unnecessary stress. Always follow the manufacturers recommendations for operation time and avoid pushing the machine beyond its limits.

Use Quality Spare Parts and Accessories

Using genuine or high-quality spare parts and accessories is essential for extending the lifespan of your laser cutting machine. While it may be tempting to opt for cheaper alternatives, low-quality parts can lead to poor performance, increased wear, and even potential damage to the machine. Investing in high-quality components ensures that your machine continues to operate efficiently and reliably over time.


By following these tips, you can significantly extend the lifespan of your laser cutting machine and maintain its optimal performance. Regular maintenance, proper calibration, cooling system checks, and timely replacement of consumables are all essential for ensuring the machines longevity. Whether you are using a single table laser cutting machine, a semi-automatic laser cutting machine, or the best plate cutting machine, taking care of your equipment will help you avoid costly repairs and replacements. Investing time and effort in maintaining your machine will ultimately pay off in terms of increased productivity and reduced downtime, making your investment in a laser cutting machine a smart choice for the long term.



How to Improve Production Efficiency of a Laser Plate Cutting Machine

How to Improve Production Efficiency of a Laser Plate Cutting Machine

Laser plate cutting machines are invaluable tools in the manufacturing industry, offering precision and speed for cutting metal plates and other materials. However, just having a laser plate cutting machine isnt enough to guarantee maximum efficiency. Proper setup, routine maintenance, operator training, and strategic use of technology are all crucial to enhancing productivity, reducing costs, and ultimately maximizing output. In this post, well explore various methods to improve the efficiency of a laser plate cutting machine and ensure it meets production goals effectively.

1. Optimize Material Usage and Cutting Path

One of the primary factors impacting the efficiency of a laser plate cutting machine is material handling and usage. Effective material management reduces waste and shortens production time, directly improving productivity.


Nesting Software: Using advanced nesting software can optimize material layout, reducing the amount of scrap material produced. By efficiently arranging parts on a sheet, manufacturers can maximize each plates usable surface area and minimize waste.

Path Optimization: Optimizing the cutting path can drastically cut down production time. For example, grouping cuts based on their position on the plate reduces the time spent moving the cutting head back and forth across the material.

Laser Power and Speed Settings: Adjusting power and speed settings based on material type can also enhance efficiency. For thin materials, higher cutting speeds with optimized power can increase throughput, while thicker materials may require slower speeds and more power.

2. Routine Maintenance to Prevent Downtime

The condition of a laser plate cutting machine directly affects its efficiency. Regular maintenance ensures the machine operates at its best and reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns, which can halt production entirely.


Lens and Mirror Cleaning: The optics of a laser cutting machine, particularly lenses and mirrors, can quickly become dirty. Contaminants on the lenses and mirrors reduce laser power and, consequently, cutting efficiency. Regular cleaning keeps the laser beam focused and ensures a smooth, clean cut.

Lubrication: Moving parts, such as guide rails and bearings, need to be regularly lubricated to reduce friction and ensure smooth operation. Well-lubricated parts experience less wear, reducing the need for repairs and replacements.

Filter Replacement: Most laser plate cutting machines come with filters that prevent debris from contaminating the machine’s internal components. Changing these filters on a scheduled basis ensures the machines parts are protected and its operation remains efficient.


A well-maintained machine experiences fewer failures, reducing costly downtime and increasing overall production efficiency. In addition, if youre in the market for a reliable laser plate cutting machine supplier, ask about their support and maintenance services, as these can be valuable for long-term efficiency.

3. Invest in Training and Skilled Operators

A laser plate cutting machine is only as effective as the person operating it. Even with the most advanced machine, an inexperienced or untrained operator can slow down production and lead to mistakes.


Comprehensive Training: Investing in thorough training for operators on machine functions, maintenance routines, and safety measures pays off in the long run. Knowledgeable operators understand how to adjust settings, interpret data, and quickly resolve minor issues that might otherwise cause delays.

Regular Skill Updates: As machines and software evolve, ensuring that operators receive updated training keeps them efficient and reduces the chances of costly errors. Operators familiar with the latest features and techniques can maximize machine capabilities.


Additionally, experienced operators know how to balance machine speed with cut quality, ensuring each part meets standards without excessive time spent fine-tuning.

4. Leverage Automation for Higher Throughput

Automation can significantly increase the efficiency of a laser plate cutting machine by handling routine tasks, freeing up operators to focus on more strategic work, and reducing the risk of human error.


Automated Loading and Unloading Systems: Automating the process of loading and unloading plates can streamline production and reduce idle time between jobs. These systems ensure the machine is always running, maximizing productivity.

Real-Time Monitoring and Data Analytics: With modern software solutions, operators and managers can monitor the machines performance in real-time. Data analytics can reveal patterns in productivity, allowing managers to adjust workflows for maximum efficiency.

Integration with ERP Systems: Integrating the laser cutting machines software with the companys ERP system allows for seamless inventory management, scheduling, and tracking, further enhancing production efficiency.


Automation may come with an initial investment, but its often worthwhile. A laser plate cutting machine with automated features may have a higher upfront laser plate cutting machine price, but it quickly pays off through increased output and reduced labor costs.

5. Choose the Right Machine for Your Needs

When selecting a laser plate cutting machine, its essential to choose one that fits your production requirements. For example, some machines are better suited for high-volume production, while others are optimized for precision cuts on smaller batches.


Power and Speed Capabilities: Higher wattage machines cut through thicker materials faster, which can be beneficial if you frequently work with heavy plates. However, if your business primarily handles thin sheets, a lower-wattage, high-speed machine may be more efficient.

Table Size and Loading Capacity: The size of the cutting table and the machines material capacity also impact efficiency. Larger tables allow for more extensive cutting layouts and reduce the frequency of reloading material, while higher loading capacities support continuous production.


If youre working with a laser plate cutting machine supplier, discuss your specific needs with them to find the right machine for your business. A well-suited machine will optimize production and reduce energy and maintenance costs over time.

6. Analyze Workflow and Improve Production Scheduling

Production scheduling and workflow are crucial elements in ensuring a laser cutting operation runs smoothly. By evaluating and optimizing the workflow, managers can minimize bottlenecks and keep machines running at optimal capacity.


Prioritize Orders Based on Machine Capabilities: Organize cutting jobs by material type and thickness to minimize setup changes. Scheduling similar jobs together reduces downtime and ensures operators make fewer adjustments between tasks.

Evaluate Time Spent on Non-Value-Added Tasks: Identify any non-essential steps in the production process that add to the overall lead time. By eliminating these, production runs faster, and the laser plate cutting machine spends more time cutting, not waiting.

Monitor for Bottlenecks and Adjust: Using real-time data from automated tracking systems, managers can identify production bottlenecks and adjust processes or add shifts to keep production moving efficiently.


Celtic striker and French youth international Moussa Dembélé intends to reject all offers made for him this month, according to sources contacted by Get French Football News.

Chelsea, and PSG, have made a play for the former Fulham man in an indirect manner this month, but Dembélé wants to see the season out with Celtic.

PSG Director of Football Patrick Kluivert is an enormous fan of the French forward.

However, if a club in the final hours of the window meets Celtic’s £40m valuation for the player, Dembélé will be helpless but to strongly consider whatever club has come in for him as it would represent an enormous deal financially for the Scottish side.

Tick-tock, the January window fun is beginning…

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Introducing Amazon Recommendations from Flower Moxie

This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, we receive a small commission. As an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Written by: Tiffany Thomas

Unlock New Possibilities
with these Carefully Curated Picks

Welcome to an even BETTER way to DIY your flowers with Flower Moxie! In addition to our DIY Flower Supply store, we now have a curated Amazon storefront to fill in the gaps since we can’t carry every single thing you may need. With our Amazon recommendations, you can unlock a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to wedding planning and design.

No longer do you need to wander aimlessly around the aisles of Hobby Lobby or Home Depot in order to find exactly what you’re looking for. Instead, with just a few clicks of your mouse, you can access hundreds of products to help you complete your DIY!

Whether you need zip ties for your arch arrangement or magnetic boutonniere clips to hold your little masterpieces securely, our selection has something for everyone; whatever kind of designs inspire you — we’ve got it covered. Keep reading and discover how our recommendations make shopping from home easier than ever before!

See Our Amazon Picks

Why wander through stores when you can shop our curated lists?

Rounding out your DIY to-dos with our idea lists means getting so much more done in a short amount of time. We’ve done all the work for you by combing through thousands of Amazon products to find our favorites to fit your wedding vibe. You can shop for supplies from the comfort of your home, and you can take your time browsing through the different options. You don’t have to worry about fighting through crowds or waiting in line at the store.

Shopping our curated Amazon lists is the ideal way to take your DIY wedding planning to the next level. Our selection includes so many wonderful options including day-of wedding emergency essentials, reception decor, and beautiful table linens that will help transform any space into a memorable one.

You’ll never have to worry about forgetting anything again, because our recommendations cover everything from bigger items like tablecloths to small details like napkin rings and place card holders. Plus, with our selection of high-quality products and thoughtful curation process, you can rest assured that you’re getting the perfect pieces for your special day without breaking the bank. With our Amazon recommendations, you can unlock a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to wedding planning and design!

A Few of Our Favorite Categories

Day-of Wedding Emergency Essentials

From headache relief to a portable steamer, you want to be ready for anything the day throws at you. We’ve compiled our list to include everything we could possibly think of that could (or has!) gone wrong.

Review our list of must-haves so you aren’t caught off guard when a bridesmaid trips and rips her dress, or your future MOH stabs her finger trying to pin on a boutonniere.

Browse Wedding Day Emergency Essentials

Tropical Wedding

Headed to the beach for a destination wedding? Getting married on the beach can be a dream come true for many couples. From the beautiful scenery to golden sunsets and serene waves, it’s easy to see why so many dream of getting married in paradise.

But with any destination wedding, it’s important to make sure you have all the necessary items for your special day. From beachy decorations to trendy swimsuits, our Amazon list is packed with must-haves to make your event a stunning success!

Shop ourTropical Must-Haves

Bridesmaid Gifts and Proposals

Finding the perfect bridesmaid gifts and proposals can be a daunting task. You want something special that will show your appreciation for those special people in your life, but you don’t want to break the bank.

Fortunately, we have a carefully curated list of ideas including matching robes, bags, can cozies, compact mirrors, and more! These are all thoughtful gifts that won’t cost an arm and a leg – so you can get everyone something unique and meaningful while staying within budget!

Browse Bridesmaid Gifts and Proposals

Don’t Forget the Floral Supplies!

When it comes to DIY floral supplies, there are a few key items that you absolutely need in your arsenal. If we could carry every single thing you need to DIY your flowers, we would! But we’ve done the next best thing with a careful curation of our favorite floral supplies that you’ll need. We’ve added straight wire so you can wire those ranunculus and scabiosa stems like a pro, fishing line for your installations, and trash cans so you can prep your flowers like a dang boss.

Zip ties are perfect for securing floral stems together. They’re strong and reliable, and they won’t damage the stems of your flowers. Floral water tubes are the perfect way to keep your flowers hydrated when it’s warm outside or when you’re using water-guzzlers like hydrangeas. Whatever your needs, the Flower Moxie gals (and guys!) have you covered.

Shop Floral Supply Picks

When it comes to shopping for wedding supplies, Amazon is definitely a go-to destination. With an unbeatable selection of products and competitive prices, it’s no wonder so many people turn to Amazon for some of their floral needs. Whether you’re a seasoned florist or just starting out, these tips will help you get the most out of your Amazon shopping experience:

1. Make sure to check the reviews before purchasing. One of the best things about shopping on Amazon is that you can read reviews from other customers before making a purchase. This is especially helpful when it comes to buying floral supplies, as you’ll want to be sure you’re getting high-quality products. We offer multiples of products when we’re able to so you have options.

2. Take advantage of the free shipping options. Amazon offers free shipping on many of its products, including floral supplies. This can save you a lot of money in shipping costs, so be sure to take advantage of it.

3. Utilize the Prime membership program. If you’re an avid Amazon shopper, you may want to consider signing up for the Prime membership program. This program provides members with free two-day shipping on all eligible purchases.

Let’s Recap, Shall We?

When it comes to choosing your wedding supplies, there’s no better way to go than from our list of must-haves. Here are just a few reasons why:

1. Variety. Between our fresh cut flowers at Flower Moxie, our supplies from DIY Flower Supply, and our curated Amazon lists, what more could you ever want? This means you’re sure to find exactly what you need, whether you’re looking for specific recommendations for reception decor, photo booth picks, or just want to browse all the options.

2. Convenience. Plan your entire wedding without wearing pants, if you want. We’ve made it incredibly convenient – you can do it from anywhere, at any time, without having to leave home.

3. Expert advice. Who loves you better than we do? We have decades of combined wedding planning experience that we’re bringing to your DIY endeavor.

By now, it should be pretty clear that we’re bringing you the very best wedding supplies that Amazon offers. We’ve done all the hard work for you, now you can sit back and peruse! You’ll save time and money while being able to find exactly what you need for your wedding – large or small. Happy shopping!

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Our Top Amazon Picks

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Find Your Perfect DIY Flowers

Flowers by the Bunch

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Bulk Flowers Boxes

About the Author

Tiffany Thomas is the true-crime-loving, logistic + artistic powerhouse behind Flower Moxie. When she’s not ogling photos of protea, she can be found running her own online store, Good Wknd. 


Color Consistency in Plastic Injection Molding

November 21, 2024 | News | No Comments

It’s a big challenge to achieve color consistency for large production runs of plastic injection molded parts. To ensure consistency when molding colors, it’s essential that you have careful process control at every step.

It’s important to note that plastic color is highly subjective – subjective in how you see and interpret plastic color. It depends on viewing conditions, visual acuity, the light source, and many other variables.

  • Color Consistency Challenges During Injection Molding Process
  • The Importance Of Pantone
  • What Is Masterbatch And Its Importance
  • Achieving Consistent Colors For Low Volumes
  • Molding Custom Colors in High Volume Injection Molding

In this Serious Engineering video, learn what color is and how we measure and control molding colors during manufacturing.

Color Consistency Challenges During Injection Molding Process

The volume of parts is the most important factor affecting the consistency of molding colors.

Why is this important? It’s important because plastic resin suppliers typically have minimum order quantities that apply to pre-compounded resins. These MOQ restrictions can affect a product developer’s decision about the smartest way to prepare colors for plastics.

Some coloring processes that are fine for small batch orders wouldn’t work for large-scale production.

The Importance Of Pantone

Pantone plastic color charts and plastic color chips are important tools used to measure and prepare molding colors. Pantone is the industry leader in making plastic color chips to help design professionals mix, match, and measure liquid colors for plastics.

The great value of Pantone color chip samples is the standard reference numbers that take all the guesswork out of the process. Although they have thousands of standard reference colors, be aware there are millions of colors out there.

That’s why other systems and color reference charts are also used.

What Is Masterbatch And Its Importance

‘Masterbatch’ refers to a highly concentrated pigment that’s used to make large volumes of colored plastic injection molding resin.

Plastic masterbatch pigment is mixed at a ratio of one part of color masterbatch to 24 parts of the base material. This means that a little masterbatch goes a long way.

And, since it’s sold in minimum order quantities of two metric tons, this represents a very large number of finished parts.

Achieving Consistent Colors For Low Volumes

For low-volume production runs, there are three standard methods for preparing colored resins.

1. Use a predefined or “stock” color

Pantone or RAL colors are easily available and consistent among all suppliers. If you give us a Pantone number, or a similar color matching system, we can make sure you get exactly the color you want.

2. Customer supplied material

If you’re able to provide your own resin, you will get the color you want. But we must have enough material to fulfill the order.

3. Use pre-formulated resin

Material compounders sometimes have leftover stock in custom colors that they can’t otherwise sell. If the customer approves the color choices available, then it may be one way to ensure consistency without needing to make a special order.

Given that we can order the right material for your desired Pantone or RAL color, we can achieve fairly consistent color matching per batch. In between production batches, you may face slight color alterations, but they’re insignificant.

Achieving 100% Color Matching Within An Assembly

In some cases, injection molded parts need to match perfectly. For example, in an assembly where two or more pieces are fitted together. To ensure color consistency, we use a family mold or we paint them after molding.

1. Family Molds

A family mold is a multi-cavity tool that makes all of the parts of an assembly in one cycle. The benefit of a family mold is that the parts are guaranteed to match. But the challenge here is designing the mold so it fills evenly despite the different part shapes. Such a mold will probably need sequential valve gating which adds cost and complexity.

That’s why this solution is not economically viable for small production runs.

2. Painting

Painting is another option. You will want to use a paint color that is very close to the base material so that small scratches won’t show.

Molding Custom Colors

There are three ways to make custom colors for plastic injection molded parts.

For low volumes, only the first option makes economic sense, but in that case, achieving color consistency will be very difficult. Alternately, using compound custom material, or using a masterbatch colorant, allows color consistency within batches.

But these methods are only suited for larger production volumes, as we describe below.

  • Use pigments in the hopper (low-volume)
  • Purchase custom compound material (high-volume)
  • Use a masterbatch colorant (very high-volume)

Using Pigments In The Hopper And The Challenge Of Color Consistency

In this method, uncolored plastic pellets are mixed with colored pigment in the machine hopper before the resin is injected. Product developers should know that there are still some compromises when using this method.

1. Inconsistent mixing of pigment

Uncolored granules are mixed with pigment powder in a rotating drum. Electrostatic attraction is the only force keeping the two materials together. That’s why it’s impossible to guarantee 100% consistent coloring of the granulate.

2. Pigmenting powder spots

Pigmenting powder is naturally very thin. For this reason, it can sometimes burn as it’s heated, and this will show up as black spots on the finished parts.

3. Humidity

Most plastic resins need to be dried in a special drier before pigments can be added.

During this process, it’s possible that the raw pellets will reabsorb some atmospheric moisture and this can contaminate the mixture. That’s why it’s important to use a sealed system – from the drier to the hopper to the machine barrel – to prevent the introduction of moisture.

Despite these molding challenges, there are still perfectly sound reasons why product developers may opt for mixing colors in the hopper.

4. Advantages

There are many advantages to using this method including the minimum cost for coloring and low volumes of custom colors.

Molding Custom Colors in High Volume Injection Molding

There are two ways to achieve color consistency for high volumes of molded-in colors. Below we’ll discuss the advantages of pre-mixed compounded material and using a masterbatch colorant.

Compounded Colors

It’s possible to order custom colors directly from the raw material supplier, but they have a minimum purchase requirement of one metric ton of resin. This represents a lot of finished parts, but production can be spread out over many different batches so the material won’t go to waste.


  • Custom colors can be ordered
  • Fair color consistency


  • Only suitable for high volumes
  • Minimum 1.02 tons of finished parts
  • Higher cost for compounding per kg

Using Masterbatch Colorant

Masterbatch pigment is a highly concentrated colorant that’s added to the resin just before it’s mixed into the machine. The mixing ratio of uncolored pellets to masterbatch is 24:1. This yields a very consistent and uniform result for maximum throughput. However, the downside is that masterbatch pigment can only be purchased in volumes of 2 tons minimum.

That represents 50 tons of finished parts, so clearly this approach is suitable only for the highest volumes.


  • Lowest cost for compounding per kg.
  • Good color consistency within the batch


  • Only suitable for very high volumes
  • Minimum 50 tons of finished parts
  • Slight color variations between batches”

Ready to start your project? Request a free quote from our team.

If you liked reading this article, we recommend the following content:

  • Plastic Injection Molding Services
  • Maintaining Color Consistency in Plastic Injection Molding
  • Molding Defects: The Top 5 Plastic Injection Molding Defects (and How to Solve Them)


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