Month: February 2025

Home / Month: February 2025

How to identify refurbished bearings?

February 24, 2025 | News | No Comments

Bearings are common parts and key parts in industrial equipment, and the application of bearings is also very common. In order to make money, many businesses recycle some old bearings that have been used or have not been used as new bearings to buy. Today, LBCN Bearing will share with you how to identify whether the bearings are refurbished bearings when purchasing bearings.

1. Refurbishment of bearings is generally limited by the technical skills and machinery and equipment of small bearing manufacturers, so the bearing precision is low, the bearing surface is not smooth, the size of the rounded corners is uneven, and some have black skin and black spots.

2. The raw materials used for some fake and inferior bearings are general stainless steel sheets, carbon steel, malleable steel, and galvanized pipes, etc. Most of the materials are white in appearance, and the color of special bearing steel is greenish, but the color is still different. If it is not possible, it is necessary to make a thorough judgment on the strength. Generally, the strength of stainless steel plates is low.

3. Some small manufacturers are technically simple to dip in the fire, and the bearing will be slightly deformed when it is heated unevenly.

4. Rotate the spherical roller bearing to see if the rotation of the bearing is symmetrical and whether the sound is continuous without noise.

5. Looking at the cage, the bearing cage of the reliable manufacturer is neat and free of burrs, and the riveted bearing cage bolts have the same size of the pier head, while the unreliable manufacturer is technically technical in production and processing and simple in machinery and equipment, so the cage is not smooth and has Some riveted structural cages are unevenly divided and aligned, and the bolt pier heads are different in size or riveted.

6. Look at the packaging. Reliable manufacturers have consistent packaging, and the fonts on the packaging are clear. Some counterfeit bearings have inconsistent packaging, or are simply unreliable.

7. Look at the font of the inner hole of the bearing. The original bearing is very clear and well-proportioned regardless of the steel font or the laser font. The laser font has a certain depth. The counterfeit bearing font has broken marks, and the laser font is wiped off with a sand cloth. However, after wiping the font of the reliable laser with a sand cloth, there will be vague font imprints.

8. Look at the certificate. The bearings of reliable manufacturers all have the certificate and the size of the certificate is the same. Most of the certificate printing paper is oil-proof paper. The fonts are clear, and some manufacturers’ certificates have the content of viewing information on them. The certificates are fake, and the fonts are blurred. The printing paper is general printing paper, and the size of the certificate is different. It is recommended to set aside a reliable manufacturer’s certificate for reference.

Keyword: CNC machining


Welcome To Our Exhibition Of METAL-EXPO 2023 MOSCOW

February 24, 2025 | News | No Comments

Welcome To Our Exhibition Of METAL-EXPO 2023 MOSCOW

Luoyang E-find Precision Bearing specializes in the production of high-precision, high-rigidity,

heavy-load crossed roller bearings, rotary table bearings, harmonic bearings and customized

bearings for 19 years. Our main products are RB, RA, CRBH, SX, RU, XU, XSU series crossed cylindrical roller bearings, XR, JXR crossed tapered roller bearings, YRT, YRTS, ZKLDF series rotary table bearings. Many models are bulk on the stock. Diameter range from 20 mm to 2,000 mm. All products are produced by advanced CNC machines and are 100% inspected. The Precision class is P5 P4 and P2. The warranty is 12 months. 

Luoyang E-find Precision Bearing Co., Ltd. and Luoyang Yujie Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. are affiliated to Luoyang Front Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd. Our company will participate in the 2023 Moscow Metal Expo. We are in Hall 5, Hall 2, booth number 89 and 90, welcome everyone to visit.


Company:Luoyang EFANT Precision Bearing Manufacturing Co. Ltd

Address:No. 9 Jingjin North Rd, Luoxin Development Zone, 

Xin'an County, Luoyang City, Henan Province 471003, China


[email protected]



















隨著科技進步,《智慧幫手》段落闡述瞭如何使用先進工具評估兒童健康水平。同時,在預防為主章節中, 我提供有助於管理及降低兒童健康風險的小貼士。未來展望不僅是思考當下;它也引領我們前往建立更全面、更新穎兒童發展指標系統之路上。


作為專業部落格作者, 我堅持用正式而輕鬆親切的語氣來呈現所有內容,並確保每位讀者都能輕鬆吸收這些資訊並運用在日常生活中關注兒童發展過程中最必要且有價值的方面。







  • 須注意事項 :
    • 文章可能過於聚焦在理論和策略上,而未涉及具體操作層面如何落實到日常生活中。
    • 儘管提供了豐富資訊,但在無法親自接觸讀者個別情境下難以針對特定需求提供客製化建議。
    • 依賴科技工具可能忽略了家庭文化、社會經濟背景等因素對兒童發展同樣重要的影響。
  • 大環境可能影響:
    • 隨著資訊量日益增加,家長和教育者可能感到資訊超載或淹沒其中無法有效篩選所需知識。
    • 缺乏公共政策支持或資金投入可能限制高品質監測工具的普及與使用。
    • 科技發展速度迅猛而不均衡,在一些地區缺乏相關基礎設施支撐先進評估工具帶來的好處。










  • 小孩成長的3大關鍵期包括嬰幼兒期、學齡前期和青春期。
  • 缺乏鈣質會影響孩子的身高發展,注意營養攝取非常重要。
  • 規律健康的作息對於孩子的成長也是一個不可忽視的因素。
  • 在兒童成長過程中,菠菜、地瓜葉、南瓜等食物富含關鍵營養素。
  • 每個孩子都有自己的發展速率,但黃金成長期提供均衡營養至關重要。
  • 家長應抓住嬰幼兒期及青春期這些黃金頭十年,並配合運動和足夠睡眠。





除了這些基本指標之外,近期研究也強調了社會情感技能與認知發展等方面對於孩子整體成長的影響。例如,《兒科臨床北美雜誌》(Pediatric Clinics of North America)最新刊登文章提到,在常規健康檢查中評估語言能力和社互動動可以早期發現可能存在的發展障礙。









在實踐方面,家長現可以透過各種智慧裝置來追蹤孩子每日活動水平和睡眠模式等重要健康指標。此類裝置提供即時反饋與建議,加上其網際網路功能可讓家長與醫療服務供應商分享資訊, 從而得到更細致、個性化的指導。

在探索這些新趨勢時,我們必須保持批判性思考。雖然科技帶來了令人振奮的監測手段, 但也引發了關於隱私權保護以及資料安全性問題。此外, 專家呼籲需注意到那些因社會經濟差距而無法接觸這些先進工具族群之需求。

結言之,在追尋孩子健康成長新趨勢時, 我們需平衡創新手段與客觀評估之間微妙且重要關係,並確保所有孩童無論背景如何都能受益於這一資料驅動時代下成長監測的進步。












透過客觀分析和科學校準後, 數位輔助工具正被越來越多地整合到常規醫療實務中, 不但提升了兒童健康新層次, 也開啟了家長與保健服務提供者之間更高效率和互動性強的連線方式。















Kasvukäyrien avulla voidaan seurata lapsen kehitystä, ne toimivat ikkunana lapsen terveyteen. Käyrien avulla voidaan tunnistaa sairauksia ja terveysriskejä.

Lapsen kasvua arvioidaan jokaisella neuvola- ja kouluterveydenhuollon käynnillä, kasvukäyrien avulla sitä voidaan verrata terveiden ikätovereiden ja lapsen aiempaan kasvuun. Kasvun nopea taittuminen alas- tai ylöspäin ja reilu poikkeama ikätovereista voi olla merkki sairaudesta.

Kuopiossa saadun tutkimusnäytön mukaan seulonnalla voidaan tunnistaa kasvusairauksia, kun seulontarajat saadaan kohdalleen.
– Esimerkiksi tytöillä esiintyvä Turnerin oireyhtymä jää erinomaisella tarkkuudella kiinni, tutkija, lastenlääkäri Antti Saari toteaa.

Kasvukäyriä on myös tarpeen uusia, kun lasten kasvu muuttuu vuosikymmenten aikana. Saari on itsekin ollut mukana uusimassa suomalaisia kasvukäyriä.
– Imeväisiässä lapset kasvavat pidempinä kuin aiemmin keskimäärin, ja heti kolmen kuukauden iästä alkaen kasvu palasi vanhojen käyrien tasolle. Taas kuuden kuukauden iässä lapset kasvoivat pidempinä kuin aiemmin, Saari antaa esimerkkejä kasvukäyriin kohdistuneista muutostarpeista.

Saari pitää kasvukäyriä tärkeänä osana suomalaista terveydenhuoltoa, ja jopa erikoissairaanhoitoa. Lisäksi kasvun seurannalla saadaan laajemmin tietoa terveydestä ja sen muutoksista väestötasolla.
– Niillä on kaksivaiheinen tarkoitus: pystymme seuraamaan lapsia yksilötasolla, lisäksi saamme siitä erittäin arvokasta väestötason terveystietoa esimerkiksi lasten ylipainon kehittymisestä, miten lapset ylipäätään kasvavat tai onko esimerkiksi murrosiän kasvupyrähdys aikaistunut.

Mitä uutta seurannassa on tapahtunut ja mitä kasvukäyrät oikeastaan kertovat? Kuuntele Antti Saaren puheenvuoro:

Puheenvuoro on taltioitu 29.9.2017 Itä-Suomen yliopiston järjestämässä Tutkijoiden yö -tiedetapahtumassa Kauppakeskus Matkuksessa, Kuopiossa.

說明: 本文參考原文如上


Top Items to Pawn with H&T

February 22, 2025 | News | No Comments

Thanks to the huge variety of items you can pawn, many of our customers are not sure where to start when considering taking out a pawn loan. Here at H&T, we thought it would be useful – especially for first-time customers or the simply curious – to create this list. These are the items we see the most of here at H&T and we lend against items like this every day.

Of course, these are just the most commonly pawned items – we accept many other valuable items as well. This can include antiques, art, collectables and other antique items. You’ll see that all of our most popular pawned items are branded, but it’s not always necessary to have a ‘name’ attached. Gold, silver or platinum jewellery can be used as loan security whether you know the maker or not, for example.

However, just because you own something on this list, doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll automatically get it accepted for a pawn loan. Read on to find out more about each item to find out what you should look out for when selecting something to use as security. Even if you know you’ll be pawning something else, you can still get a good idea of what makes a successful piece of pawn collateral.


Rolex Watches

Practically everyone has heard of Rolex watches. With so many other luxury watch brands out there, it’s amazing that Rolex has managed to hold onto its crown, but when you look at the craftsmanship, the ingenious design and range of styles available; it becomes clear how Rolex has secured their prestigious position in the world of luxury watchmaking.

Rolex watches are one of the most popular items we see here at H&T, and there are a huge number of models, designs and specifications out there. As one of the most expensive and coveted watch brands, you may wonder why so many people own Rolex watches. The answer rests with their worldwide popularity and the quality of the construction – Rolex watches are loved the world over, they’ve been sold for over a century, and they stand the test of time.

If looked after well, a Rolex watch should work for generations. This means they’re often passed down through family, or resurface after being forgotten about within an old friend or family member’s belongings.


Tag Heuer Watches

TAG Heuer watches are extremely popular and well-known in the world of high-end timepieces. The sportier style of TAG Heuer watches means they’re worn by many well-known sports stars, including Lewis Hamilton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Maria Sharapova and Tom Brady. You’ll also see TAG Heuer sponsoring or timekeeping for certain sports events, such as F1 racing.

We see a lot of TAG Heuer watches as they’re one of the more affordable luxury watch brands. This means that TAG is often the first port of call for those who are just starting to gain an interest in luxury watches. Their sportier style also appeals, as they make excellent ‘everyday’ watches. This certainly doesn’t mean that they lack refinement or quality – quite the opposite – hence their popularity and good resale potential.

Pawning a watch – what to look out for:

  • If you have the original box and any paperwork that comes with the watch, please keep all of this together. You’re likely to get a higher offer if you have these.
  • Damage to the watch, like scratches and dents, can obviously affect the value.
  • Check that a serial number, proper branding and the right materials have been used. Fake watches are more convincing than ever and you may need an expert opinion if you are unsure.
  • Any personal engravings like names or dates may affect the value of the watch.
  • The make and model of the watch will dictate the price for the most part – very new models and super retro designs will often command the best prices.


Louis Vuitton Bags

Louis Vuitton bags are instantly recognisable for their repeated ‘VL’ logo design and have been used by the famous and the wealthy for decades. With each bag and piece of luggage being expertly crafted by hand, it’s easy to see why they’re so popular all the world over.

As Louis Vuitton bags have been popular for so long, we see examples from many different decades come through our doors. While the design can fall in and out of favour when it comes to seasonal, short-lived trends – as with any of these luxury goods; they never go out of style. Collectors and those with an eye for vintage will still pay top price for older designs, particularly if they are limited edition.

Gucci Bags

Gucci are another luxury brand who have created a loyal following by creating beautiful, expertly crafted designer bags. Their ‘GG’ logo is instantly recognisable the world over and their classic designs never fall out of style. All Gucci bags are handcrafted and are built to stand the test of time, meaning that vintage Gucci bags can often pop up in pristine condition – a dream for collectors!

We see many different Gucci bag designs come through our doors here at H&T, from large shoulder bags to smaller clutches. Other luxury bag brands like Hermès and Chanel can command higher prices and are therefore rarer, but we still see them occasionally in-store.

Pawning designer accessories – what to look out for:

  • Genuine designer bags from both Louis Vuitton and Gucci, as well as some other high-end designers, will have a serial number (this may consist of letters and numbers) which is present on a leather tag located inside the bag somewhere.
  • The zips, chains, straps etc. will all be made from heavy, good quality metal. The metal hardware should not peel, scratch or dent.
  • The logo should be correct and any wording on labels should be spelled correctly, and be crisp and clear.
  • For some pieces, an authentication card may be included – keep this with the bag if you have one.
  • Genuine designer bags can hold a lot of value, but their condition will affect the price.

Tiffany & Co. Jewellery

Tiffany & Co – also known as Tiffany’s – is one of the most recognisable and coveted names in luxury jewellery. Based in New York and trading for over 180 years, Tiffany’s have earned their spot among the elite of the jewellery world, selling diamond and sterling silver jewellery to those with ‘taste and style’.

We see many Tiffany & Co necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings here at H&T. Designer jewellery holds value in two ways – firstly in the precious metals and diamonds or gemstones used, and secondly thanks to the name of the designer. For example, a silver bracelet without a designer name would usually just be worth the value of the metal, whereas a silver bracelet from Tiffany’s could be worth much more.

With this in mind, it’s always good to keep the original box and any paperwork or authentication cards: this will increase the value of your piece.

Cartier Jewellery

Cartier is regarded as one of the most prestigious jewellery designers and manufacturers in the world and has a long history of creating jewellery pieces for royalty. Using gold, diamonds and gemstones with exciting collections released each year, certain pieces of Cartier jewellery have been known to increase in value over time, contrary to many other trends.

Although Cartier pieces are on the high-end of pricing compared to other popular jewellery designers, we still see many necklaces, rings and earrings used for pawn loans. Any piece of Cartier jewellery will have been crafted by experts out of the best materials, so it’s made to stand the test of time and be passed down from one generation to the next.

Pawning fine jewellery – what to look out for:

  • All precious metals should be hallmarked. These are tiny markings which tell you the year the piece was made, where it was ‘approved’, and the quality of the metal. There may also be a maker’s mark present. If you can’t find any hallmarks, it may be because they have worn down or are hidden – it’s always worth having it checked out by an expert.
  • If you have the original box and any paperwork – particularly if the piece is by a well-known designer – these can increase the value of your jewellery considerably.
  • Precious metal is not magnetic. If you hold a magnet next to your jewellery and it attracts, then you may have plated metal or fake gold.
  • With diamonds, they shouldn’t fog up when you breathe on them (like a window does) as diamonds have high thermal conductivity. If you’re unsure, it’s always a good idea to have diamonds and any other precious gemstones inspected by an expert.


To get the ball rolling on a pawn loan from H&T, or to enquire about the value of a suspected valuable item, simply drop in to any of our 250+ stores, which are spread across the length and breadth of the UK. You can also access our pawn loans online – click here to find out more.


Pawnbroking Loans are secured on your items, if the loan is not repaid it will be sold to pay the debt.



Basic Info.

Model NO.
WG-drt 4


Age Group

Anti-Pilling, Portable

Chemical Fibre Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Printing Pattern

Product Name
Physiotherapy Heating Pad


Wire Length
About 2.1 Meters

Crystal Super Soft



Electric Blanket Gear
3 Files

Electric Blanket Fabric
Synthetic Fiber

Transport Package
Color Box

100*70 cm


China Guangdong Dongguan

Production Capacity

Packaging & Delivery

Package Size
15.00cm * 10.00cm * 6.00cm

Package Gross Weight

Product Description

  Dongguan Sporting Goods Co., Ltd is a specialized manufacturer of the  sporting goods like the inline skate, ice skate, pad sets, ski-boot, wake board boot, and medical products like Boa Brace, ankle brace medical boots, etc, which has the mold development, plastic mold injection, stitching, lasting, and assembly inside all the process. In the meantime, it also has the research and development, QC, Purchasing and Sales team professionally working with the production process together to run the products with high quality, on-time delivery, and best effectively.
  The owner of the company, with all the technical people from the beginning of the pattern design to the finally assembly process have been owning the experience of the products in this field for more than 10 years. They know each process of the products like above mentioned very well, so far until today. They have been working for many famous brands in the world since 2001.

  “Integrity, Alignment, Innovation, Excellence, Generosity”is our top business target and expect to build up an professional organization with future competitive strength, and draw an outlook that belongs to Sporting Goods by satisfying for any our customer need when they have in any time, in any place.

Q1: Can I have a sample order?   A: Yes, welcome to place a sample order to check the quality or market.     Q2: How to proceed with an order?   A: Firstly let us know your requirements. Secondly, We quote according to your requirements or our suggestions. Thirdly customers confirm the artworks and pay deposit for the formal order. Fourthly We arrange the production & shipment then you pay the balance to us.     Q3: Is it OK to print my logo on the product?    A: Yes. Please provide the logo AI file so that our designer can make the mockup for your approval     Q4: Can you support custom packing?   A: Sure, custom polybag with warning text, gift box, or display box is welcome.    Q5: Are you a factory?  A: Yes. We have been engaged in the production of sports supports for more than 7years, and have cooperation experience with TOP customers in many industries. Provide professional factory inspection services, to create the highest quality products for you.    Q6.What is the shipping method?  -It could be shipped by sea, by air or by express(EMS,UPS,DHL,TNT,FEDEX and ect).
 Please confirm with us before placing orders.
   Q7. How do you make our business long-term and good relationship?  A: We keep good quality and competitive price to ensure our customers benefit ;


Keyword: Diaper Materials


Building a Pool for Diving – Dive Pool Options

February 22, 2025 | News | No Comments

I had a customer 2 years ago purchase a large Full L shaped pool, probably the largest pool I have sold through Specialty Pool Products. The size of the Full L pool was 26′ x 35′ x 60′ and they were looking to create a practice area for their kids that are on the high school diving team.

Originally this customer wanted the pool to be 12ft deep in the deep end diving area of the pool but our manufacturer will not provide Dig Specs for any pool deeper than 10ft deep. This customer also wanted to order a commercial dive stand and a 12ft long diving board. I told them about the very strict standards on what can be a diving pool and that a 12′ diving board would not be a possible selection because it did not meet code. I was able to get them an 10ft diving board with a steel stand which they are very happy with.

When it comes to a diving pool for a residential pool the diving stand and board must meet the minimum specification requirements for a residential inground diving pool. The governing body of the residential pools is ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 and all residential pools must meet these requirements. Please see detailed requirements below for a residential diving pool; these dimensions can be very confusing. To help explain the minimum requirements the pool must be a minimum of 16ft wide and 32ft long and have at least an 8 ft hopper. The hopper is the area in the deep end which the water is deeper.

ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 Standard for Residential In-Ground Swimming Pools

It is VERY important to ensure that the stand and board meet the minimum specifications for in-ground residential swimming pools.

Diving Board Safety Envelope – Depth/Distance

All of the options below must meet the ANSI/APSP/ICC-5 2011 for installation requirements. Check with chart above to figure what what class pool you have or are installing so you can figure what options are available for a diving pool. There are typically 4 classifications for a residential diving pool.

  • Dive Rocks – Provides an elegant diving board base option for customers that want to have the natural rock design in their backyard. This unique looking diving board base adds beauty and functionality to your backyard swimming pool. One of the Dive Rocks is called Boulder Springs from Interfab, this is available as a 6ft or 8ft option. As a rule of thumb a 16’x32′ pool can only install the 6ft option and our standard 18’x36′ & 20’x40′ can have either the 6ft or 8ft options installed on their pool.
  • Jump Boards – as with all diving boards you must classify the type of pool you have 1-5 to determine the proper size jump board for your backyard. When installing this jump board you must follow manufacturer’s requirements. One popular jump board which is especially recommended for a pool that has a salt water chlorine generator is the SR Smith Saltwater diving board. This diving board is available in 6ft or 8ft sizes. This is manufactured out of composite materials and guaranteed to resist rust often caused by salt water in pools. This diving board has composite springs with active spring feature which gives you a lot of spring when jumping off the diving board into the pool.

  • Diving Boards – We have many different diving boards to choose from our most popular is the style with the fiberglass diving base with either the 6ft or 8ft diving board. The sleek appearance and strong construction of the SR Smith Flyte Deck II Stand or the Interfab La Mesa make these two our most popular diving boards for vinyl pools.
  • Competition boards are typically used only on commercial pools or very large residential pools. Depending on depth of the pool and the slope to the shallow end, a vinyl pool could safely install a 1/2 meter board, but not a 3/4 meter or 1 meter board. The Interfab Techni-Beam 10 ft board could be a suitable practice board for

Installation of a dive stand and dive board

When installing a diving board or dive stand it is VERY important to follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. There are certain requirements with installing a diving board such as how far the base of the diving board is located from the edge of pool water, how far board extends over the pool, and height above the pool water see instructions for very detailed guidelines and it is mandatory to follow these specifications in order to properly install your diving board. A properly installed diving board will help eliminate a careless injury.

Please make sure you pay very close attention to the technical information in regards to the installation there is a minimum distance from the edge of the pool to the stand on the diving board that is required. There are also requirements for bonding the diving board stand in many parts of the country, or connecting it to the electrical bonding wire that runs around the pool. Understanding the requirements for a diving board can be very confusing so give one of our experts at SPP a call and we can help make sure you get what is needed for your particular pool.

Seeing the kids’ smiles on their faces is priceless as they cannonball into the pool so keep those kids happy and install a diving board with your new inground swimming pool.



Assembled Products, Inc has earned recognition as a Partner-level supplier for 2018, and was inducted into the Supplier Hall of Fame and Enterprise Supply Management Supplier of the Year in the John Deere Achieving Excellence Program. The Partner-level status is Deere & Company’s highest supplier rating. Hall of Fame status is given after a supplier attains a Partner-level rating for five consecutive years. The Urbandale-based company was selected for the honor in recognition of its dedication to providing products and service of outstanding quality as well as its commitment to continuous improvement. Company employees accepted the recognition during formal ceremonies held on April 16th in Davenport, IA.

Assembled Products, Inc is a supplier of Consolidation and Assembly Services to John Deere’s operation throughout North America.

Suppliers who participate in the Achieving Excellence program are evaluated annually in several key performance categories, including quality, cost management, delivery, technical support and wavelength, which is a measure of responsiveness. John Deere Supply Management created the program in 1991 to provide a supplier evaluation and feedback process that promotes continuous improvement.

Assembled Products, Inc. (API) is a value-added distribution company with a commitment to shipping quality parts on time. API is a third-generation family and veteran-owned business built on the concept of building partnerships with our customers, employees and suppliers. Its offered services include assembly, kitting and bundling, sourcing and distribution, and packaging. API is headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa with locations in Palatine, Illinois and Augusta, Georgia. For more information, please visit

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Keyword: fuego artificial


As the leading international media brand for high-quality technical publications and renowned industry networking platforms we take pleasure in participating in this premiere event in Sharjah on 17-19 October 2022 and reach out to the expert coatings audience based in the Middle East.

At the GCS 2022, we will be proud to present our full range of textbooks on coatings raw materials, formulation expertise, testing and measuring as well as various fields of applications – from entry to expert level. Benefit from a special 15% show discount on all on-site purchases and shipping-free orders.

Make sure to visit our stand and get your one-year subscription of the European Coatings Journal– free of charge! Just drop off your business card and receive eleven free issues of the leading technical magazine on coatings technology and industry news and insights.

Journals, textbooks, knowledgebases, newsletters, seminars, conferences – print, digital, or face-to-face, European Coatings covers it all. Come and see as at stand C 150!

Learn more about the event

Keyword: cnc turning


What is a 5-Axis CNC Machine, and How Do They Work?

February 21, 2025 | News | No Comments

Take a moment to imagine how challenging it would have been for machinists in the early 20th century to fabricate parts and structures. The best machine tools available to them at the time were chisel, hammer, and manually operated lathe machine. But everything changed after Richard Kegg developed the first computer numerical control (CNC) machine in 1952.

And ever since, CNC machining technology has continued to advance, evolving from a mere simple three-axis machine controlled with punch cards to a more sophisticated 5-axis CNC machine.

A 5-axis CNC machine is a machining technology that provides infinite possibilities as to the part size and shapes you can fabricate. It offers high accuracy and precision and is heavily relied on by top-tier machine shops to manufacture pretty much any design you come up with.

In this article, we will cover the basics of 5-axis CNC machines. We will start by explaining what a 5-axis CNC machine is and how it works before discussing its advantages over conventional types of CNC machines.

What is a 5-Axis CNC Machine?

To help understand what a 5-axis machine is, let’s start by explaining what an axis count means in CNC machining.

Machining axis count describes the number of directions in which the CNC cutting tool (or workpiece) can move to produce the desired machined part. For example, conventional CNC machines typically have a three-axis count, meaning their cutting tool can move across the X, Y, and Z axes―sideways on the X-axis, vertical on the Y-axis, and back and forth on the Z-axis (see Figure 1).

A 5-axis CNC machine adds to these three linear axes by being able to also tilt (and rotate) the table holding the workpiece, as shown in Figure 1. These two new rotational axes are typically called the A-axis (or tilting table axis) and the C-axis (or table rotation axis); they allow you to machine more complex geometries than the 3-axis CNC machines.

Fig. 1 The five axes of a typical 5-axis CNC milling machine

How Does a 5-Axis CNC Machine Work?

Like every other CNC machine, a 5-axis CNC machine relies on computer instructions to control the motion of the cutting tool (and workpiece) to fabricate the desired part.

The 5-axis CNC machining process starts with the designer creating a 3D CAD (computer-aided design) model of the desired part using CAD tools like SolidWorks and Autodesk Inventor. Next, the machinist exports this CAD model into a CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) software, which converts the drawing into a computer program (also called G-code).

The G-code contains sets of instructions that control the motion of the cutting tools along the linear axes (X, Y, and Z axes) and the motion of the worktable along the rotary axes (A and C axes) to produce the desired parts.

5-Axis – Where Did It Come From

It all comes down to Rene Descartes, who was a French philosopher and mathematician. The story is very similar to Newton’s apple one. One day Descartes was lying in bed when he noticed a fly. When looking at it, he had a realization that he could describe its position in the room using three numbers, represented by the variables X, Y, and Z – something that we now call the Cartesian Coordinate system and that’s still in use today despite the fact that over 300 years have gone by since Descartes’ passing.

Now, you might be wondering where did the other two come from. Aside from describing the fly’s position in the space, it is also possible to describe its orientation. So, the fly rolling around X would be the fourth axis, while the fifth axis would be the fly rotating around Y. Some also argue that there’s a sixth axis, rotating around the Z-axis.

5-Axis – Possible Configurations

The configuration you choose for the 5-axis CNC Milling Machine determines which one of the three rotational axes will be used. There are two main configurations – a trunnion-style machine and a swivel-rotate-style machine.

The trunnion-style 5-axis CNC Milling Machine uses the A-axis rotating about the X-axis and the C-axis rotating about the Z-axis, while the swivel-rotate-style 5-axis CNC Milling Machine uses the B-axis rotating about the Y-axis and the C-axis rotating about the Z-axis.

The main difference between the two is the way in which the rotary axes are expressed – in trunnion-style it happens through the movement of the table, while in the swivel-rotate-style of the 5-axis CNC Milling Machine is done through the swiveling of the spindle. Both of them have their own advantages, so which one will be used depends mostly on what needs to be done.

What are the Advantages of 5-Axis CNC Machines?

Over half of the parts produced with CNC require five-sided machining, which is why more and more manufacturers decide to include it in their services. Additionally, 5-axis CNC machining offers many benefits when compared to, for example, 3-axis machining, such as:

Advantage #1 Single setup

Because of its five axes, 5-axis CNC machines allow you to set up your workpiece once; the machine then handles every machining operation needed to create your desired part. This is quite different from conventional 3-axis machines, where you’d need several machine setups to fabricate a complex geometry.

The single-setup nature of 5-axis CNC machines allows you to machine complex parts quickly while reducing costs and mitigating errors prevalent in conventional CNC machines.

Advantage #2 Shorter Cutting Tools and Better Surface Finishes

The fourth and fifth axes of 5-axis CNC machines allow you to bring the workpiece closer to the cutting tool. This means that you’re able to use shorter cutting tools, which are less susceptible to vibration and allow you to achieve better surface finishes.

Advantage #3 Better precision

Due to movement flexibility, 5-axis CNC machines are much more precise than 3-axis machines, which is why they not only produce smoother parts but they can also produce parts that would be too complex for a 3-axis machine.

Advantage #4 More business

5-axis CNC machining can be used in the production of many parts for which 3-axis machining is simply not suitable.

While there are more benefits associated with using 5-axis CNC machining, these are the most important ones.

Related Post: 9 Types of Tools Used in CNC Machines to Make Quality Precision Parts

5-Axis CNC Machining – Common Uses

5-axis CNC machining can be used to produce parts utilized in plenty of different industries due to their efficiency and the ability to produce complex shapes. Here are a few examples of industries that most commonly take advantage of this technology:

  • Aerospace – this industry requires a very precise machine, as the shapes are very intricate and unique.
  • Medical – 5-axis CNC machining can help manufacturers of medical equipment in the production of devices, implants, as well as other pieces of equipment that need to be made with extra precision in order to meet healthcare standards which tend to be rigorous (rightfully so).
  • Energy equipment – producing parts for energy equipment often requires using materials that are hard to work with. With 5-axis CNC machining, you can make the whole process easier and more efficient.

5-axis CNC Machining: Gensun Can Help

Now that you know at least something about 5-axis CNC machining, you can proceed to manufacture pretty much any design you come up with using 5-axis CNC machines, right? Absolutely not!

Without a doubt, 5-axis CNC machines simplify the fabrication of complex parts. However, not all designs are worth creating using 5-axis machines. For example, you might be better off fabricating high-precision holes, cutouts, and cavities using 3- or 4-axis CNC machines. That’s why we always recommend that you speak to a CNC machining expert before you take the plunge with manufacturing.

Gensun Precision Machining is a top-tier CNC machining service provider across Asia and the globe. Not only do we have CNC machining experts and engineers, but we also have a wide range of advanced CNC machining technologies, including 3-, 4-, and 5-axis CNC machines.

Tell us about your project, so we can help you determine which machining technology best fits your needs.
