Month: February 2025

Home / Month: February 2025


石英水槽清潔保養的秘訣揭示了如何輕鬆保持水槽光亮如新,讓您的廚房更加美觀實用。 歸納要點:

  • 最新保養趨勢:奈米技術提升耐用性和防污效果。
  • 預算指南:提供客製化建議,考量材料、尺寸和功能成本效益。
  • 清潔與保養秘訣:解決常見問題如水垢、刮痕,並延長使用壽命。






Keyword: 裝潢



本文探討孕婦失眠的原因及中醫與現代療法的有效性,以提供實用解決方案,幫助孕媽咪重拾安穩睡眠。 歸納要點:

  • 孕婦失眠主要由孕激素、壓力荷爾蒙及腦部神經傳導物質失衡所引起,了解這些因素有助於改善睡眠品質。
  • 中醫透過針灸和藥膳等療法,根據不同證型進行調理,並結合營養學提出助眠飲食建議,以滿足孕婦的營養需求。
  • 現代醫學揭示妊娠荷爾蒙對睡眠的影響,並探討其與妊娠併發症的關聯,中西醫結合能更有效提升治療效果。





Keyword: 裝修


Adrien Rabiot still wants out of PSG

February 19, 2025 | News | No Comments

Young French central midfielder Adrien Rabiot continues to search for a PSG exit door, with his agent and mother Veronique Rabiot apparently approaching Premier League sides to drum up interest, according to Foot 365.

The French youth international has been offered to Arsenal, according to the report, but without any positive response from the North London side. 

Rabiot is under contract until 2019 with PSG and club president Nasser Al Khelaifi’s view remains that the player is not for sale. A departure is implausible at the time of writing.

Click Here: brisbane lions jersey

カルティエ「ブランドの親友」ソフィーナ・コッポラ(Sofia Coppola)





カルティエは国際化の優雅な大気で知られ、ソフィーナ・コッポラ(Sofia Coppola)も同様の名誉を有し。今、この有名な映画監督になり、ファッションiconカルティエ新晋の「ブランドの親友」。


人は日常生活や特別活動に出席し、ソフィーナ・コッポラの腕の間に装着してあげた総Clの腕時計。「Cl Eの組み合わせにあげやすい様々なキャラだけでなく、全体の造型のポイントになることができて、それが肌のつやがよく映えて時、それは非常にセクシーな。その美しさと低調、気質が非凡な、しかし、いささにはならない。」コッポラ、「カルティエずっとファッションをリードしている。世紀80年代、男女、誰もが、男性の腕時計を着用することが好きです。そして装着Cl E deあげ頃あなたもこんな感じがあるようで、まるで装着の1枚のメンズ腕時計、それは素晴らしい気質、中性の魅力に富む。私はこのような女史が男装の風格を着ることが好きです。」

としては歴史は悠久の創意タブ先駆者として、カルティエ転覆性の設計毎回更新人々は腕時計型の固有の概念をあげ、Cl Eの腕時計、同様に。フランス語を鍵でCl E気に入ってあげたのが、Cl Eは鍵のようなリスト冠に、この俳諧に故人なしのロマンチックなデザインを連想させる鍵を使って時計の上の古い伝統の鎖。Cl E deあげ腕時計コンパクト曲線を作成のまろやか外観見せ力と優雅なバランス;フィット手首の弧の醸し出す調和快適な感触。シンプルなデザインは穏やかで余裕が放つ気質優雅なスタイルと味わいがある。

カルティエの忠実なファンとして、コッポラが秘蔵のカルティエ作品としては、一枚の結婚指輪、一枚のミニ項Tankです腕時計、Menotteブレスレット、Paris Nouvelle Vagueパリ新しい波シリーズブレスレット、Trinityブレスレット、ラブブレスレットと一枚のチーターの指輪。「カルティエ豊富百搭作品は、日常の作品に装着、もっぱら晩餐会の場合の華麗な作品を作成する。」もちろん、私も正は変わる百搭コッポラ造型のベテランだ。彼女のスタイルは靑春のファッション、撮影現場で、カジュアルTシャツ、Vネックセーターやジーンズや盛装ドレスの間で自在に変換。

名門才女――ソフィーナ・コッポラ(Sofia Coppola)

ソフィーナ・コッポラ、有名な映画監督、作家、1971年ご月じゅうよん日生まれアメリカカリフォルニア州では、ハリウッドの名門豪族——コッポラ家族のメンバー。彼女の父親はアメリカ著名監督フランシス・フォード・コッポラ(Francis FordMotor Coppola)、かつて獲得し、最優秀監督、終身成就賞を含む6基のアカデミー小金。



カルティエ1847 MC型仕事坊精製自動的に機械ムーブメント





ケース:11.04 mm厚さ



Transporting a Wirtgen Cold Milling Machine with the Experts

William Thomas / January 2021

William Thomas, helped a company transport a Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine from Richland, PA to Saluda, SC. He immediately started by applying for the shipping permits. The Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine is considered a super load transport because it’s oversize and overweight. While waiting for the shipping permits, he was working on the rest of the paperwork. He also fully insured the Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine. After a couple of weeks, he received the shipping permits allowing the transportation of the overweight and oversize Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine.

Convenient and Easy Cold Milling Machine Transportation Services

After considering the specifications of the Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine, he decided that a lowboy trailer was the most suitable for transport. With a deadline to keep, he immediately called one of our specialists and told him where he would pick up the Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine. When he got there he carefully loaded it on the trailer and secured it well. He then called William who dispatched the shipment. Our drivers are professionals with years of experience from  shipping heavy equipment across the country. From Richland, PA, our driver decided to use route I-81 S and later connected to route I-77 S all the way to Saluda, SC.

Transport Your Cold Milling Machine Today

Heavy Equipment Transport is always available for a quote. Fill out the form or give us a call now! (888) 730-2951

Start Quote

Delivering The Cold Milling Machine

The journey took longer than normal because the Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine is heavy and the trailer cannot move any faster. After an hour and a half, the driver was at the drop off location where he delivered the Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine safely. Our client was really happy because a lot of companies couldn’t transport the Wirtgen W 200 F cold milling machine due to its size and weight. However, at Heavy Equipment Transport, nothing is too heavy or big to be transported. To transport heavy equipment, call us today through (888) 730-2951.

William Thomas

Heavy Transport Specialist

Being able to lead a team of such talented logistics agents has been a wonderful experience over the past ten years. If you would like to know anything more about the heavy equipment transport services we offer, don’t hesitate to give us a call!

(888) 730-2951


UR HOUSE明白選擇合適的店面對企業的重要性,這不只是一個簡單的店面,而是您企業、品牌形象和業務成長的基礎。 每個月,UR HOUSE專業團隊的各區店長都會從眾多店面中,精選出最具潛力和戰略價值的店面,確保每一個優選物件的價值都能被看間。 從台北市的商業中心到新興熱區,我們提供多樣的店面選擇以配合不同業務的需求。無論您的目標是增加客流、提升品牌能見度,或是創造一個獨特的工作環境,UR HOUSE的店面精選都能提供多元化的解決方案。 我們的宗旨是幫助每位客戶找到適合其商業策略和品牌特色的店面。透過我們深入的市場洞察和專業建議,我們致力於為您提供無縫的物業尋找體驗。每月的精選店面不僅展現了台北市的商業多樣性,也體現了UR HOUSE對於品質和客戶滿意度的承諾。 


  1. 決戰東區!忠孝復興/敦化優質店面

  2. 其實很熱門的無冕之王!南京復興商圈優質店面



隨著新光三越插旗東區、台北大巨蛋完工,東區人潮近期顯著回流,這樣的現象也預示著台北東區房租將重回第一梯隊。 本期精選的的五個位於東區的店面,正是快時尚品牌、運動品牌以及知名餐飲和酒吧、醫美診所的理想起點。 這些店面位於北市最繁華的地段,交通便利,鄰近商業中心,為各類品牌提供了絕佳的曝光機會。隨著大巨蛋和新光三越引發的新局面, 「決戰東區」不僅是一個機遇,更是品牌成長和拓展的舞台。立即行動,讓您的品牌在這裡綻放光芒。












Keyword: 裝潢


How to Make Thin Hair Look Thicker

February 19, 2025 | News | No Comments

Thin hair can be tricky to handle. And having thinner hair can be all the more frustrating when you’re looking to dial up the volume for a big event.

If your locks are in need of a lift, you’re not alone! Here, experts share how to breathe new life into your look. Read on for pro tips on how to make thin hair look thicker and build more volume. Plus, find out what products you should be using to encourage visibly thicker, fuller hair.

Thin Hair Help Starts Here

First, stop stressing. Thinning hair, hair loss and scalp issues are far more common than you might think. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 80 million people within the U.S. experience hereditary hair loss. And, stress can only make things worse.

Next, make the most of the hair type that you do have. A haircut, along with the right products and styling ideas, that can help create the appearance of more voluminous hair. Take a cue from experts on how to go from barely-there to the thick hair look of your dreams!

Best Seller: GRO Hair Serum

Creating Volume Like a Pro

Fuller-looking, healthier hair begins with a solid foundation. Consult with your hair pro to find the right haircut and pick products to establish a hair wellness routine. 

According to celebrity hair stylist Mirna Jose, there are so many ways to make thin hair look thicker. Begin by building from the ground up, starting with choosing the correct cut.

  • Curate your cut: “Make sure to get a haircut that suits you and your face shape,” explained Jose. “And, opt for one that is easy to style.”
  • Cutting cues: “A common misconception is that layering your hair will create volume,” said Jay Scott Jackson, Master Colorist and Manager of NV Salon & Spa by Yajaira. “If you’re looking for fullness, you must ask your stylist about graduation throughout your haircut or internally to build volume, such as blunt, one-length cut with internal texture or a short bob.”

    Read:  7 Best Haircuts for Thinning Hair

    7 Expert Tips to Make Hair Look Thicker  

    Now, that you’ve got the right haircut, stop stressing over thin tresses. Instead, get to styling them like a pro. There’s nothing quite like that salon-fresh feeling of a bouncy blowout. Recreate the look of voluminous hair, at home. Maximize your styling routine, starting in the shower, and get ready to turn heads!

    Pro Tip 1: Cleanse, condition, recalibrate.

    “For starters, use a volumizing shampoo or thickening shampoos,” said Jose. “And, ONLY apply conditioner on the ends, as applying it all over can weigh hair down.”

    Prep Steps:

    1. Start with your favorite shampoo and conditioner kit.
    2. After washing your hair, opt for a deep conditioning hair mask to give your hair a reset while you sleep. This color-safe intuitive technology is powered by Karmatin™, which instantly adjusts to hair on contact, helping to provide ideal amounts of moisture, volume, repair and protection.

    Pro Tip 2: Enhance your blow drying routine.

    “Rough blow dry your hair to about 60 percent,” said Jose. “Then, apply styling product(s).”

    Prep Steps:

    1. The reason? You don’t want to lose product volume-enhancing efficacy with sopping wet strands.
    2. “If the hair is too damp, the water will dilute most of the styling product,” explained the stylist. “You won’t get the benefit of using those volumizing styling serums, mousses, gels or glaze.”

      Read: How Often Should You Wash Thinning Hair?

      Pro Tip 4: Amplify and add dimension.

      Add extra oomph to elevate the thicker hair look with volume-boosting styling products. Opt for a volumizing mousse or foam.

      Another idea: Ask your colorist if a few highlights strategically placed around the town can help enhance and mirror the look of thicker hair.

      Prep Steps:

      1. Lightweight, quick-drying and designed with the texture of a hair mousse, use the foam to provide instant body and texture.
      2. The mousse-like foam also deeply penetrates the scalp to support visibly thicker, fuller-looking hair.

      Pro Tip 5: Blow dry using a round brush.

      “While there are many approaches to the thinner hair issue,” said Jackson. “The most typical quick fix is product selection.” Build a better blowout by pairing volumizing products with a round brush to bolster volume.

      Prep Steps:

      1. For added volume, style by using a round brush as you blow dry hair upside down.
      2. Follow by misting dry shampoo all along the roots.
      3. Wrap hair upward and back using the round brush and your blow dryer.
      4. Once your blowout is complete, set on hot rollers to emphasize even more fullness in the roots and crown.

        Pro Tip 6: Ride the wave with texture.

        “Other than layering the hair very well, ” said celebrity stylist Joel James. “Some tips and tricks I will use to make thin hair look thicker will be adding a wave to the hair with a curling iron.”

        Prep Steps:

        1. “Brush out the hair after it’s curled, ” explained James. “Brushing makes the hair texture look bigger and have higher density.”
        2. “Sometimes, I will tuck the hair under,” said James. “Then brush the hair on top and you’ll never know the person has thin hair.”

        Read: 6 Tips & Tricks for Styling Thin Hair

          Pro Tip 7: Score instant volume with faux fullness.

          “To give the illusion of fuller hair, you can use hair fibers or a root cover up on your scalp,” said Jose. “Depending on where your hair is thinning, you can also use hair extensions such as clip in extensions or a topper.”

          Prep Steps:

          1. “You can also try the approach of hair extensions, ” said Jackson. “Clip in or semi-permanent extensions will work to add instant volume and/or length in your style.”

          Pro Tip 8. Use back-combing to add a boost.

          “Back-comb sections of hair to create volume. Use a medium hold hair spray or dry shampoo on each section before and after back-combing,” said Jose. “This will make sure the hair stays the way you want for a longer period of time.”

          Prep steps:

          1. Dry shampoo works in a similar manner to a texturizing spray, adding the necessary grip and volume boost.
          2. Tease the roots and back-comb the crown into a pompadour.
          3. This helps mirror the look of thicker hair in fine or thin hair of any length. As it adds body to the crown and front of the hair, back-combing prevents hair from looking limp.

          Treat Thin Hair With TLC

          Hair wellness starts from within — give your hair the care and attention it deserves! Relax, reset and revamp thin hair with expert-approved thick hair tricks to take it to the next level.

          Popular Products

          Save $101


          GRO Hair Serum (3 Pack)

          Save $81


          GRO Revitalizing Shampoo and Conditioner Kit

          Save $131


          GRO Full Routine Kit


          More From VEGAMOUR

          • Shop: The Very Best Products for Thinning Hair
          • What Doctor Should You See for Hair Loss
          • Why You Should Subscribe to Your Favorite Haircare Products

          Photo credit: Oleg Ivanov/Unsplash


          Crystal Fenton


          Crystal Fenton

          Crystal Fenton is a freelance writer & beauty editor with over a decade of experience in both print and digital content, Author of "The Healing Power of the Pineal Gland: Exercises and Meditations to Detoxify, Decalcify, and Activate Your Third Eye Chakra", Simon & Schuster, March '22 and E-RYT®200 YACEP® Yoga Instructor.

          Keyword: Custom Katana


          Astro Machine Works, located in Ephrata, Pa., is excited to announce the launch of its new website. We have been working to make our site more user-friendly, with information for our customers and prospects on our full capabilities including CNC Machining and Custom Machine Design, Fabrication and Build.

          In addition, please check back for news and monthly blogs for what’s happening here at Astro Machine Works and in our Made in America following. We also post regularly on our social media accounts, bringing important news in the industry to our followers.

          Our new site is responsive, meaning that you can view our website on your phone or tablet for easy navigation to what is important to you.

          Check it out…

          About Us:

          Astro Machine Works Inc. is a custom machine builder and a leader in prototype machining and CNC machining of Metals and Plastics. Astro covers a wide range of industries including Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Medical, Aerospace, Food Processing, Government & Telecommunications. We are constantly upgrading our machining capabilities and quality to provide exceptional value to our customers. We will continue to provide superior solutions through our dedicated people and innovative technology. For more information, visit, call 717.738.4281 or email Brian Hess

          [email protected].

          Categories: Press Releases



          Basic Info.

          Model NO.
          Electric blanket

          Electric Blanket

          Age Group


          Electric Blanket

          Knitting Method
          Machine Weaved

          Home, Winter Heating

          Custom Logo Accepted

          Hotel, Home, Travel

          Shipping Method
          DDP, Express,by Air

          Product Name
          Electric Blanket

          Transport Package



          HS Code

          Production Capacity
          100000 Piece/Pieces Per Month

          Product Description

          Product Parameters



          Place of Origin



          flannel fleece








          Hotel, Home, Travel




          1.5-2 Kg


          Autumn and Winter


          1. 9 heat settings
          2. 3 Timer Setting: 2-8-12 Hours
          3. Washable due to detachable controller
          4. Fast heating and overheating protection (PTC+NTC heating system)
          5.CE approval

          1. who are we?
          We are based in Shandong, China, start from 2019,sell to North America(30.00%),Oceania(30.00%),Domestic Market(20.00%),Northern Europe(10.00%),Southern Europe(10.00%). There are total about 1000+ people in our office.

          2. how can we guarantee quality?
          Always a pre-production sample before mass production;
          Always final Inspection before shipment;

          3.what can you buy from us?
          Bedding Set / Pillow / Cushion / Towel / Quilt / Blanket,Comforter Set / Duvet Cover Set / Sheet Set / Curtain / Pillow / Quilt

          4. why should you buy from us not from other suppliers?
          We are the manufacturer and trader of home textile and medical products with innovative spirit. We own more than 5000 employees and more than 600 R & D personnel in the textile field, covering an area of 1 square kilometer.

          5. what services can we provide?
          Accepted Delivery Terms: FOB,CIF;
          Accepted Payment Currency:USD,EUR,GBP,CNY;
          Accepted Payment Type: T/T,L/C,MoneyGram,PayPal,Cash;
          Language Spoken:English,Chinese,Russian


          Keyword: CNC machining



          Fastener Training Institute (FTI), the leading source for ongoing fastener education, is planning its next Fastener Training Week in Cleveland, OH, April 8-12. The training will be held at Brighton-Best International

          “We are excited to welcome our next class of Fastener Training Week students,” shared Jo Morris, Marketing Director for Fastener Training Institute. “Knowledge builds confidence and leads to a safer industry. FTI is committed to providing continuous opportunities for all levels of fastener education,” she added. 

          Developed in 1998 with guidance from the International Fastener Institute, the Certified Fastener Specialist™ (CFS) advanced technical training program is the most noteworthy measurement of technical aptitude for fastener professionals. After Fastener Training Week, students who pass a final exam receive CFS designation. 

          The week will include hand-on demonstrations, learning labs, classroom instruction and plant tours, all in a team atmosphere taught by industry-expert instructors from Industrial Fasteners Institute, Laurence Claus and Salim BrahimiFTI’s advanced technical training program is for fastener distributors, manufacturers, end-users as well as sales and quality assurance professionals. 

          Topics include:

          • Consensus standards organizations

          • IFI resources

          • Torque tension

          • QA systems & sampling plans

          • Thread technology and gage issues

          • Print reading & tolerances

          • Material specifications for steel fasteners

          • Understanding how fasteners fail

          “Fastener Training Week was an absolutely eye-opening experience. The sheer amount of engineering consideration that goes into an overlooked everyday item is absolutely astounding,” – Fastener Training Institute attendee.  

          Fastener Training Week is ideal for teams, departments and individuals. Early-bird rates are available until March 25 with discounts available for multiple attendees as well as association members (Pac-West, NFDA, IFI, MWFA, NCFA and SFA). Learn more and register at or email Jo Morris with questions. 

          Support from Würth Industry North America, FTI’s Sustaining Sponsor, is key to the successful presentation of Fastener Training Week as well as all training offerings from FTI. 

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