These rituals will help anyone who’s over-tired, and overworked
May 24, 2019 | News | No Comments
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Modern ways of working have seen us wear our busyness as if it were a badge. We’re overleveraged, overworked, over-tired, and quite honestly, over it (or is that just me?). And while success, like a pair of vintage Levi’s, is not one size fits all, it’s no lie that so many of us are burning the candle at both ends in order to hit certain inconceivable pressures: get promoted, increase your bank balance, improve your home life, achieve an inbox at zero – we could go on for days.
Jeannie Bourke, owner of Venustus salon in Sydney’s leafy suburb of Paddington, is one who knows this narrative all too well. She treats a string of CEOs, celebrities, mothers and high-powered executives (sometimes a combination) all suffering the 2019 health conundrum that is burnout. You might be familiar with it yourself: tiredness, mental exhaustion, and your shoulders reside somewhat around your ears, rather than the southern end of your neck, as nature intended.
Regardless, it’s not for everyone to pack up shop and relocate to an organic compound in the Byron Bay hinterland. A burgeoning career or busy-but-beautiful home life might be the reason you get out of bed every day, but that’s not to say you can’t inject moments of respite into your life. As the experts say, you’re no good to others until you’ve affixed your own oxygen mask first, right? Bourke is an advocate for these little moments – things you can incorporate into your day to keep your cortisol at a reasonable level – in this modern era, anyway. Read on for all her wisdom.
Have a plan for moments of intense stress
Alanis Morissette got it absolutely right when she proclaimed that traffic jams are commonplace when you’re running late. However that was 14 years ago. Now, you’re running late to an important meeting while your phone rings, your inbox buzzes, and your mum keeps texting you about the dog. Bad days at work, family issues – whatever it is, have a plan in place for moments of intense stress or panic, especially if you’re prone to losing your cool. Bourke recommends essential oils as a ritualistic way of calming down. A few drops of her S.O.S roll on blend is designed for exactly this. Pop it on your wrist, and take a few deep breaths. You’ll calm down and make much more logical decisions than if you just spiral.
Practice gratitude
Sounds woo-woo, but the truth is that being able to work, or live a busy life is an incredible privilege that many don’t have. When you wake up in the morning, Bourke recommends writing down, or verbally stating a few things you are grateful for. If you’re stuck, here are some thought-staters, courtesy of Bourke: “I am grateful I have a healthy body that works, eyes that can see, and ears that can hear.”
Run a hot bath
Gwyneth Paltrow knows the restorative powers of a good bath, and frankly, so do we. Add whatever you like to yours – Epsom salts, bubbles, or essential oils are a nice touch. If you don’t have a bath, a few drops of essential oil in your shower will still turn the experience into something a little more luxurious. Eucalyptus is zingy and fresh, while lavender is warm and soothing before bed. Be sure to follow it up with the Venustus Belief Organic Body Serum, and a spritz of Muscular Spray mist if you’re neck and shoulders are desk-job collateral.
Carve out some time for yourself
In following on with the oxygen mask analogy, sometimes it’s essential to block out two hours on a Saturday for strictly yourself – we’re a few weeks out from half-way through the year, so no doubt you deserve it. Venustus is Bourke’s Sydney salon, and it’s the closest place we’ve found to heaven on Earth. If you’re a sceptic, be open to the crystals and sage upon arrival. But these aside, her Om Massage is one of the most luxurious treatments available – think intuitive therapists who know exactly where the knots are, heavenly organic oils worked in to tired limbs, and a feeling of bliss post-treatment.
While small, half an hour, or even a few minutes to decompress each day can be worth it’s weight in gold. Trust us.
Want more tips to help you keep up with your busy life? Vogue Codes 2019 is around the corner. Head to for the program schedule, and ticket sales.