Jonathan Coachman fires back at ESPN sexual harassment claims
July 14, 2020 | News | No Comments
After being named in a sexual harassment lawsuit against his old employers Monday, Jonathan Coachman fired back Tuesday morning in denying the claims.
On Monday, former ESPN employee Adrienne Lawrence filed a lawsuit in federal court against ESPN, claiming the company fostered a culture that empowered sexual harassment and discrimination, using Coachman, Chris Berman, John Buccigross, and others as examples of the problem.
On Twitter, Coachman, now a broadcaster with WWE, responded to someone asking a question about Lawrence’s claims:
I will address this only once because I am seething today. In 21 years of being a PROFESSIONAL I have never been more offended in my life. I my 9 years I can count on one hand the amount of times I interacted with anyone other than a co-anchor. To allow someone to spread vicious
— Jonathan Coachman (@TheCoachrules) March 6, 2018
Lies and flat out fabrications is not ok and it’s time someone stood up for themselves. @jemelehill addressed her lie last night. I am not a part of this lawsuit because I have never done anything wrong. My reputation speaks for itself and anyone that has ever worked with me
— Jonathan Coachman (@TheCoachrules) March 6, 2018
Will back that up. I am also offended that someone can dangerously throw peoples names into something for the clear attempt at getting headlines. This the only time I will address this because I am not a part of this lawsuit. My heart goes out to anyone falsely accused of
— Jonathan Coachman (@TheCoachrules) March 6, 2018
Anything. Trust me it doesn’t feel good. But most of you have been incredible and supportive. Onward and upward.
— Jonathan Coachman (@TheCoachrules) March 6, 2018
In a statement, WWE said, “We take these matters very seriously and are investigating.”