WikiLeaks calls for unredacted Mueller report

April 20, 2019 | Story | No Comments

WikiLeaks has called for the US Justice Department to remove some of its redactions to the Mueller report, claiming that the blanked-out sentences only fuel conspiracy theories about WikiLeaks’ role in Trump’s election.

“WikiLeaks has always been confident that this investigation would vindicate our groundbreaking publishing of the 2016 materials, which it has. We disapprove of the large redactions which permit conspiracy theories to abound. Full transparency please,” WikiLeaks tweeted on Thursday.

Some observers wondered whether WikiLeaks disputes Mueller’s claim – expounded in the report – that ‘Russian hackers’ had stolen Democratic National Convention emails in 2016. Large chunks of text concerning the supposed hacking operation are left blank in Mueller’s report, to protect the investigative techniques used.

Moreover, Mueller’s report never established precisely how the  hackers – supposedly affiliated with Russia’s GRU intelligence agency – actually transferred the information to WikiLeaks. Wikileaks founder Julian Assange repeatedly denied that the emails had come from Russia, and had reportedly told a US congressman that the DNC breach was an “inside job.”

Likewise, large blocks of text regarding the Trump campaign’s contact with WikiLeaks are obscured, as they would cause ‘harm to an ongoing matter,’ possibly the ongoing case against Republican operative Roger Stone, who allegedly had made false statements to prosecutors about his own contact with WikiLeaks.

The report did make clear that WikiLeaks’ publishing of the supposedly hacked materials “would not be criminal unless the publisher also participated in the underlying hacking conspiracy.” Donald Trump Jr.’s brief Twitter contact with WikiLeaks, and retweeting of a link to the leaked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, therefore were not criminal acts.

As pundits and politicians pore over the Mueller report with a magnifying glass, Assange himself is currently in police custody in London, after British police removed him from the city’s Ecuadorian embassy last Thursday. He is awaiting sentencing for skipping bail in 2012, and US authorities are simultaneously preparing an extradition case against him, for his alleged involvement in the hacking of classified US military files in 2010.

“Arrest warrant and extradition request for Assange is for wikileaks exposing war crimes in 2010,” WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson tweeted on Thursday. “Despite this, US media has been insisting on talking about 2016 in interviews all week.  Publishing truths is not a crime. Was not in 2010 nor 2016, nor ever. Period.”EditDelete

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A leading member of South Africa’s ruling party has stirred controversy as he called on the country’s black population not to vote for white candidates. RT has asked a local politician and activist to weigh in.

With even members of his own party condemning the decision to “campaign along race lines,” the pressure is mounting against African National Congress secretary-general Ace Magashule. He has already found himself at the wrong end of a number of corruption scandals and has now been slammed for his “racist” remark.

A few weeks shy of the 25th anniversary of the end of apartheid, racial tensions remain an undeniable part of life in modern South Africa. And some in South Africa support Magashule’s sentiment.

White people are the beneficiaries of racism, all of them,” Andile Mngxitama of the pan-Africanist Black First Land First party told RT. He believes that the disproportionate amount of resources that remain in the hands of the country’s white minority is an indication that they “still maintain an apartheid hold on the economy.” Given the circumstances, Mngxitama asks “why any black person would vote for a white person?

Self-described “disillusioned left wing South African” Helen Heldenmuth sees this outlook is destructive, and not the opinion of the majority. Having been arrested for raising black children during apartheid, she believes that the solution has to move beyond black and white. According to her, comments like Magashule’s don’t help to “mend” the damage from the past, and only serve to further divide society along racial lines.

Watch the interviews on RT.

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Despite losing territories in Syria and Iraq, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and Al-Qaeda militants still pose a threat as terrorists cells spread in Europe and Asia, FSB head Alexander Bortnikov has said.

Terrorist groups operating on a network basis are taking root in Europe, Central and South-Eastern Asia, the director of Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) warned. Organized groups of criminals for instance advance deep into Africa including Libya, the official said adding that the same can be said about Afghanistan.

According to Bortnikov, the driving force behind IS expansion is militants who are now returning to their countries of origin and creating terrorist cells at home. More than 1,500 out of 5,000 jihadists from Europe who earlier joined IS managed to come back from the Middle East, Bortnikov said citing expert estimates.

Most of them “had no difficulties” in reaching their home countries, the official bemoaned. He also hinted that Brussels’ migration policy might be the reason for such a drastic advance as hundreds of thousands refugees entered EU since 2015, many of which stemmed from the countries with high terrorist activity.

In March, US President Donald Trump declared victory against IS in Syria after the Washington-backed SDF militia gained control over Baghouz, the jihadists’ last stronghold in Syria.

Trump’s claim, however, has been questioned by Syrian envoy to UN Bashar Jaafari who said that the Islamic State “is not over yet.” French President Emmanuel Macron was also cautious about the matter indicating that the threat persists and the fight against terrorist groups must continue.

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Pornhub’s new channel affords users the opportunity to save the environment while browsing the adult website; for every minute of ‘bee-sexual’ video content watched, the company will make a donation to bee conservation efforts.

The video footage of bees getting down and dirty while pollinating flowers will be voiced by actual, human, pornstars like Brett Rossi, Dante Colle, and Domino Presley, among others, though there are no actual human boo-bees featured in the ‘bee-sexual’ genre.

According to a press release, Pornhub has partnered with leading bee conservation charities Operation Honey Bee and The Center for Honeybee Research on the bizarre but surprisingly heartwarming initiative. Reaction online has been overwhelmingly positive so far.

Without meaning to be a buzzkill, Pornhub points out that more than 700 North American bee species are headed toward extinction due to habitat loss and increased pesticide use with some “$235 billion worth of annual food production” relying on bees.

“With over 110 million daily visitors, we thought our users could come together to lend a helping hand and help conserve this precious species. It’s our duty to ensure bees continue to fornicate and pollinate,” Pornhub Vice President Corey Price said in a press release.

“Their sex LITERALLY saves humanity. If you ask me that makes for porn worth watching,” Creative Director David Martin Angelus said.

The ‘bee-sexual’ initiative is just the latest endeavor by Pornhub Cares, the company’s philanthropic division, which includes other campaigns like “Save The Whales,” “Pornhub Blows,” a campaign to provide free leaf removal service across the US and its Closed Captioning category content geared towards deaf and hard of hearing users.

It also introduced a PG category earlier this year.

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MEP’s from the Czech Republic are expressing their disappointment after proposals to ensure that products are of a uniform standard across Europe were rejected by Brussels.

The European Parliament issued a new directive to strengthen consumer protection rules on Wednesday but Czech politicians say the new directive on the dual quality of products in Europe has not gone far enough after their requested ban on the controversial practice was not approved. The Czech proposals sought to address the issue of products marketed under the same name having different ingredients or compositions in different countries.

In 2017, the Institute of Chemical Technology found differences in the composition of products sold in the Czech market compared to what is sold in countries like Germany. The products included fish fingers with a lower fish content, varying amounts of cheese on pizza and detergent with different levels of active ingredients. Similar tests were carried out around Europe with the same results.

The directive clarified how national authorities are to deal with misleading marketing and said that if marketing in different member states is identical and the products have “significantly unjustified different composition or characteristics,” the practice could be prohibited as it could be considered misleading.

It also said that in two years the situation will be assessed to see if dual quality products need to be added to a blacklist of unfair commercial practices.

“We could make a definitive end today in discussions about the amount of cocoa in chocolate in Germany and in the Czech Republic, unfortunately it did not happen. For me as an MP elected for the Czech Republic, the result is disappointing,” MEP Dita Charanzová (ANO) said, Novinky reports.

“The law adopted contains a number of legal cliques, tailor-made for large manufacturers that have high quality double business,” MEP Olga Sehnalová (CSSD) added.

“Worse still, the law recognizes justified and objective factors that make it possible for manufacturers to continue to adapt food and other goods to local tastes, pricing preferences, and who knows what else, because they have said that these factors will not all be listed in the text. So practically anything is allowed.”

474 MEPs voted in favor of the directive, 163 voted against it and 14 abstained.

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Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj regularly helps Indians living abroad who tweet her with visa issues, but on Wednesday a desperate man asked her whether she could help him or if he should just kill himself.

“Tell me one thing, can you help me or should I kill myself? It has been about 12 months that I have been pleading for help from the embassy,” the man, identified only as Ali, said in a now-deleted tweet to the foreign minister. “It would be a huge help if you can send me to India. I have four children.”

“Don’t think about suicide. We are there for you. Our embassy will help you,” Swaraj replied, while also ordering the Indian Embassy in Riyadh to investigate the man’s circumstances and desperate plea for help.

The man reportedly claimed he had no copy of his passport but instead only had an ‘iqama’ or residency permit for foreign workers.

“There’s some problem in my family back home. It’s been 21 months since I came here and haven’t taken leave. Please help me return to India,” Ali tweeted again.

Many online lavished praise on the foreign minister, who has drawn attention in the past for going above and beyond the call of duty to help citizens in distress.

Many took the opportunity to highlight their own plights.

Ali’s plea for assistance comes at a time when shocking revelations about the reported executions of two Indian men in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia earlier this year have come to light.

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A recently published document reveals the European Commission has no evidence that Kaspersky Lab software spies on users on behalf of the Russian government, despite the EU and US labeling it “malicious.”

“The Commission is not in possession of any evidence regarding potential issues related to the use of Kaspersky Lab products,” reads a letter from an EC representative to a Belgian member of parliament, dated last Friday.

The European Commission was responding to a request by Belgian MEP Gerolf Annemans who asked last month if it knows “of any reason other than certain press articles that justifies the labelling of Kaspersky as ‘dangerous’ or ‘malicious’.” Annemans also wanted to know if other programs and devices, other than those of Kaspersky, were also flagged as “malicious.”

Reacting to the latest EU letter, Kaspersky said, “this is another evidence not to let the geopolitical agenda fool you with fake news.”

The EU’s proclamation of Kaspersky software as “malicious” did not happen in a vacuum. The announcement came at a time of unprecedented Russian hysteria, originating in the US. In 2017, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Russiagate’ investigation was in its infancy, talk of collusion dominated the airwaves… and Kaspersky wasn’t left untouched either.

The Department of Homeland Security banned all federal agencies from using Kaspersky software in September 2017, citing national security concerns but providing no evidence. Company founder and Chief Executive Eugene Kaspersky denounced the move as “baseless paranoia at best,” and the company filed a lawsuit.

Later, Kaspersky found its ads banned from Twitter and its products pulled from store shelves at Best Buy. Eugene Kaspersky called the Twitter ban a case of “blatant censorship.” 

Amid rising tensions, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi says he has called Pakistan’s nuclear bluff by launching airstrikes while also claiming that New Delhi has the “mother of nuclear bombs.”

“Earlier, terrorists from Pakistan would come here and go back after conducting an attack. Pakistan would threaten us, saying it has the nuclear bomb and will press the button,” Prime Minister Modi said at a campaign rally at Surendranagar in Gujarat on Wednesday.

“In the past, our people would weep, go around the world saying Pakistan did this, did that… It is now Pakistan’s turn to weep.

The bombastic rhetoric comes amid ongoing tensions and tit-for-tat airstrikes in recent weeks, which have been marred by sporadic cross-border firefights and violence in the aftermath of a suicide bomb attack in Pulwama in February which killed 40 Indian paramilitary officers.

Jaish-e-Mohammad claimed responsibility for the bombing and India subsequently accused the Pakistani government of turning a blind eye to the group’s activities.

“Pakistan has been threatening us for a long time with its nuclear capability but the IAF called its bluff with its strikes,” Modi said. His comments came following governmental denials that an Indian military attack in Pakistan was imminent, and may be carried out in mid-April.

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The tragic murder of a school girl, lured onto a roof and set on fire by classmates for reporting sexual abuse by her principal, has provoked outrage across Bangladesh and beyond, with politicians and the UN voicing disgust.

Nusrat Jahan Rafi was pinned to the ground by a group of students and teachers wearing burqas and doused in kerosene before being set alight on the roof of her school in Feni on April 6. The 18-year-old student died from the severe burns, that covered 80 percent of her body, five days later.

As her singed body was rushed to hospital, Rafi knew death coming so the brave girl made a recording on her brother’s phone, “The teacher touched me, I will fight this crime till my last breath.”

Following her death, others are now carrying on the fight on her behalf as the devastating loss of her life has shaken Bangladesh, and the world.

UN coordinator in Bangladesh Mia Seppo slammed the “system’s failure, in terms of a girl who is brave enough to stand up against gender-based violence,”adding, “her brave decision to do so led to more violence leading to her death.”

Calculated Killing

The story of Rafi’s tragic death began on March 27, when the headmaster at the madrassa she attended called her into his office and allegedly touched her inappropriately. She managed to escape before the abuse went further.

Breaking from societal norms in conservative Bangladesh, Rafi went to report the principal at a police station that day. An officer told her it was “not a big deal,” and filmed her on his mobile phone as she cried and tried to hide her face, likely fearing the harassment and even violent attacks that can face those who speak out about sexual abuse. She told police that the principal had harassed her numerous times. The video was then leaked on social media.

The principal was arrested and students organized a protest against Rafi, while her family received death threats.

When she returned to school on April 6 to sit an exam, Rafi was lured to the school roof by a female student who pretended her friend was being beaten up. She was surrounded by five people who demanded she drop charges against the principal. When she refused, they tied her hands and set her on fire in what was planned to look like a suicide.

“One of the killers was holding her head down with his hands, so kerosene wasn’t poured there and that’s why her head wasn’t burned,” Police Bureau of Investigation chief Banaj Kumar Majumder said.

Thousands of people poured onto the streets for the schoolgirl’s funeral. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited the family, telling them: “None of the culprits will be spared from legal action.” Protests have taken place around the country and across social media, as people rail against the fear facing victims of sexual harassment who speak out, and demand government reform.

Student Abdur Rahim allegedly confessed that he and 11 others planned to kill Nusrat and reportedly held a meeting in a school dormitory two days beforehand to decide who would carry out the different roles in the killing, according to reports in Bangladeshi media. He is alleged to have said they were instructed to do so by the principal, Siraj Ud Doula, whom they visited in jail.

“On the day of the attack, a team of seven people—led by Nur Uddin—guarded the gate from the morning, while Nusrat was set afire inside the madrasa building by another five-member team headed by Shahadat Hossain Shamim,” Rahim reportedly said in his confession, the Dhaka Tribune reports. “After the attack took place, they independently left their positions and fled the area.”

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Elon Musk and, of all places, the Museum of English Rural Life have become embroiled in a bizarre but hilarious exchange on Twitter, swapping their avatars while reviving a photo of a sheep which went viral in 2018.

Musk changed his Twitter avatar on Wednesday after responding to an MIT tweet evoking the ‘absolute unit’ tweet by the Museum of English Rural Life tweet last year. The ram picture went viral last April, gaining more than 100,000 likes and earning the museum, part of the University of Reading, a place in the pantheon of online shenanigans.

What ensued was a stunning exchange in which the tech entrepreneur and museum swapped profile photos.

The memeing masses couldn’t resist joining in the action, leading to some god-tier twitter humor.

The maverick tech entrepreneur has shown a penchant for memes before, participating in YouTube star PewDiePie’s meme Review.

READ MORE: Joint enterprise: Elon Musk shares marijuana with Joe Rogan as pair talk AI & flamethrowers

Musk himself became a meme after smoking a joint during an infamous appearance on the Joe Rogan Podcast, a move which impacted Tesla’s share price and sparked an SEC investigation.

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