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B站热搜榜API是为开发者提供的一种接口,使得开发者能够通过编程的方式获取B站热搜榜的相关数据。开发者可以利用该API获取热搜话题的具体信息,如话题名称、热度值、相关视频数量等。它为开发者提供了一种自动化获取B站热搜榜数据的能力,以便开发者能够在自己的应用或服务中集成B站热搜榜的相关功能,比如制作数据分析工具、创建与B站热点相关的内容推荐系统等。本文主要以 提供的B站热搜榜API为例,讲解如何对接API接口,具体如何在应用中深度使用,属于产品范畴,不在本文章的内容中。

B站热搜榜 API 的优势是什么?

B站热搜榜 API 相比于人工查询热榜数据具有以下优势:

  • 实时数据获取:它能够提供 B 站热搜榜的实时数据,让开发者可以及时了解到 B 站的热门趋势。
  • 丰富的数据内容:可以获取热搜话题的名称、热度值等详细信息,为开发者进行数据分析和应用开发提供了有力支持。
  • 便于集成:开发者可以将其集成到自己的应用程序中,为用户提供与 B 站热搜相关的特色功能。

B站热搜榜 API有多种服务商,本文主要选择的 公司提供的B站热搜榜 API接口,因此了解更多关于 B站热搜榜 API请访问API Hub中的API服务详情页。

B站热搜榜 API 适用于哪些人?

B站热搜榜 API 主要适用的人群有以下几类:

  • 数据分析人员:可以利用 API 获取的数据进行深入的 B 站热门趋势分析,了解用户兴趣和行为。
  • 应用开发者:能够在自己的应用中集成 B 站热搜榜功能,增加应用的吸引力和实用性。
  • 内容创作者:通过了解热搜榜,更好地把握创作方向,创作出更符合用户需求的内容。

使用 B 站热搜榜 API 是否存在风险?

  • 数据准确性风险:虽然 API 提供的数据通常是可靠的,但可能存在数据传输或处理过程中的误差。
  • API 稳定性风险:如果 B 站对 API 进行调整或出现故障,可能会影响开发者对数据的获取和应用的正常运行。
  • 隐私和合规风险:在使用数据时,需要确保符合相关的隐私和合规要求,避免侵犯用户隐私等问题。

B站热搜榜 API 服务商是否安全?

该类API服务商一般都非常安全,请放心使用,毕竟 B 站热搜榜查询到的结果本身就是公开的。如果想了解API安全性,请在搜索框输入‘API安全’或‘隐私政策’。

在 C#、Java、Ruby 开发语言中的调用

C#集成 API 案例

using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Program
static async Task Main()
var client = new HttpClient();
var requestUri = "";

var response = await client.GetAsync(requestUri);
var responseBody = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
catch (HttpRequestException e)
Console.WriteLine("nException Caught!");
Console.WriteLine("Message :{0} ", e.Message);



public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String url = "";
try {
URL obj = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();

// optional default is GET

int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("GET Response Code :: " + responseCode);

// Read the response
try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()))) {
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {


require 'net/http'

url = URI("")

Net::HTTP.start(, url.port, use_ssl: url.scheme == 'https') do |http|
request =
response = http.request(request)

puts response.read_body



  • 抖音即时热搜榜
  • 搜狗百度热搜排行榜
  • 知乎热搜榜
  • 今日头条热搜榜

如何找到 B 站热搜榜 API?

幂简集成是国内领先的API集成管理平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。幂简API平台可以通过以下两种方式找到所需API:通过关键词搜索API(例如,输入’热榜‘这类品类词,更容易找到结果)、或者从API Hub分类页进入寻找。


Keyword: 文心一言api



URL排名API是该类服务的API接口形态,供使用者通过编程的方式对接它,给使用者提供自动化的URL排名查询能力。本文主要以 公司的URL排名API接口做为案例,讲解如何对接API接口,具体如何在应用中深度使用,属于产品范畴,不在本文章的内容中。

URL 排名 API 的优势是什么?

相比于人工统计URL排名,对接URL 排名 API 的优势主要体现在以下几个方面:

  1. 更迅速的实时监控:实时获取URL在搜索引擎中的排名情况。
  2. 更快的数据驱动的决策:根据排名数据,做出更加科学的SEO策略调整。
  3. 更方便的进行竞争对手分析:通过比较不同网站的排名,了解市场定位和竞争态势。
  4. 更全面的SEO效果评估:评估SEO工作的效果,及时调整优化方向。

URL 排名 API有多种服务商,本文主要选择的 公司提供的URL 排名 API接口,因此了解更多关于 URL排名请访问API Hub中的API服务详情页。

URL 排名 API 适用于哪些人?

URL 排名 API主要适用于的人群主要有以下几种:

  1. 站长:了解自己网站的排名表现,以便优化和提升。
  2. SEO 专业人员:用于监测和改进客户网站的搜索引擎优化效果。
  3. 市场调研分析人员:分析竞争对手的网站排名,为市场策略提供参考。

使用URL 排名 API是否存在风险?

使用URL 排名 API可能存在数据准确性和API服务商稳定性的风险。确保选择信誉良好的服务商,并定期验证数据的准确性。

URL 排名 API服务商是否安全?

该类API服务商一般都非常安全,请放心使用,毕竟URL 排名查询到的结果本身就是公开的。如果想了解API安全性,请在搜索框输入‘API安全’或‘隐私政策’。



using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class UrlRankApiExample
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var client = new HttpClient();
var url = "";
var payload = new StringContent("", Encoding.UTF8, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, url)
Content = payload
request.Headers.TryAddWithoutValidation("X-Mce-Signature", "AppCode/your_actual_app_code_here");

HttpResponseMessage response = await client.SendAsync(request);
Console.WriteLine(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());


import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

public class UrlRankApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String url = "";
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
// Set parameters as needed

URL obj = new URL(url);
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();

con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
con.setRequestProperty("X-Mce-Signature", "AppCode/your_actual_app_code_here");

// Send post request
con.setDoOutput(true); os = con.getOutputStream();

int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
System.out.println("POST Response Code :: " + responseCode); in = new;
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();

while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {



require 'net/http'
require 'uri'

url = URI("")
http =, url.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request =
request["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
request["X-Mce-Signature"] = "AppCode/your_actual_app_code_here"
request.body = "param1=value1&param2=value2" # Set parameters as needed

response = http.request(request)
puts response.read_body

URL 排名 API 是否有替换方案?


  1. BD_PC端URL排名【站长工具】
  2. BD移动URL排名【站长工具】
  3. 神马前50名信息【站长工具】
  4. 搜狗移动前50名信息【站长工具】
  5. 搜狗PC前50名信息【站长工具】


幂简集成是国内领先的API集成管理平台,专注于为开发者提供全面、高效、易用的API集成解决方案。幂简API平台可以通过以下两种方式找到所需API:通过关键词搜索API(例如,输入’URL排名‘这类品类词,更容易找到结果)、或者从API Hub分类页进入寻找。


Keyword: api集成管理


本文内容主要围绕在 Laravel 5.5 中使用 API 开发的重要步骤,着重介绍如何利用 Laravel 的 API 资源(Resource)和控制器(Controller)进行多因素身份验证(MFA)。尤其强调了利用 Resource::collection 方法简化数据提供过程,以及对比 Fractal 和 Laravel 的资源处理方式。

注:本文受到Laravel创始人Taylor Otwell介绍使用 Laravel5.5 开发API时如何替换 

Fractal 的启发。

1.  安装一个干净的 Laravel 5.5 项目

· 使用 Composer 命令 composer create-project laravel/laravel responses dev-develop 来创建一个 Laravel 5.5 项目。这个命令会从 Laravel 官方的存储库中下载最新版本的 Laravel 5.5 代码并安装到名为 “responses” 的文件夹中。

· cd responses: 进入到新创建的 “responses” 文件夹中。

· touch database/database.sqlite: 创建一个 SQLite 数据库文件,用于存储数据。

php artisan make:model Post -mf: 创建一个名为 “Post” 的 Eloquent 模型,并生成相应的迁移文件和工厂。

· php artisan make:resource UsersWithPostsResource: 创建一个名为 “UsersWithPostsResource” 的资源类,用于对用户及其posts进行处理。

· php artisan make:resource PostsResource: 创建一个名为 “PostsResource” 的资源类,用于对posts进行处理。

· php artisan make:controller UsersController –resource: 创建一个名为 “UsersController” 的控制器,添加了 CRUD(创建、读取、更新、删除)操作的资源路由。

· 修改 .env 文件,使用 SQLite 数据库,并删除其他数据库相关的变量。

· 添加或修改 DB_CONNECTION=sqlite 来指定 Laravel 使用 SQLite 作为数据库连接。

这些步骤旨在建立一个基本的 Laravel 5.5 项目,并做了一些初始化设置,包括创建模型、资源类和控制器,并配置使用 SQLite 作为数据库。

2.  准备数据库

·posts迁移 database/migrations/______create_posts_table.php

Schema::create('posts', function (Blueprint $table) {

这涉及创建posts模型的数据库表结构。在 database/migrations 目录下的create_posts_table.php 的文件,定义了posts表的字段和结构。这个文件包含了使用 Laravel 的迁移(Migration)功能创建数据库表的代码。

· posts工厂database/factories/PostFactory.php

use FakerGenerator as Faker;
function (Faker $faker) {
return [
'title' => $faker->sentence,
'body' => $faker->paragraph,
'user_id' => function () {
return factory(AppUser::class);

这一步骤是为了创建一个posts的工厂,用于生成测试数据或者用于种子数据填充。在 database/factories 目录下的 PostFactory.php 文件中,你会定义创建posts模型时所用的数据格式和规则。

· 用户拥有posts的关系 app/User.php

public function posts(){return $this->hasMany(Post::class);}

这是在用户模型(User)中定义与posts模型的关系。也就是在 app 目录下的 User.php 文件中,你会定义用户和posts之间的关联关系,比如一对多关系(一个用户有多个posts)或其他关系。

· 避免批量赋值 app/Post.php

namespace App;
use IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel;

class Post extends Model{protected $guarded = [];}

在 app 目录下的 Post.php 文件中,通常会有一个模型类,即posts模型(Post)。避免批量赋值是指使用 Laravel 的属性来指定哪些字段可以被批量赋值,以防止不受控制的数据注入。

· 播种数据库

artisan migrate:freshphp artisan
factory(AppPost::class)->times(2)->create(['user_id' => 1]);

数据库种子用于向数据库中填充测试数据或初始数据。这是在开发或测试阶段常用的操作,可以使用 Laravel 的 Seeder 来填充数据库表,确保数据库中有一些初始数据可用于开发和测试。

3.  设置路由

Route::apiResource('/users', 'UsersController');

4.  重命名资源(修复遗留问题)

之前创建了一个名为 UsersWithPostsResource 的资源。让我们将其重命名为 UsersResource,并了解如何在以下步骤中重用它。

5.  在控制器内使用API资源


* Display a listing of the resource.
* @param User $user
* @return IlluminateHttpResponse
public function index(User $user)
return UsersResource::collection($user->with('posts')->paginate());
// If you don't want to include the relationship in your response, don't use with()
// return UsersResource::collection($user->paginate());

静态 collection 方法将采用要转换的记录集合,并确保为每个记录实例化一个新的UsersResource

6.  UsersResource类


namespace AppHttpResources;

use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResource;

class UsersResource extends Resource
* Transform the resource into an array.
* @param IlluminateHttpRequest
* @return array
public function toArray($request)
return [
'name' => $this->name,
'email' => $this->email,
'posts' => PostsResource::collection($this->whenLoaded('posts'))


Resource 中,可以通过 $this 直接访问模型的属性。这个神奇的功能是通过 DelegatesToResource trait 在基础资源类中实现的。简单来说,这意味着资源类中可以直接使用 $this->attributeName 的方式访问模型中的属性,而不必每次都通过模型实例去获取属性。

能够在资源类中进行关系的转换,但是有条件:如果数据是可用的(已经预加载),就可以进行转换;如果数据尚未加载,可以选择忽略这个转换。这样做有利于避免 N+1 查询问题(在获取关联数据时出现的效率问题),同时可以使用单个资源类处理不同的情况。如果关联数据不可用,资源类会忽略它;反之,如果可用,资源类会将其包含在返回的数据中。

7.  Posts Resource


namespace AppHttpResources;

use IlluminateHttpResourcesJsonResource;

class PostsResource extends Resource
* Transform the resource into an array.
* @param IlluminateHttpRequest
* @return array
public function toArray($request)
return [
'title' => $this->title,
'body' => $this->body


本文着重于学习如何使用 Resource::collection 而不是手动实例化类,并将关系数据的提供(或不提供)责任委托给控制器。通过在控制器中简单地移除 with(‘posts’),API 将不再在响应中包含每个用户的posts数据。

2.对比 Fractal 和 Laravel 的资源
本文提到 Fractal 在转换层(Transformer)提供了默认和可用的包含(includes)功能,但是 Laravel 的原生 API 资源更倾向于让控制器处理这个逻辑。毕竟,控制器的工作是理解请求。这暗示着对于数据包含的处理,Laravel 更多地依赖于控制器层面的逻辑,而不是在资源转换层实现。

总体而言,本文聚焦于利用 Laravel 中的 Resource::collection,并强调控制器对于处理数据关系包含的重要性。


First impressions on Laravel API Resources | HackerNoon

具有嵌套关系的可重用 API 资源 — Laravel 5.5 |由 Marco Aurélio Deleu | |中等 (


My Baleaf review is a long time coming. I have been wearing Baleaf leggings and shorts, almost exclusively for two years now. (Proof in the pictures below!) I have featured Baleaf in many blog posts, like My Favorite Workout Clothes, How To Style Sweatpants, What To Pack For Bali, and The Most Flattering Women’s Shorts. But you may not have noticed them, and I can’t have you miss out on these inexpensive, high-quality goodies. I know, I know, I am not particularly budget conscious with my recommendations. I am all about the best, but sometimes the best just happens to be inexpensive. And that requires some hoopla.

What is Baleaf Sportswear?

Baleaf creates simple, yet versatile workout wear at insanely low prices (most everything is under $40) that can be worn for numerous sports and activities. It was founded in China, and the creator, Lefee Xu’s ethos was and continues to be simple: “meet the needs of the ever changing sports industry with professional yet affordable designs so that everyone has access to quality gear.”

Fun fact: Baleaf stands for, Balance Active Life with Ease and Attraction through Free-flowing ideas.

Even more fun, Baleaf has recently made a push towards being more sustainable and lowering its environmental impact. As part of this, they’ve started using materials made of recyclable and biodegradable materials in some of their products.  Most recently, they launched a line that uses a nylon material made out of recycled fishing nets and a polyester material made out of recycled plastic bottles. For every ton of nets used to make the fabric, Baleaf saves seven barrels of crude oil, while every ton of plastic bottles used saves 8,000 gallons of water, according to the company. To ensure they’re meeting international guidelines for recyclable materials, they received the Global Recycle Standard (GRS) certification and work to follow its criteria.

I tried these shorts made from Baleaf’s modal wood pulp biodegradable material, and can attest the material is absolutely scrumptious! And this style is so well made. Just size up on these. I got the small, and since they have a lower waist it cuts into my flesh. I will exchange for a medium shortly.


Best Running Shorts with Phone Pocket

Baleaf makes the best running shorts with a phone pocket. Obviously, the price point is unbeatable, or should I say unbelievable. These shorts are better quality than biker shorts four times their price — seriously. And they are one of the few biker shorts, or in my case, running shorts with pockets that actually hold your phone in place. These shorts are versatile, comfortable, and flattering.  They are super stretchy, but hold you in. They wash beautifully, don’t pill, and resist odor. I wear my shorts many times in a row. I just hang them on the door (versus crumbling them up) after a run to prevent bacteria build up and they are good to go for the next day.

I’m not done raving, stay with me. These biker shorts with a phone pocket (I love pockets so much!) come in at least 10 different colors, different hem lengths, and go from XS to XXL. You can choose from a 5, 7, or 8-inch inseam. I believe every single woman should own these, and that includes you. Yes, you. I own five pairs: black, blue, and burgundy in different length inseams.

Best Running Leggings with Phone Pocket

Baleaf has multiple options of running leggings with phone pockets, from thermal leggings for winter wear to lightweight leggings for summer. They are fantastically comfortable and flattering. Also, all 8 pairs of my Baleaf leggings have minimal to no crotch folds, which is essential. Most low-price leggings of any kind, and sometimes even higher-priced leggings, tend to create the dreaded camel toe. Whenever I put any pant on myself or my clients, I zero in on the crotch. As I say to my clients, “It’s all about the crotch.”

I also wanted to point out that some expensive leggings with pockets, like my beloved Lululemon Fast and Free tights, have flimsy pockets. When I’m on a run in my Lululemon tights, I constantly feel like my heavy-ass new iPhone is going to pop out of the pocket and onto the ground. I never feel this insecurity with Baleaf leggings or shorts. The Baleaf leggings are super stretchy, which sometimes coincides with weak material, but they have strong compression too. This means the pant has a solid hold on my curves and my phone. When you try them on and jump up and down you will understand what I mean. These pants really care about your phone’s safety.

Tip: My absolute current favorite Baleaf leggings right now are the lightweight leopard leggings pictured above and below. The combination of comfort, utility, and style makes my fashion heart combust. The crotch is also utter perfection! Perfection I tell you! I am beside myself with delight.

Baleaf Review: Workout Tops

I have handfuls of Baleaf leggings and biker shorts, but I only have one Baleaf top, which I adore: the flyleaf crew neck crop top. Since I have only tried one of their tops, I don’t feel comfortable reviewing them yet. I can only tell you what they offer: a lot of basic options in line with their ethos of versatility. In particular, I think you will be interested in their numerous UPF tops in plentiful colors. My fair-skinned clients are always asking for UPF options.

Baleaf Review: Which Size Should I Get?

Baleaf pants and shorts run true to size. I am 5’4″, size 4/6, 126 pounds and I wear a size small in all their bottoms. I sized up on the crop top because it looked small on the model, and thank goodness I did. The size medium top fits me like a glove without squeezing my fat. When in doubt, order two sizes. If you don’t want to deal with that, just order your usual size. Their items are so stretchy, you should be fine.

This post is sponsored by my beloved Baleaf.

Blue leopard leggings outfit and burgundy biker shorts outfit were photographed by Dayley Photography.


3 Outfits With Dad Sandals

November 27, 2024 | News | No Comments

Dad sandals (or, are they futuristic sandals?) are not for everyone — or, are they? I get compliments on my dad sandals everywhere they go. Their comfort is obvious. Their versatility is not, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. The cool thing about futuristic dad sandals is their ability to veer from uber casual (ie: my Fila shorts look) to structured (ie: my lavender pant look). Here are three ways to wear dad sandals that make sense for most women. Which look is your favorite?

Tip: The Heda FitFlop sandal featured in this post is on major sale right now. Make sure you order a full size down from your normal size as they run BIG. 

How To Wear Dad Sandals With A Dress

The key to pairing dad sandals with a dress is focusing on a color in the shoe. To make it simple, stick with a solid colored dress that is not too lightweight and not too formal, like my off-white linen blend Joie dress. If you wear something too skimpy, it makes your feet look big. If you wear something too formal, it just doesn’t make sense. It is still a casual sandal after all, but in the right environment, you could pair this shoe with a structured dress, like a shirt dress, and wear it to the office.


How To Wear Dad Sandals Casually

I think we all know that funky sandals are intended for casual wear, so this one is a bit easier for most. First, look at the color of the shoe. My Heda FitFlops are off-white and muted lavender. Both of these colors are lighter in nature, so you can easily pair them with medium to light wash jean shorts. (A darker sandal would be paired with a darker denim). You can also wear them with any kind of workout wear, which is what I have done here. I am fixated on that gorgeous lavender shade, so I just popped the term “lavender” into the search bar of and perused all the casual clothing in that shade. I ended up finding this delicious Madewell shirt that I can’t stop wearing, and these fun Fila shorts.

How To Wear Dad Sandals With Pants

My futuristic dad sandals are nice and low at the ankle, so basically any ankle length pant works for them. (Here is my FAVORITE ankle length jean right now — it’s so comfortable! Order a size down.) For futuristic sandals that reach higher up the leg, pair them with a more cropped pant. If you want a more cutting edge look, pair them with cropped wide leg pants. The bulk of this shoe pairs nicely with the heavier silhouette of a wider pant. FYI, I am eyeing these Frame High Waist Crop Wide Leg Jeans.

To summarize, when creating outfits with dad sandals, simply pair them with solid-colored garments or simple prints that echo the color palette of the shoe.

Photos by Dayley Photography

Keyword: Purey Clothing


Machinists often utilize CNC machine coolant to mitigate the effects of overheating on the cutting tool or materials during the CNC machining process. These coolants are effective as lubricants and cooling mechanisms and aid chip removal.

This article discusses how CNC coolant works, and its delivery technique. You will also learn about the importance of coolants in a CNC machine, types, and more. Let’s get to it!


What is CNC Coolant?

How Do Coolant Systems Work?

Various Coolant Delivery in CNC Machines

Types of CNC Machining Coolants

Understanding CNC Machine Coolant Concentration

Water-Based Cutting Fluids vs. High-Pressure CNC Coolants



What is CNC Coolant?

CNC coolant or cutting fluid is an industrial fluid commonly used in metal cutting operations for improved efficiency. CNC machining coolant comprises special chemical additives formulated through scientific compound concentration. Its primary elements include animal fat, water, petroleum distillate, vegetable oil, and other raw materials.

These coolants improve the CNC machines’ capability to cut materials such as high-density plastics, fiberglass, and metals while reducing high-temperature build-up.

How Do Coolant Systems Work?

A CNC machine coolant mixture flows over the work area during the CNC machining operations. The coolant washes chips and particles from the work area like a flood. Then it flows into the sump at the machine’s bottom, where you must pump and recirculate it to the work area for continuous use.

The coolant cools the workpiece when machining at high speeds and lubricates the cutting tool at low speeds. Therefore, the CNC coolant increases the cutting tool’s lifespan by protecting it from corrosion and safeguarding the workpiece from deformation. To ensure peak performance, you must monitor, maintain, and adjust central and single CNC machine coolant systems.

However, a small coolant system uses a less effective component for its oil separation and filtration, resulting in consistent changes and greater variation in concentration levels. So, using coolants less susceptible to contamination from shavings in small systems would be best.

Various Coolant Delivery in CNC Machines

Different CNC machines make use of coolants with varying properties and pressure. Hence, choosing your CNC machine’s ideal coolant delivery mechanism is essential. Failure to choose the appropriate amount can cause quick exhaustion of the workshop’s resources, while the wrong pressure can damage the workpiece or the CNC cutting tools. Here are some of the common types of coolant delivery in CNC machines:

Mist Cooling Mechanism

This coolant delivery method uses a low pressure suitable for operations where heat and chip removal is not a primary concern. As such, mist cooling doesn’t subject the tool and the workpiece to additional stresses since high pressure is not applied.

Air Cooling Mechanism

The air cooling technique is not ideal for lubricity purposes but helps to reduce heat and extract chips. Air cooling delivery is less effective because it doesn’t contain oil or water-based coolant.

Moreover, the air cooling mechanism is ideal for direct contact with a workpiece when dealing with more sensitive materials. However, it is suitable for plastic materials susceptible to thermal shock or rapid expansion because direct coolant often leads to contraction in the part.

Minimum Quality Lubricant (MQL) Mechanism

The priority of each CNC shop is to achieve a competitive edge by improving workshop efficiency, increasing production, and reducing costs. As a result, CNC shops often resort to MQL due to its environmental benefits.

MQL mechanism reduces cost and material wastage by using the required amount of coolant. They are usually in a very fine mist or aerosol form, providing adequate coolant to execute a defined operation effectively.

High Pressure Mechanism

High-pressure CNC machine coolant delivery uses pressure greater than 1,000 psi to remove the chip during machining operations. This method is ideal for extracting and draining chips as it blows the chip away from the material.

The pressure used in this method may damage a micro-diameter tool even though it can cool the part quickly and effectively. Hence, this method is compatible with CNC drilling or deep cavity operations and easily transported using the coolant or built-in coolant tank.

Types of CNC Machining Coolants

Machining coolants are in four major categories with their respective formulations. However, it would help to choose a coolant based on its efficiency and comprehensive performance, considering the material and machining process involved. Below are the common types of machine coolant.

Synthetic Fluids

These coolants are the cleanest because they do not contain petroleum or mineral oil. Synthetic fluids comprise rust inhibitors and chemical lubricants that break down in water. These fluids are mixed with water to produce a metalworking fluid. Therefore, these CNC coolants possess high cooling capacity, corrosion prevention, easy maintenance, and lubricity.

Moreover, synthetic fluids are primarily employed in high-heat, high-velocity machining processes like surface grinding because of their excellent cooling capacity. Heavy-duty synthetic fluids are ideal for handling several machining operations.

Synthetics are categorized as simple and complex or emulsifiable synthetics depending on their composition. Simple synthetics or true solutions are commonly used for light-duty grinding. On the other hand, complex synthetic concentrates contain synthetic fluids suitable for moderate to heavy-duty machining procedures. More importantly, complex synthetic lubricants allow high speeds and feed in machining operations.


  • Synthetic fluids exhibit high microbial control and excellent resistance to rancidity.
  • These lubricants provide excellent resistance to corrosion and high cooling capability.
  • They offer greater stability after mixing with water.
  • Synthetics allow easy maintenance because they are clean and suitable for various machining operations.


  • Machine fluids, such as lubricating oils, can contaminate synthetic fluids easily. Hence, you have to manage and maintain these fluids effectively.
  • Synthetics generate fine mists or foam due to moderate to high agitation conditions, even though they are less vulnerable to issues related to oil-based fluids.

Semi-Synthetic Fluids

Semi-synthetics are a hybrid of synthetics (polymer) and soluble oils. These fluids contain about 2-30% of mineral or petroleum oil in a water-dilatable concentration. The remaining percentage of a semi-synthetic fluid consists of water and emulsifiers. Other elements in the concentrate include biocide additives, wetting agents, and corrosion inhibitors. They are commonly referred to as performed chemical emulsions because water is its primary ingredient and emulsifies with water during the concentrate’s production.

These semi-synthetic fluids are usually translucent. However, their properties can vary from slightly translucent to opaque. Additionally, many of these semi-synthetics have good heat sensitivity. Hence, semi-synthetic oil molecules surround the cutting tool, ensuring better lubricity.


  • They are excellent lubricants for moderate to heavy-duty applications.
  • Semi-synthetic fluids allow cutting at faster feed rates and higher speeds due to their remarkable wetting and cooling properties.
  • These fluids possess low viscosity, allowing better settling and cleaning properties.


  • Water hardness impairs the stability of semi-synthetic fluids causing hard water scum deposits.
  • These fluids foam easily because their cleaning additives provide less lubrication than soluble oils.

Straight Oil

These oils are obtained from petroleum, mineral oil, animal, and other elements like compounds, vegetables, and fats. These straight oils sometimes contain other ingredients, such as phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine additives. Straight oils are usually insoluble in water and provide the best lubrication, rust prevention, better sump life, and easy maintenance.

Since bacteria will only thrive in fluids with water content, straight oils do not sour. These oils lessen the force produced as the cutting tool cuts the material, making clean cuts to ensure a smooth surface finish on the workpiece.


  • Straight oil offers good lubricity and reduces friction in machining operations.
  • They ensure excellent finishes and minimize tool wear and tear.
  • These oils are often affordable and have high compatibility with several materials like bronze, steel, and iron, commonly used in machinery and equipment.


  • Straight oils have poor cooling performance.
  • They usually require higher maintenance and oil changes due to their high degradation properties.
  • These oils are not ideal for specific high-performance applications.
  • Straight oils exhibit adverse environmental impact if not properly disposed of.

Soluble Oils

Soluble oils, also known as emulsions or water-soluble oils, are excellent coolant choices for general machining purposes and are commonly used amongst water-soluble cutting fluids. Water-soluble oils often create emulsions when mixed with water. The result of the mixture comprises the base mineral oil and the emulsion to create metalworking fluid. It performs well in diluted form and offers excellent lubricity and heat transfer performance.

Soluble oils are cheap and commonly used in the metalworking industry. They comprise 60-90% petroleum, emulsifiers, or mineral oil and adhere to the workpiece during machining. It is ideal for lubrication and offers excellent rust resistance when mixed with a specific amount of rust inhibitor.


  • These oils facilitate better cooling and lubrication because of the water and oil blend.
  • Soluble oils are multipurpose and are ideal for light and medium-duty operations, including various ferrous and nonferrous applications.
  • You may accompany operations such as tapping and broaching handled with straight oils using heavy-duty soluble oils.


  • The coolant tank encourages microbial growth of bacteria and fungi when improperly maintained.
  • Oil in the mixture results in rust control problems, evaporation losses, and tramp oil contamination.

Understanding CNC Machine Coolant Concentration

Applying the wrong coolant concentration in your CNC machine can lead to several complications. Therefore, it is essential to understand how to use the appropriate CNC machine coolant ratio to achieve the best results. Certain risks are associated with applying coolant concentration lower than the minimum requirements of the CNC machine. These include:

  • Microbial growth
  • Faster wear-out of cutting tools
  • Corrosions of parts and machinery

On the other hand, risks caused by excessive coolant concentration include:

  • Foaming
  • Toxicity
  • Concentrated wastage
  • Reduced heat conduction
  • Poor lubrication
  • Discoloration of machinery and machined parts
  • Degradation of tools due to residue build-up

CNC Coolant Concentration Chart

Below is a coolant concentration chart containing variations in the CNC coolant concentration levels:

Material Milling Turning Drilling Tapping Copper Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Aluminum Mineral oil or soluble oil (with 96% water) Mineral oil with soluble oil (or) 10%  fat Soluble oil (with 70-90% water) Mineral oil mixed with 25% based oil Bronze Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Mineral oil with 30% lard Low Carbon and Tool Steel Soluble oil 75% mineral with and 25% lard oil Soluble oil Mineral oil with 25%-40% lard oil Malleable Iron Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Soluble oil Alloy Steels 90% mineral oil with 10% lard oil 75% mineral oil with 25% sulfur base oil Soluble oil 70% mineral oil with 30% lard oil Brass Soluble oil (with 96% water content) Mineral oil with 10% fat Soluble oil Mineral oil with 10% – 20% lard oil Cast Iron Dry Dry Dry 25% lard oil with 80% mineral oil or dry

Water-Based Cutting Fluids vs. High-Pressure CNC Coolants

Water-based cutting fluids and high-pressure CNC machine coolants are common in metalworking processes. These fluids are efficient in lubricating cutting tools and materials.

Water-based fluids have excellent heat dissipation properties and lubricity. They are generally environmental-friendly and cost-effective alternatives to high-pressure machine coolants. However, water-based coolants are vulnerable to bacterial growth and can encourage corrosion in certain metals.

Meanwhile, it would help to invest in a system that can increase speeds and feeds, improve tool life, and prevent problems with chip control if your machine works with high-pressure CNC coolants. As a result, high-pressure CNC coolant boosts productivity significantly. You could experience above 1,000 psi pressures vital for tapping and deep-hole drilling operations.

However, high-pressure CNC coolants are costly and require high maintenance to ensure optimal functionality. Additionally, these systems require skills to ensure safe and efficient operation.


Coolants for CNC machines help achieve optimal efficiency in a CNC shop. These coolants help reduce heat build-up, lubricate the cutting tool, and prevent discoloration and failure in machining processes such as CNC milling, turning, or drilling.

Do not hesitate to contact us at WayKen whenever you need the help of professionals in determining the ideal lubricant type and pressure for your CNC machines. We are a one-stop CNC shop for all your manufacturing needs, we offer you reliable and professional CNC machining services.


When is the right time to change a CNC machine coolant?

Various factors often influence the interval you need to change your machine coolant. You must consider the machined material, coolant type, and operating condition of the CNC machine. However, most CNC machine makers recommend every 6-12 months as a general rule of thumb.

How do I kill bacteria in CNC machining coolant?

You can prevent or stop bacterial growth in coolant for CNC machines by injecting ozone directly into the coolant. It kills viruses, yield, bacteria, or molds and eliminates coolant sump odors.

What causes foaming in a CNC coolant?

The lack of minerals in the water supply is a primary cause of foaming in coolants. However, checking the water’s hardness using Hardness Testing Sticks is advisable.


The Top 4 Benefits of Low-Volume Manufacturing

November 27, 2024 | News | No Comments

The world of product design continues to undergo some fundamental and even revolutionary changes. Product lifespans are getting shorter and so is the expected time to market. As a result, product developers are moving away from mass production and towards the world of low-volume manufacturing.

What Is Low-Volume Manufacturing?

Low-volume manufacturing involves the production of 50 to 100,000 parts, acting as a bridge between one-off prototyping and full volume production. Here we want to explain some of the unique advantages that this service can provide to you.

The Top 4 Benefits Of Low-Volume Manufacturing

Low-volume manufacturing saves you money

Most people think it’s obvious that manufacturing costs per unit will go down as volumes go up. So if you want to make cheap parts, you should make more of them, right? Not necessarily. If you’re going to mass produce parts – especially for pressure die casting or injection molding – then you must make a larger investment in more expensive tool steel, which in turn needs to be hardened and heat treated more carefully to withstand the rigors of large-scale production.

With this in mind, low-volume manufacturing up to 100K pcs may be a great way for you to avoid a large investment while still producing high-quality parts. If the tool steel doesn’t need to be so durable then it will be more economical for you to purchase and faster for us to heat treat and machine. And, if your tool wears out during production and you need to have another one made, we do that at no extra charge!

By comparison, when a factory is set up for large-scale production it carries a massive inventory of raw materials and equipment. To cover their investment, they usually ask you to place a large minimum order quantity. But a specialist in low-volume manufacturing doesn’t carry the same amount of overhead so we can process orders faster and more economically without demanding any minimum order.

Low-volume manufacturing ensures a faster time to market

As you know, the pace of technological change is increasing all the time and with it the constant demand to innovate. This puts product developers under very real pressure to create new designs or modify existing ones and get them distributed as soon as possible.

Being the first to market can be the difference between success and failure. Low-volume manufacturing is the ideal way for you to make enough volume to be sellable without creating an unsustainable burden of inventory. In addition, with optimized supply chains for low volumes, the lead times are short with parts ready to go in a matter of days or weeks – not months – so you’ll have a quicker route to market.

Low-volume manufacturing gives you design flexibility

During production, you may find some aspect of the design that you want to modify. Low-volume manufacturing lets you make those changes without greatly impacting the total order.

Low-volume provides an option for bridge production

Another benefit of low-volume manufacturing is that it provides a way for you to scale up to eventual full-scale production. That’s why it’s sometimes known as bridge production or bridge tooling. As volumes progressively increase, you have an opportunity to streamline best practices to achieve further cost savings while improving product quality.

How To Get Started On Your Next Low-Volume Project

As we race into the future the value that low-volume manufacturing brings to our customers will continue to grow. We know that low-volume manufacturing will increase in popularity as product life cycles become shorter and markets become more demanding. Learn more about the low-volume manufacturing facilities at Star Rapid or contact our team for a quote. Our engineers are ready to support you through the process.

Related posts:

  1. What is G-Code, How Does it Work, and Why is it Important For Your Parts?
  2. How Pressure Affects Your Plastic Injection Molded Parts
  3. From Prototypes to Product Launch: Questions to Consider
  4. Is Aluminum Tooling Dead?

Keyword: cnc turning




简单来说,API经济是一种基于 开放API 的商业模式和生态系统,通过API的开放性和互联性,促进不同系统、平台、服务和设备之间的连接与交互。








  • AI技术类企业,基本都是创新业务,还属于圈用户阶段,所以大部分都提供免费API的使用方式,以有条件免费使用为主流。
  • 生活服务、内容和知识,基本都是信息库的开放API接口,属于公共资源的二次开放,所以完全免费的比较多。
  • 电子商务,基本都是大平台提供出来的接口,为的就是生态建设,所以它们也以完全免费为主。
  • 网站运营,基本都是免费试用比较多,这类企业都围绕几大搜索引擎、几大用户社区开展业务,属于增值类产品,有一定的技术含量或业务壁垒。



  • 平台类商业模式、生态类商业模式、供应链的核心企业:都需要提供完全免费的API接口,鼓励更多的参与者加入,而不是设置门槛。
  • 特有资源类商业模式:大多采用免费试用模式,因为资源的稀缺性、权威性,这类资源能够很快变现。
  • 增值类商业模式:这类企业大多围绕核心企业、营销创收类场景展开,都具有一定的刚需性,也大多采用免费试用模式。
  • 非核心业务:创新的服务,还不是企业的核心业务,为了防止出现行业老大,一般都会采用有限免费模式,把中小企业、创新企业都覆盖,大型企业通过直销去覆盖。











  • 自己的商业模式,或者说商业目的
  • 业务类型,同行的行为会影响你的选择
  • 营销策略,说白了就是差不差钱与商业目的的问题
  • 定价策略,太过复杂的定价策略,反而影响了‘免费’的效果



Product Description

H1800 Full Automatic Hydraulic Hydraform Concrete Cement Hollow Block Making Machine
1. Particular storage and description material system insure the feeding accuracy and avoiding the effect of exterior material. So the products have high density.

2. Adopting synchronization vibration insures the products making average. The frequency can change according to different technics. Low frequency in feeding material, high frequency vibration makes the different material to have a optimal vibration way.

The computer is of fault diagnosis system. Warning signal is propitious to eliminate the fault. Combine with long-distance controlling system, it can achieve scrutiny, controlling, diagnosis

3. PLC intelligent control: Man-machine interface, control system equipped with complete logic control, production program, malfunction diagnosis system and remote control function. So it doesn’t need a professional person but only need a simple training to the operator.

4. It produces various bricks/blocks including color-face bricks (layered material feeding),through-body tiles,lock linkage blocks, road curb bricks, hydraulic blocks,hollow blocks, perforated bricks, and standard bricks etc.

Technical Parameter

Model H1800
Host Machine Size 5800x1960x3100mm
Pallet Size 960x850mm
Vibration form Platform vibration
Vibration frequency 3000-5200r/min
Molding Time 15-20s
Host machine power 55.5Kw


Product Advantages

Block Sample

Our Customer


If you want to know more details about concrete block machine, please feel free to contact me. 

