Ilhan Omar and Stephen Colbert Smear Stephen Miller As a ‘White Nationalist’ | Breitbart

Home / Ilhan Omar and Stephen Colbert Smear Stephen Miller As a ‘White Nationalist’ | Breitbart

Far-left Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar appeared on CBS’ Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Wednesday evening, and the pair once again smeared White House adviser Stephen Miller as a “white nationalist.”

During her interview, Ilhan Omar complained about the “double standard” of people criticizing her anti-semitic rhetoric, rather than the hosts of Fox & Friends who she claims “actually say those words.”

“They actually said that I might not be an American, that my loyalties might not be to this country, but I get called out,” Omar said. “They don’t. They get to keep their show.”

“I would say that goes as far as me too,” Colbert responded. “When I heard that you had said you believe Stephen Miller is a white nationalist, and you got a lot of heat for that, I thought haven’t I said that? Don’t’ we make joke about that all the time on this show?”

Earlier this week, Omar posted a tweet that read, “Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. The fact that he still has an influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage.”

The remark was widely criticized, with people pointing out that Miller is Jewish, while white nationalists hold vehement anti-semitic views.

“You see this outrage when I speak the truth,” Omar told Colbert. “Everybody else’s truth is allowed, but my truth can never be.”

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