Who Leaked—And Why—the Dozens of Questions Mueller Wants to Ask Trump?
September 20, 2020 | News | No Comments
Did Trump’s own legal team leak the questions that the president is so upset about on Tuesday morning?
While it appeared that perhaps nobody ever told President Donald Trump the old adage of the cover up being worse than the crime, the president on Tuesday morning announced, “It would seem very hard to obstruct justice for a crime that never happened!”
Capping the early-morning tweet off with his favorite new word—”Witchhunt!”—the statement follows reporting by the New York Times on Monday evening which revealed “more than four dozen questions” Special Counsel Robert Mueller had told Trump’s legal team it would like to ask Trump.
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Read the full list of questions here.
As the Times reports:
According to the Times‘ Matt Appuzzo and Michael S. Schmidt, the list of questions “show the special counsel’s focus on obstruction of justice and touch on some surprising other areas.”
Appearing on the Rachel Maddow Show late Monday, Schmidt offered some of the background on the questions and how they materialized:
While the actual substance of the questions appeared to surprise few people who’ve followed the case closely, notable about the emergence of the questions, was the source of the leak. In an earlier tweet by Trump on Tuesday morning, the president called it “disgraceful” they had been leaked to the press.
But so far, all indications suggest that it was likely not Mueller’s office, but a member of Trump’s own legal team, or an associate, that disclosed the questions to the Times.